How To Build A Thriving Blog…While Working Full-Time?

How To Build A Blog

So I still work a full-time job because of simple fact that I enjoy what I do.

However, I also run a solo ad business and this blog here all while working full-time.

All of this can be done if you set yourself up properly for success.

In this post, I will share with you how I am able to run and grow my blog , while working over 40 hours per week!

Let’s get to it…

1.) Stick To A Schedule

It’s vital that you stick to a fairly strict schedule especially when you are just starting out.  Make sure at the very least that you are writing one post per week (if you can do more, even better).Starting A Blog

For example, I normally write a blog post every Friday night when I am done with my work week.  If I happen to miss Friday, I will try and do it that Saturday.  The important thing here is that you’re consistent with your posts.

Stick to a schedule over a long period of time, and the results can really start compounding.

2.) Remain Patient

Was Rome built in a day? I know, that phrase is totally overused…However, it correlates directly when talking about blogging.

You must realize that some of the biggest blogs today took months and months and months to start generating significant traffic.

Let’s put some “long term” glasses on those eyes and be clear that this is a marathon and not a sprint.

3.) Track Your Wins

Following up on my point above, it’s important that you track your wins.  This could mean marking down your first day of over 10 organic visits….making a commission from an affiliate banner…getting 1,000 subscribers on your email list…nailing a kick ass guest post opportunity etc.

Noting these wins are what psychologically keeps the momentum going.  Step by step and win by win, you can really start to feel all of your hard work paying off.

Track ALL Wins!

4.) Stay Inspired

The great thing about blogging is that you can literally write anything that’s on your mind.  You are not restricted to the type of content you can produce…Just make sure it’s valuable for the reader.  Since it’s your blog, you’re in control.

Keep posts fresh and don’t be afraid to mix up your topics, language and try new things.  Stay inspired by realizing that you have a voice and your blog is the platform to share your message.

I hope this post helped some of you full-time employees out there who are interested in starting a blog or maybe already have a blog but don’t know how to keep it going.

There is nothing wrong with blogging part-time and in fact, it’s how many of the top bloggers started.

Keep at it and never give up!

The Freedom Running A Blog Brings!

Running A Successful Blog

If you look at your blog as an investment and long-term asset that will appreciate over-time with the right focused effort, you begin to see the power behind this.

This can bring immense freedom once you gain a following and become an expert in your niche.

Remember, a blog is up and running, 24/7, 365 days per year…Meaning, once optimized and built correctly, it’s a machine that will work ALL hours of the day for you!

The people who understand this, are the ones who take full advantage of the benefits that running a blog brings.

Freedom From Time Is Everything

Before we get any further, if you’re wondering how to start a blog, please check out my post here.

The best part about running a successful blog is the freedom it brings and especially freedom from time.How To Start A Successful Blog

The average person works 40+ hours per week at a job they are unsatisfied with, or even worse…hate!

Now once you start gaining momentum with your blog, you really only need to put in a few hours per week (generally anywhere from 2-10 hours)…And also make much more than you ever would at a day job.

Can you say no brainer?

I’m trying to help you understand the sheer power of running a blog because it literally frees up so much time in your life to do what you want, when you want and where you want to.

People think the Internet Marketing fantasy doesn’t exist, but that’s because they haven’t gotten a taste of it yet.

This is real and blogging is a sustainable and long-term business model if done correctly.

If you currently do have a full-time job, I recommend working on your blog part-time every single week.

It’s okay to build this up slowly with valuable content over a period of time.

Remember this is not a sprint but more like a marathon.

You wouldn’t believe how many now full-time bloggers started out blogging part-time while working a full-time job…It’s called hustle!

So…You have two choices here…

Continue working a job that doesn’t bring you any satisfaction or freedom in your life.


Create a blog and slowly/methodically work on it over the months and years to come to create more freedom in your life.

Any questions, comments, thoughts?

Please leave them below!

Get More Traffic To Your Website – Traffic Generation Strategies

Get More Traffic To Your Website

Today’s topic is a fun one, especially since traffic is the lifeblood of any online business.

Now these are a few traffic generation strategies that I personally use, however there are a TON more out there to try for yourself.

