How to Boost Usability of a WordPress Website- Tips & Tricks

Wordpress Tips

The main reason why WordPress is currently managing about 28 percent of all content on the Internet is due to the fact that it has an incredibly beginner-friendly learning curve. This is mostly due to the fact that it allows you to design a website without having to actively learn how to code. However, learning how to use the basics and knowing how to get the most out of your WordPress website’s potential is not the one and the same thing. With this in mind and without further ado, here are a couple of tips you might find particularly useful.

1. Lightweight theme for ultimate responsiveness

The first thing you need to put your mind to when designing a website is its responsiveness. Broad online audiences expect your website to load within two seconds and get seriously frustrated when it fails to do so. According to one survey, it takes only 4 seconds of non-responsiveness in order for your website to lose about one-quarter of all its visitors. In order to avoid this happening, you need to look for a lightweight WordPress theme. Recognizing it is quite easy since it has to A) appear minimalistic, B) be HTML code optimized and C) have a small size of the theme files. While there are some exceptions to these three rules, they usually hold true.

2. Eliminate unnecessary plugins

WordPress Tips and Tricks

While each plugin you use may add a new function to your website, install too many and you will see a significant decline in your website’s functionality. Due to the fact that each of them requires an additional HTTP request, this will slow down your website’s load time and in this way cause a problem discussed in the previous section. Furthermore, more plugins require more maintenance, which is yet another reason why you should prioritize when it comes to your website’s third-party software selection.

3. Find the right host

The next thing you need to keep in mind is that not everything is up to you. Finding a host who can’t deliver on their promise of speed and uptime can land a devastating blow to a struggling young enterprise. Therefore, you need to keep both your eyes open when looking for the right cPanel hosting option. As for the other features you need to focus on, the uptime (at least 99.99 percent of the time), decent monthly traffic (at least 50 GB) and 24/7 web support are a bare minimum.

4. Keep it simple

Throughout this article, we argued just how important it is to keep your website fast and functional. However, keeping its design simple gives you a boost to the overall CX (customer experience), as well. For instance, a more intuitive navigation means that your audience will have an easier time finding their way around your domain, however, it also means that your website might get indexed sooner.

Additionally, a simple check out system means a significantly lower shopping cart abandonment rate (provided that you have an e-commerce website). Finally, a transparent CTA (call-to-action) button could lead to a lower bounce rate, not to mention that more whitespace also boosts the readability of your content by quite a bit. All of these perks boost your SEO rank and your overall standing in the digital environment.

5. Image optimization

At the end of the day, in order to make your content more appealing, you need to add the right images to it. Since the human brain registers about 90 percent of all information it receives visually, the choice of an adequate image is more than important. However, what matters the most is that the image is well-optimized for your website, especially today, where people are likely to access it through various devices. As for the way in which to go about this, the choice is yours. Some decide to do so manually, while others prefer turning to plugins and completely automating this process.

At the end of the day, sometimes, in order to get more out of your website, you need to add less. Still, going with the minimalist approach doesn’t mean that you should leave your website virtually empty. There is a fine line between creating a beautiful minimalist web design and displaying a lack of care for your website’s appearance. Needless to say, while you should favor functionality above the aesthetics, you can’t afford to neglect the looks either. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t; yet in the world of web design, these are some of the choices you will just have to learn how to live with.

Author Bio:

Raul- Technivorz

My name is Raul and I am editor in chief at Technivorz blog. I have a lot to say about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing. Please take a minute to connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.



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How To Start a Lifestyle Blog- Simple Steps & Recommendations

how to start a successful lifestyle blog

Although my blog revolves heavily around digital marketing, it also focuses on my experiences, successes and failures in this industry and ultimately the lifestyle that comes with it, which inspired me to write this post.

I get questions all the time based around “How To Start a Lifestyle Blog” or “How Can I Start a Successful Lifestyle Blog” etc…

Now “lifestyle” is a broad subject and could mean many different things to many different people…however, starting any type of lifestyle blog will be very similar in terms of taking the first initial steps and coming up with a game plan.

In my opinion this is one of the best blog types to start no matter what niche you operate in.

The reason being is that there are so many people that are looking for tips, demonstrations, strategies, techniques, motivation and leaders to help them progress in life.

And with a lifestyle blog, this is where you can position yourself as an authority figure, and provide valuable content for your readers to gain knowledge from.

Let’s get a little more specific though.

Initial Steps On How To Start a Lifestyle Blog

1.) Sign Up For Web HostingThe first step is to sign up for web hosting. NOTE: It’s important that you do not go with any free blogging platforms if you are at all serious about starting a lifestyle blog. You need full control of your blog and a reputable web hosting company to back you up.  The service I recommend is HostGator and you can sign up here for an extremely low rate (at the time of writing this it’s $3.95 per month).  It’s a no-brainer.

2.) Choose A Domain Name (you will do this right after signing up with HostGator in step #1…see screenshot below): I always recommend using your full name in your domain name if possible, similar to my blog here…and especially if you’re trying to brand yourself as a leader.  Even just your name as the domain is great too, for example: If your blog, brand or idea has nothing to do with your birth name, no problem. Just come up with a catchy domain name that is relative to your niche/blog.  You have complete flexibility with your domain name when joining HostGator, so feel free to brainstorm a bit before settling on anything. Here’s the screen you will see when registering your domain name.

Register A Domain With HostGator

3.) Install WordPress: I’ll save you some time here. Please watch this short video on how to install WordPress: How To Install WordPress

4.) Choose An Engaging Theme For Your Blog: This is a more enjoyable step in a way because now that you have most of the initial technical stuff out of the way, you can begin thinking about the style of your blog. Pick a theme that matches the vision of your website. There are numerous to choose from so don’t rush this process. Instead take your time to pick something that is simple, yet attractive to visitors (don’t try to get too fancy or flashy, some of the best blogs have very simple themes).

Once you’re logged into WordPress, in order to pick your theme, on the left navigation menu go to => “Appearance” and then => “Themes”. 

See screenshot below:

How To Start A Lifestyle Blog


4.) Install Necessary Plugins: I won’t go into too much detail here about WordPress plugins as this post would end up being way too long, however a few important ones that come to mind are highlighted below.  Please do your own research on this step as well:

  • Yoast (SEO Plugin)
  • Wordfence (Security Plugin)
  • W3 Total Cache (Speed & Performance Plugin)

5.) You’re Ready To Start Blogging: With all the above steps out of the way, you are now ready to start blogging. It’s important that you learn some SEO basics for your blog in order to get recognized in the search engines and generate organic, natural and free traffic. It’s also important that you produce consistent content and adopt a long-term strategy/mindset when it comes to your lifestyle blog. Trust me, you will get much better at writing over-time and it can actually become quite addicting. So get out there and start sharing your message with the world!

A Few Final Recommendations for Starting A Successful Lifestyle Blog

1.) Record & Publish What You’re Doing: People love following someone who provides frequent updates on their journey, on what’s working and on what’s not working. Think of your blog as a journal really, and record anything interesting that you think your readers will benefit from. Don’t be afraid to highlight what you’ve struggled with, what you failed at or what you need to work on as well.  This builds more trust, credibility and transparency with your audience.

2.) Show Real-Life Examples: This goes hand in hand with the point above. Most people respond very well to real-life examples. A good technique to accomplish this is by taking actual lifestyle photos and uploading them to your blog, videos, visual screenshots etc.  These connections that you build with your following is what separates you from the thousands of other lifestyle bloggers out there.

3.) Create Massive Value: Again this correlates with the other two points above. The most successful lifestyle blogs I’ve seen on the Internet are the ones who create the most value for their audience. The main goal of your blog should always be to bring as much value to the table as possible. This means, writing in-depth and demonstrative articles, giving away e-books or video courses for free, starting a private Facebook group, answering all your visitor’s questions via email, responding to comments and so much more (these are just off the top of my head).  If you approach each and every blog post with this mindset, the monetary success is sure to follow.

“The main goal of your blog should always be to bring as much value to the table as possible.”

Hopefully, if you’ve stumbled upon this post, you’re a little bit more clear on how to start a lifestyle blog.

Or maybe you’ve already started one but are looking for more tips.

Either way, I hope at least one of these points help you out in your own journey online.

Remember to always be patient as well as consistent.

Learn from your mistakes and build upon your successes.

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to help!

Global Reach- That’s What You Get With Blogging!

Global Reach

So I wasn’t even planning on writing a blog post today but an important topic popped in my head when I heard a song on the radio this morning.

There’s various reasons why I encourage people to start a blog if they’re looking for a legitimate way to build either a part-time or full-time income online.

But one of the main reasons which I don’t touch upon often is that you literally have the power to reach people globally with your very own blog.