Below are a handful of traffic methods that you can start experimenting with as soon as today.

Free Traffic Methods

1.) YouTube: Traffic Generation Strategies
Perhaps one of the most underrated sources of traffic around is YouTube (video marketing).  This is possibly the best way to get laser targeted traffic to your blog, website, squeeze page, affiliate offer, product page etc…especially since YouTube is continually gaining momentum every year and more and more people are using it as a search engine then ever before.  Start building a YouTube presence by posting consistent and properly optimized videos every single week, and watch the traffic start rolling in.

2.) Facebook:

Another excellent source of traffic is through social media platforms like Facebook.  Depending on what type of business or offer you promote, this could be as simple as building quality connections/relationships with people in your niche.  Create a separate page around your business and encourage people to “like” it, share it and chat about it.  Once you start to position yourself as an authority, people will start messaging you asking for your services.  This happens in my solo ad business on a daily basis.

3.) SEO/Blogging:

Perhaps my favorite method of all is a combination of blogging and search engine optimization (SEO).  This blog is a perfect example of how to generate natural, organic traffic from the search engines like Google and Bing.  Once you learn the proper SEO techniques, the sky is the limit when it comes to blogging.  If you’re confused on how to get a blog started, please see my post here.

Paid Methods

1.) Solo Ads:

Probably the fastest and simplest way to get traffic to your website, squeeze page or product offer is by using solo ads.  With solo ads, you are simply leveraging someone else’s email list, by purchasing traffic by the “click”.  As a solo ad provider myself, I can tell you that if done correctly, this could be one of your most effective traffic generation strategies.

2.) PPC (Pay Per Click):

Although tricky for many first timers, PPC is an excellent way to drive targeted traffic to your website.  Make sure you have a daily budget planned out so you do not spend more than you can afford.  As in all marketing, this will take some testing and tweaking before finding the winning campaign.

Whether you want to test the waters with free traffic methods or paid traffic methods, it’s important that you actually get your feet wet with whatever strategy you choose.

Too many people never even get started due to fear of failure.

I recommend sticking with one traffic generation strategy until you master it before moving onto the next.

Once you get more experience you can combine multiple traffic sources for maximum exposure!

I’d love to know…What is your favorite traffic strategy?

Creating A Blog From Scratch – How To Begin Blogging?

How To Begin Blogging

Creating a blog from scratch can be a daunting task, especially if you have no direction and no experience.Creating A Blog From Scratch

Luckily, you have come to the right place as I am going to share with you what is needed to begin blogging as soon as today.

Creating A Blog From Scratch

First things first, if you are looking for a step by step approach on how to set up your blog, make sure you check out my post here!

Below highlights the key information you need to know to get up and running…and without the headache!

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links on this post.

1.) Sign up for Web Hosting here.  This is where your blog will live and where you can get into the technical side of things if necessary (don’t worry, setting up a blog is extremely simple and affordable).  Keep reading!

2.) You will then want to choose your domain name.  For example, if you wanted to create your blog in the Internet marketing niche (like mine here) and your name is Jesse Smith, you may want to consider calling your blog or just or  Be creative with this step, but remember it’s always good to brand yourself using your name.  Position yourself as the leader, authority figure and expert in your niche.

3.) Next you will need to install WordPress.  This is only takes a few minutes.  After you signup for Web Hosting at my link above, just search in Google or YouTube “How to set up WordPress in HostGator?”.

4.) Choose a theme for your blog.  As you can see if you’re on my website here, a blog doesn’t have to be fancy.  In fact, I reccomend keeping it simple so it’s inviting to users and easy to read.  You want them to be engaged and tempted to click on other blog posts of yours and pages on your site (the lower the bounce rate, the better).

5.) Install a plugin called Yoast. This will allow you to optimize your blog to it’s fullest potential and get noticed in the search engines like Google and Bing.  It’s important you learn some basic SEO strategies like keyword research and SEO tag optimization so your blog can begin gaining traction. To start, learn about writing Title Tags, Meta Descriptions and H1 Tags for each blog post you write (all focused around your target keywords).  I have more content on the way with some killer SEO tips and techniques so you can dominate the search engines. Stay tuned on this!