Now if you think about that for a second, it’s really quite remarkable.

A blog is something you can work on in the comfort of your own home, at a local coffee shop, sitting under a tree in your backyard and people from all over the world can be reading your content.

It’s pretty amazing when you take a step back and let that sink in.

The Internet has opened up so many opportunities for the average person to not just get started online, but to gain a global following in the process.

Never has there been a time where the possibilities were this wide open.

If you’re in your 20’s like I am (at the time of writing this post at least), our parents didn’t even have this privilege growing up.

Gloabl Reach With Blogging

This picture is above my computer desk to keep my mind open to the possibilities of online business.

To be able to fire up your computer, go online and start plugging away at your business is a complete blessing in my opinion.

And especially when you have no limitations in terms of who you can reach in the world.

I still get blown away when I check my Google Analytics account and see people visiting my blog from so many different parts of the planet.

It really puts things into perspective and gives me even more motivation to continue creating valuable content for my diverse group of readers.

You CAN reach people globally when you harness the power of blogging.

I want to drive this point home.

Because the ones who understand the effectiveness of this, can really start taking advantage of it.

We are currently living in a time like no other, and it would be foolish not to get in on the action while you still can.

Take a few minutes to truly grasp the idea of “Global Reach” and realize that you can have this too with a simple blog or website.

But you must get the ball rolling.

Don’t wait any longer…

Your audience is waiting!

Why You Should Start A Blog? 4 Benefits of Blogging

The Benefits of Blogging

I believe anyone interested in entrepreneurship, internet marketing, working from home, starting an online business etc. should heavily consider starting a blog that they can build either a part-time or full-time business around (yes you can make a full-time living blogging if done correctly).

Why Should You Start A Blog?

There are numerous advantages of running a blog that we’ll briefly touch upon in this post.

However, it does take some initial work to get things up and running.

And it also takes work to maintain and update your blog with fresh content that both the search engines and your visitors will love.Why You Should Start A Blog

If you’re thinking about starting a blog of your own, make sure to set realistic expectations and be in this for the long-term.

Hopefully that didn’t scare too many of you away as now we’re going to get into why you should start a blog and the wonderful benefits it can bring to your life.

Why You Should Start A Blog? 4 Benefits of Blogging

Now this is just a small sample of the benefits that blogging can bring.

There are dozens of other reasons I’m leaving out for the sake of keeping this post short and to the point.

But these are just a few of the main benefits of blogging that come to mind when I think about my own site here.

1.) It’s a Healthy Outlet:

A blog is a healthy and productive way to release stress, thoughts, opinions, ideas, knowledge, or anything that you may not be able to voice in the “real world”. It’s your own platform where you can say whatever you want and write about whatever topic you wish.  This can feel very liberating and is great way to relieve some tension and get your thoughts out rather than keeping them all jumbled up inside.

2.) It’s An Online Asset:

You have to begin looking at blogging as having an online asset that is up 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week and 365 days per year…that is if you pay your hosting fees :).  This thing is constantly working for you in the background when you’re sleeping, out with friends, on the beach, playing golf, eating dinner or anything else.  You have to begin to realize the power and freedom you have with running a blog.  This awareness alone is a game changer and propels you in the right direction.

3.) It Can Produce Extra Money

Let’s face it, extra money never ever hurts and blogging can be a great way to produce an extra income stream and for some people life-changing amounts of income.  There are tons of ways to monetize your blog so that it produces a passive income for you for months and years to come. From affiliate marketing, to launching your own product, to building an email list, to allowing people to advertise on your site, to offering sponsored posts etc….sky is the limit in terms of income and there is no ceiling with blogging.

4.) It Helps Other People

Probably the most satisfaction I get from my own blog (and I know this is the case with many other bloggers) is helping other people succeed or even helping them take the first initial step in getting started.  When you provide your readers with incredible value, everything else with your blog just seems to fall into place.  Of course you still have to do proper SEO work, update your blog with fresh content, monitor any technical issues that crop up and much more…but one of the most important areas to focus on for the overall health and growth of your blog is to help other people by producing valuable content.

I hope this makes things a bit clearer on why you should start a blog and some of the benefits/advantages blogging has compared to other business models.

The biggest hurdle I see in blogging is simply getting started.

If you’re on the fence and are even somewhat interested in starting a blog, I advise you to read this post here.

You can be up and running within a day, no joke.

Do any of these benefits laid out above resonate with you in any way?

Are there other benefits that come to mind when you think about blogging?

Please let me know in the comments section below!

3 Reasons Why Most People Fail At Blogging- Common Blogging Hurdles

Blogging Fails

There’s many reasons why the majority of aspiring bloggers fail to generate the type of results that they would like to.

In this post, I’d like to go over the 3 main reasons that I’ve personally seen prevent people from blogging success.

How To Be A Successful BloggerNo-one said building a successful blog was going to be easy, however it can be done with the right mindset, knowledge and hunger to keep pushing.

It will take hard work, time and a certain level of sacrifice if you’re looking to start a legitimate part-time or even full-time business through blogging.

As appealing as blogging sounds (and is), the unfortunate truth is that most people never make a single dime through their blog or create any kind of consistent traffic.

But why is this so common?

Let’s dive into a few reasons why most people fail at blogging.

3 Common Reasons Most Fail At Blogging

1.) Length of Time Spent- Let’s face it, most humans are lazy by nature and blogging is a long-term approach that takes time to build momentum. One of the biggest reasons I see people fail is because 1.) They expect almost immediate results and 2.) They only stick with blogging for maybe a few weeks to a month tops before “throwing in the towel”.

I cannot stress enough that blogging is a long-term business model and is not something that you’ll see results with in the first few weeks and even the first few months.  It took this very blog you are reading here over 2-3 months to generate its first visits from organic search and then another 3-4 months to make its first sale (which is pretty common if you’re creating a blog from scratch). The truth is 97% of people will already quit at this point.  How many people do you know would keep blogging after 6-7 months when they haven’t seen any results? Not many. However if you’re smart and are following good direction/training, you are not worried about short term gratification but more about what type of freedom a blog can bring you down the road…stay focused on the LONG-TERM!

2.) Not Creating Any Value- One of the most common reasons most beginner bloggers fail is because they are not creating any value for their audience.  An unfortunate but common mindset is “how can I blog and make money” or “how can I make money blogging”…when the successful mindset as a blogger is actually more like “how can I create massive value for my readers that no one else is doing” or “what can I teach that will help my visitors see results for themselves. Of course money is important when it comes to blogging, however if it’s your main goal, your blog will be sure to fail.

I’ve seen many examples of blogs where it is so blatantly obvious that they are just looking to make a sale and only post product reviews, affiliate links, intrusive pop-ups etc. The content of your blog is what gets people interested in the first place and also keeps them coming back.  If you are not creating any value for your readers, you will not see the type of results you would like.

3.) No Consistency- This overlaps a little bit with reason #1, however it’s still worth mentioning as most bloggers get this wrong.  If you ever want your blog to be successful you need to be posting fresh, unique content very consistently for the health and SEO of your website.  Now you should be posting at the very least one blog post per week. If you can do more, that’s excellent, however once a week is the absolute minimum.

You see many people start off strong and motivated and post consistently for the first few weeks, don’t see any results and then quit.  Remember it takes a little while for the search engines to index your content, determine your ranking position and therefore send you organic traffic. If you think you can just publish one blog post a month and watch the traffic roll in, you are heavily mistaken. You need to treat this like a real business and start to enjoy the writing process with new inspiration each and every post.  Plain and simple, most people do not have the discipline to sit down and write a 500-1,000 word article every week and will give up very quickly.  The people that do enjoy writing, coming up with different content ideas and publish their work on a consistent basis are the ones that thrive!

The 3 reasons stated above may be able to shed some light on why you’re not seeing results with your blog or at the very least will reveal some of the common barriers when it comes to blogging.

The good news here is that it’s easier to break these barriers than you realize. 

Having the proper mindset is what truly separates the winners from the losers.

You can create a successful blog, brand, business and empire if you want to.

Start doing what others aren’t willing to do.

In this example, spend the next few years (not weeks or months) building out your blog.

Create posts that have massive value and nuggets of helpful information.

And be consistent with your approach.

So let me ask, have you run into any of these obstacles with your blog yet?

Does Blogging Help SEO? Blogging SEO Best Practices

Blogging and SEO

Does blogging help SEO?

Plain and simple….YES!

In fact, if you’re not blogging, you are leaving a huge chunk of money on the table.

As someone who has done SEO for all different types of clients from large E-commerce websites and global companies, to smaller & medium sized local businesses, in many cases the blog is what drives the most organic traffic to a website (and in some cases leads/sales).