6.) Start blogging! Yes, you can literally start blogging the same day you set up your blog.  Make sure that you are consistent with your approach meaning that you’re at least posting once every week (2 or 3 times is even better, but don’t burn yourself out). Try to make sure your blog posts are at least 300 words or more and are packed with massive amounts of value.

This is just a quick list to get your blog started with as little effort as possible.  However, the more time and focus you put into your new blog, the better your results will be.

Remember this is a long-term asset you are building here, so take your time over the next few months to really flesh it out with powerful and useful content for world to see.

You can have a voice, but you must get started.

Now let’s get to it!

How To Begin Blogging From Scratch?

How To Create A Money Making Blog?

Can You Make Money By Blogging

I hate to break it to you, but if you think you are going to create a money making blog in a matter of weeks, you will be very disappointed.

True online assets that make money do not get results overnight.

The most successful blogs are the result of persistent and dedicated work over a prolonged period of time.

How To Create A Money Making Blog?

The simple answer to this question is to follow a step by step approach and more importantly, PATIENCE!

That’s right, patience.

Our industry is completely flooded and saturated with “make thousands overnight” and “get rich by tomorrow” lingo, baloney, hogwash and BS.

It’s time to shift your mindset and realize that this will take commitment on your end to make things happen.How To Create A Money Making Blog

Now that we have that out of the way, do you feel like exiting out of this page?

Are you thinking of throwing in the towel?

If you’re still with me and have read this far, then I applaud you as the vast majority would not still be here.

My goal with my own blog here is to personally help as many people as I can realize that creating a money making blog, website, sales funnel, email list, YouTube channel…whatever it may be takes hard work.

Of course once the ball gets rolling things become easier, you can outsource certain parts of your business etc.

I hope I’m not being too realistic for you 🙂

But in order to make progress in this business you must grind it out.

Can You Make Money By Blogging?

The simple answer is yes!

And sky is the limit really in terms of how much you can generate from the internet.

This post is more of a 10,000 foot overview and mind shift to get you “prepared”.

If you’re looking to actually get your blog started, check this out.

If you work a full-time job and are completely strapped on time, I recommend working part-time on your blog to start.

You wouldn’t believe how many “part-time” blogs have turned into into full-time incomes for some people.

There are many similar stories out there like that.

As long as you are consistent in your posting (at least 1 blog post per week) and learn some SEO strategies along the way, you have a really good shot at making some extra cash blogging.

The biggest hurdle that you currently face is actually getting started.

Let’s shatter that right here, right now.

Are you ready?

Best Blogs To Start- How To Become A Blogger Successfully?

How To Become A Blogger Successfully

What Are The Best Blogs To Start?

So you’ve decided you want to start a killer blog with awesome content, helpful tips and valuable insight for the whole world to see.

The problem is, you have no idea what topic you want to create your blog around.

Luckily, there are hundreds of options out there for you to choose from.

However, I am going to list the most popular, relevant and moneBest Blogs To Starty hungry niches in this post to get you started on the right foot.

Some people will say that these niches are “saturated”…I say BS!

They are so gigantic that opportunity will always be there and the possibilities are endless.

Please take a look at my top rated niches (in no particular order):

  • Dating and Relationships
  • Weight Loss, Health & Fitness, Nutrition etc.
  • Personal Finance/Investing
  • Make Money Online, Internet Marketing, Biz Opp.
  • Survival
  • Cooking, Recipes, Food, Wine
  • Home & Garden
  • Software/Technology
  • Sports/Athletics
  • Video Games

These are just to name a few, however there are tons and tons more.

It’s crucially important that you read my blog post here before you get started creating your own blog.

I want to make sure you get started on the right foot 🙂

Most of these niches are jam packed with people looking for solutions to their problems.

And you’re here to provide them with the valuable answers they need through your blog.

You see, blogging can be your biggest asset if you know what you’re doing.

Your #1 priority should always be to provide people with the highest quality content, so you can build lasting trust and loyal followers who keep coming back for more.

You are the EXPERT!