You see, Google wants to see fresh content posted to your site consistently and this can be accomplished easily by blogging.

A blog can be a major asset to a business, even if it just creates more awareness or buzz around a brand, product or company.

Blog posts can also rank very highly in Google for a given keyword phrase which in return brings in free natural organic search traffic.

If you have a personal blog (similar to the one you’re reading right here), you should be writing unique articles at the very least once per weekDoes Blogging Help SEO (same goes for a business blog).

Always approach your posts with the reader in mind as well as the search engines.

The one-two punch is making sure your writing is attractive for incoming human traffic and also for the Google bots that crawl your site.

Once you get a better feel for this and implement additional SEO strategies, the sky is the limit really with how much traffic your blog can generate.

It’s important to note, as I say many times, that blogging is a long-term approach and the same goes for SEO.

Don’t expect to post a couple of articles and bring in floods of traffic to your website.

Educate yourself on blogging and SEO, take a realistic/strategic approach, and realize that you’re building an asset for years to come.

Blogging without a doubt is one of the most powerful techniques you can use to strengthen the overall SEO of your website…Combine this with some link building techniques and watch your search rankings start to climb the ladder!

Blogging SEO Best Practices

Now that I’ve hopefully answered the question “Does blogging help SEO?” let’s dig into a few blogging SEO best practices.

Keyword research- It’s important that you have some sort of direction when it comes to writing your blog posts.  You will want to conduct some keyword research or micro keyword research to see what people are searching for in your niche.  Try to find keyword phrases that have decent search volume and don’t be afraid to use variations of your main keyword or longer tail keywords with 3 – 4 words total for a higher chance of ranking in the search rankings.

SEO Tags– It’s crucially important that all of your SEO tags are in place in every single blog post you write. These include your Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, Header Tags and Image ALT Tags. Just having these SEO tags in place with optimized target terms from your keyword research will put you well ahead of the competition.

Copy optimization & Internal links- You will also want to make sure your copy is optimized with relevant keyword phrases and that your keyword density is high enough (meaning that your target terms are mentioned enough times within the article).  Also within the article you will want to internally link to other relevant pages or blog posts on your website.  This will help users navigate your site more effectively as well as spread some link juice from page to page!

Social Sharing- The Internet is becoming more and more social everyday so it’s important that you share your blog posts on your social media platforms like Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn etc.  More importantly, blog posts have the potential to go viral so you should encourage your readers to share your content as well.

Consistency- Last but certainly not least (in fact this is one of the most important steps of all) is to be consistent with your blogging.  As stated above, at the very least you should be publishing a blog post once per week.  This comes out to around 4 blog posts per month which is not too shabby.  If you can do more than this, great! But it is critical that you remain persistent in your blogging and update your site with fresh content weekly.

Now of course there are additional techniques to help explode your search rankings and organic traffic from your blog like building high quality backlinks, but that’s another subject (and blog post) altogether.

Follow the steps mentioned above and remain consistent with a long-term approach and your website will be sure to see natural organic growth.

Now let me ask…do you utilize a blog for your business?

How To Blog For Money – Blogging Update & Case Study

How To Start A Blog For Money

If you’re wondering how to blog for money, you’re not alone.

In fact, this is one of the most frequent questions I get from people.

Blogging is an intriguing business model for many aspiring Internet Marketers because of the freedom it can potentially provide.

Before you even consider starting a blog, it’s important that you have the right mindset and not be too focused on just making money (read this here for more information).

It’s also important to realize that this is not an overnight process and it takes time to build up a blog that gets recognized in the search engines, on social media and by other bloggers.

However, the payoff from sacrificing time and energy now, can pay off big down the road (and not just from an income perspective).

There’s a certain pride that comes from being a blogger and the vulnerability you open yourself up to.

When readers reach out to you with positive messages, it only gives you more motivation to keep pushing.

Additionally, seeing your blog grow organically is a feeling like no other.

If you’re the type that wants to jump right in and get started today, then please read my step by step guide on starting a blog here.

The link above includes everything you need to get your blog up and running as soon as today (no matter what experience level you are at).

For the purpose of this post, I wanted to show you a specific example of how I make money from my blog (note: this is just one example…there are many strategies for monetizing your blog).

How To Blog For Money- Blogging Update (Real Life Example)

So if you’ve been reading my blog here for any amount of time now, you know that this is a personal case study to show people what is possible with blogging and online marketing.

To give you a background, I started this blog around 1 year and 2 months ago (however, it’s important to note that I am an experienced marketer and have close to 8 years experience).

And to be honest, I am just starting to gain some traction in the search engines which in return is bringing in organic traffic from Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

I would say the last 3 months have shown noticeable improvement in all areas of my blog including search rankings, traffic, conversions, engagement etc. and I know that this will only continue to grow as long as I remain consistent.

Remember, blogging is a long-term approach…if you’re in this for the the short-term, you WILL fail.

Now let’s keep this moving forward…

I want to give you a real life example of a sale I received yesterday.

This is a very simple technique and feel free to use it for yourself once your blog starts generating some consistent traffic.

If you look up at the “Navigation” of my website, you will see there is a page called “Recommended Tools”…click on it to take a look and then come back to this page here (screenshot also below).

How To Blog For Money

You will see I have some of my top recommended marketing tools listed in a simple and clean layout.

Is it the most exciting page? Definitely not.

But it gets the job done and eliminates any fluff.

Each one of the tools I list out contains my affiliate link, meaning that I will get paid a commission every time someone clicks one of those links and purchases any tools…in my case here I’m recommending website hosting, an email autoresponder and click/link tracking.

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links on this post.

To make a long story short, I woke up yesterday to a $50 sale from HostGator web hosting…all because I had this page set up.

Someone was reading my content, liked what they saw and decided they wanted to start a website and sign up for hosting.

It really is a simple as that…not much more discussion needed.

Now this blog is still gaining traction as I said above…can you imagine the possibilities when this starts receiving thousands of visitors per month?

Internet Marketing is extremely powerful if you have the right skill set.

And I hope to provide you with any golden nuggets I can that I’ve personally seen success with.

I want to be as transparent as possible so you too can see results and earn an extra income online.

If you liked this post, I would love to hear your feedback and I hope these types of marketing tips are helpful to you.

Let me ask you, have you started a blog yet?

If not, what are you waiting for?

Produce Content, Stick To A Plan & Get Found by Google

Content Is King

If you’ve been in the Internet Marketing game for anytime now, you may have heard the phrase “Content Is King“.

Overall, this statement is very true as long as you have some basic SEO skills to back you up…and more specifically in the link building and tag writing area.Creating Content For Your Blog

The foundation of a successful blog stems from producing high-quality, valuable and engaging content for the world to see.

And producing this content consistently by sticking to a schedule.

As a result, your blog has a very good chance of being found by Google.

Now let’s dig in just a bit deeper to break down these steps.

1.) Produce Quality Content

If you truly love what you’re blogging about, this step should never really feel like a chore.

I always recommend creating your blog around a subject that you will never run out of ideas for, something that gets you excited.

There’s a good chance that if you’re reading this blog that you’re interested in Internet Marketing, Making Money Online or the Home Based Business niche…that’s great!

Many bloggers nowadays write about their hobbies, lifestyle, personal goals, interests etc.

Some common topics include:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Personal Finance
  • Cooking
  • Traveling
  • Personal Development
  • Music
  • Gaming
  • Entrepreneurship

There are about 1,000 other topics as well…find what makes you tick and produce content that you know people would want to absorb.

It’s important that you do not strive for perfection, as this will only prolong the process.

Start generating blog content no matter how it comes out at first and watch yourself improve overtime.

2.) Stick To A Schedule

Now that you’re beginning to create some content, it’s critical that you stick to a consistent schedule.

Google favors the blogs that are updated regularly with unique content.

I generally recommend publishing at least 1 blog article per week (500+ words or so).

This will ensure that there is enough content for Google to crawl and will provide your readers with more diversity when navigating your website.

If you can write more that 1 blog post per week, well that’s fantastic (the more the better).

However, the reason I recommend 1 blog post per week is to avoid writer’s burnout.

This mainly happens when you try to produce too much content at once, killing your motivation and creative flow.

Schedule a time every week to sit down and write a compelling blog post for your website.

Mark it in your calendar and make it happen!

3.) Get Found By Google

Eventually if you do this for long enough with SEO best practices in mind, your blog and blog articles will be picked up by Google.

And do you know what this means?

Natural organic search traffic!

There’s nothing quite like it.

But I do want to make clear that blogging should be a long-term strategy.

Don’t expect floods of traffic to start pouring into your site overnight.

However, once Google discovers your content and if it’s relevant enough to rank for a given keyword, the sky is the limit.