If the content you put out on your blog is gold, people will share it on social media, search engines will position it higher and as a result you will receive more traffic.

It’s an exciting process but also keep in mind that you should have a long-term approach with this (and mindset).

Creating a successful blog is not an overnight success.

It’s something you build and improve upon month after month.

Now with that being said, hopefully you have picked out a topic at this point.

Your next step would be to actually create your blog and get it up and running today…Yes TODAY!

You are now ready to read my next post here and piece your blog together step by step.

Don’t worry this is easy…

The fact that you got this far is exciting and I applaud you for that.

Keep pushing and stay persistent.

Any questions, I’d be happy to help…I look forward to seeing your blog go live my friend!

How Can I Start A Blog and Make Money?

can you make money by blogging

So I got this question the other day and it really struck me for a specific reason.

Now the question was…

“How can I start a blog and make money?”

First off, if you haven’t read my post on How To Start a Blog For Beginners, I highly recommend you do.

Actually the question above, “how can I start a blog and make money” is a very valid one.

It’s similar to some of the other questions I receive on a weekly basis like…”can you make money by blogging” or “can you tell me how to create a money making blog”.

They are all the same really. How Can I Start A Blog and Make Money

However, the more I thought about this question, the more it struck me that most people have the wrong mindset when it comes to blogging and generating content for the world to see.

They are too damn focused on the making money part of the equation.

This is a sure fire way to fail honestly.

If your only goal with your blog is to make money from it, people will be able to see right through that.

Reputation is everything in this business…if you are just in it for the money, you are unfortunately not going to get anywhere.

Now let me tell you what the true secret is to setting up a successful blog.

How To Create A Successful Blog- The Right Way!

The only true way to create a successful blog with a loyal following, is to stop focusing on money and to start focusing on providing VALUE!

Yes as cliche as it sounds (because it is in the Internet Marketing business), your only chance of success is if you create massive value for your readers, subscribers and followers.

Once you create that trust and people look at you as an authority figure, that’s when the money can really start rolling in.

I hope this makes sense, as I want to completely shift your mindset.

Let’s move you away from “How Can I Start A Blog and Make Money?”…

And more towards “How Can I Start A Blog and Create Value!”

Now there’s many different ways you can do this from a blog.

  • You can create killer blog posts every day, week or month for your readers (hopefully every week at the very least).
  • You can upload YouTube videos sharing valuable tips, secrets and strategies and embed them in your blog posts.
  • You can create a free e-book jam packed with golden nuggets to give to your visitors in exchange for their email address.

I mean the list is literally endless, but I want to emphasize that the end goal here is to leave people more than satisfied.

Value, value and more value!

If you do this right, the results will follow.

Trust me on this!

What Is The Best Way To Set Up A Blog?

Best Way To Start A Blog

If you haven’t found out by now, the single greatest asset you can have online is a blog.

It is up and live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year…

And if you monetize it right, which you will learn how to do if you follow my blog, it can bring you some serious results!

If you’re looking for a step by step approach on how to start a blog, please check out my post here.

It will show you everything you need to get your blog up and running as soon as today.

My goal here is to break any barriers that may be holding you back from starting your own blog.

What’s The Easiest Way To Start A Blog?

Well if you haven’t read my blog post at the link above, I highly recommend you do.

For beginner bloggers, the easiest way to get up and running is to first and foremost signup for web hosting so your blog has somewhere to live where it can never be taken down.

I wouldn’t go with any other web hosting than HostGator here.

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links on this post.).

Once you’ve picked your hosting and domain name, all you have to do is install WordPress and you are literally all set up.

In my opinion, that is the easiest way to start your blog and you can be set up by today.

Heck you can even post your first blog post in the first day as well.

Now of course there will be other steps and plugins you should set up in order to get your blog working to its fullest potential…so it’s important to look at blogging as more of a long-term and consistent approach….rather than a “see results super quick” type of thing.

Yet once you start gaining momentum, it can get powerful.

Think of it like a marathon and not a sprint…

The more content you have posted over a longer period of time, the more the major search engines like Google will like and rank your content.

If you need help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), send me a message.