This is why it’s important to focus on both producing content and sticking to plan.

The combination of the two can be powerful when done correctly.

Hopefully this makes sense if you’re looking to get started with creating a blog or maybe are just stuck with your current blog.

Content really is king, but you must have a clear strategy if you want any shot of being found by the search engines.

Have you been consistent with your blogging?

Your Blog Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect- How To Start a Great Blog?

How To Start A Successful Blog

It’s so important to realize that your blog does not have to be perfect.

Too many people are paralyzed by the fact that they think everything has to be “just right”.

Unfortunately this results in most aspiring bloggers/writers to never even get started.

The great thing about a blog is that it’s supposed to be flexible, transparent and NOT perfect!How To Start A Great Blog

You will see with my blog here that it’s nothing fancy, or elaborate, or professionally written.

But more importantly it’s a platform that helps get my message out to interested readers.

The objective behind this post is to tackle one of the most common obstacles I see in blogging and that’s getting your blog started.

Keeping in mind that a blog is somewhat an extension of yourself and should contain different layers.

You are free to write what you want, when you want to and how you want to.

Strive for providing value and not perfection.

So here is an easy tip if you’re wondering how to start a great blog…without trying to be perfect

Keep is SIMPLE!

Focus on getting your thoughts published rather than having the perfect format or the best images or the most creative headline…

As stated above, (especially if you haven’t started your blog yet) the main goal is to jump over the big hurdle I see and that’s to just get your blog started and in the works.

You’d be surprised how many people don’t even begin the blogging process based on artificial fears and barriers that build up over time.

It’s vital that you adopt the right mindset in order to break free from the shackles that fear and procrastination hold over you.

As the Nike slogan goes, just do it!

However, back to my main point, do yourself a major favor and keep your blogging strategy and design dead simple.

This means picking a WordPress theme that’s attractive yet clean & easily navigatable for visitors, sticking to a set content generation schedule, being aware that blogging is a long-term approach, and learning some really basic SEO techniques.

This is a simple yet effective approach if you’re wondering how to start a great blog.

Another quick tip is to make sure your content is helping people find answers to their questions or solutions to their problems in your given niche.

And this comes down to creating immense value.

Is every blog post going to be a home run? Of course not…

But as long as you have a strong urge to help others by sharing valuable insight, tips or tricks…you are ahead of 99% of the competition.

So to sum things up, keep it simple when it comes to creating a blog, provide valuable content and overcome the biggest hurdle and just get started.

Have you started your blog yet?

Building A Blog Should Be A LONG-TERM Approach…

Starting A Blog

Too often when it comes to someone who is just starting their blog, they often ask…

“How long will it be until I start seeing results?”

And to be honest, that’s a very hard question to answer as there are so many variables when it comes to blogging.

What I CAN say with confidence is that everyone who starts a blog should have a long-term mindset.

Some of the most successful blogs have taken months and even years (yes years) to take off and generate consistent traffic.

Similar to investing in the stock market, blogging is a long-term investment and not an overnight success.

What’s The Problem With Most Beginner Bloggers?

This is a simple question to answer…

~> They GIVE UP too soon!

Some bloggers are 3 feet away from success and throw in the towel just a little bit too soon.

You need to stick with this business model for at the very least 1 year before making any conclusions.

Even that is far too premature to say something isn’t working.Build A Blog

Domain age and consistency with your blogging is crucially important when it comes to search rankings and organic traffic.

And to establish this, you need time to work on your blog and flesh it out with valuable content.

Think of it like a fine wine, it only gets better the more it ages.

Does sticking to a long-term approach scare you?

Are you afraid you will waste loads of time without any return on investment?

Well, maybe you’re not in this for the right reasons.

I’d advise you to read my post on creating value through your blog rather than looking to make money.

Stick To It and Stay Committed!

Now that you realize you need time and patience to build a successful blog, it’s time to stick to your plan for the long-term.

Come up with a schedule that works for you and make sure to post at least 1 blog article per week.

There’s no excuse that you cannot write a 300-500 (or more) word article every week.

If this is serious enough for you, you will find a way to do it.

Like anything in life, the rewards are worth the sacrifice if you do things correctly.

Blogging can be a really fun way to make an extra income or just get your ideas out for people to see.

So hopefully this has somehwat shifted your mindset, and especially if you’re just starting out….Think long-term.

I look forward to seeing your blog up and running for years and years to come!


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