What Are The Best Blogs To Start?

If you’re unsure of what type of blog to start, below are a few hungry niches/markets you should consider before creating your blog.

Here are my top recommendations of RED HOT niches to consider starting your blog on:

1.) Make Money Online, Internet Marketing, Work From Home, Business Opportunity

2.) Weight Loss/Fitness, Nutrition, Healthy Habits & Lifestyle etc.

3.) Survival

4.) Cooking and Baking

5.) Gaming

6.) Self Help

This is just to name a few…there are hundreds of niches out there that are full with hungry buyers that you could create your blog around.

There’s a good chance if you’re reading this blog that you’re interested in the Internet Marketing/Make Money Online niche….GREAT!

You do not have to look any further.

I think the most important advice I can give you is to stop procrastinating and get something up and running no matter how bad it is.

You can improve upon it every single month with the more knowledge and experience you gain.

Think about your blog as real estate but online….It’s a true asset that can eventually create an impressive income with time.

Each blog post/YouTube video has the potential to make you money.

Again make sure you check out my post here on how to start your blog step by step.

If you have any questions at all on the best way to set up a blog, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

It’s time for you to get somehting live online and break any barriers you may have.

I look forward to seeing your blog come to life!

How To Start a Blog For Beginners? Setting Up a Successful Blog

How to Start a Successful Blog

How To Start a Blog For Beginners?

I was inspired to write this post since one of the most common questions I get asked on a regular basis is “how can I start a blog and make money?”.

This article will give you all the information you need to begin setting up a successful blog in a matter of minutes.

Yes minutes…You can be writing your first blog post as soon as today!

So if you’re ready, then let’s get right into it…

What Is The Best Way To Set Up A Blog?

The best way to set up a new blog is by taking the right steps that I will lay out for you below.

I would say that 90% of people never end up taking even the first initial step.

But you’re different, and you’re going to get up and running today, especially since a blog could be one of the best and least expensive investments you ever make (trust me on this one).

Let’s begin with step #1!

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links on this post.

Step #1– Choose a Niche

In order to run a successful website, you will need to first identify the niche you want to operate in.

What topic(s) are you passionate about?

Is there an area that you are really knowledgeable in?

When it comes to blogging you want to make sure you pick a niche that you will never run out of things to write about.

You will also want to choose a niche that is filled with people who are hungry for answers and looking for solutions.

Design your blog around a particular topic that you know a lot about or are willing to learn a lot about.

To help get you started, here is a list of the hottest niches that come to mind:

  • Health, Fitness & Weight Loss
  • Cooking
  • Technology
  • Internet Marketing
  • Personal Development
  • Real Estate
  • Business
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Personal Finance/Investing
  • DIY
  • Mommy Blogs
  • Travel
  • Camping & Outdoors
  • Wine and/or Beer
  • Gardening
  • Home Improvement
  • Sports

Big markets like these have room for anyone to enter and take a piece of the pie.

You can also drill down a bit more and select a niche that is a little more specific.

Just make sure it’s not too small of a niche!

Pick a niche today and stick with it to the end.

Step #2– Sign Up For Web Hosting

Next, you will need to sign up for web hosting to be able to run your blog.

The most reputable, convenient and affordable hosting option I recommend is HostGator and you can sign up through my link here.

You will then need to select your web hosting package…don’t worry, you can select the most basic option if you’d like…And this should be plenty if you plan on only running one website.

You can always upgrade down the road if you need to. See the screenshot below for what you should be viewing on your end. 

Once you select your web hosting package you will be brought to a screen that looks like this below.

Register A Domain With HostGator

You will now have to choose a domain name that you want for your new blog.

This is exciting, we’re getting somewhere!

And don’t worry, this can be fun…which brings me to my next step.

Before moving on make sure to click here to get all set up!

Step #3– Choose Your Domain Name

You have complete flexibility when choosing your domain name.

Blogging For Beginners

It really depends on what niche you plan on getting into…

For example, if you choose to create your blog in the internet marketing, blogging, make money online or home based business niche like my blog here, I highly recommend you brand yourself.

In this case, my blog domain is

If your name was Bobby Williams…it would be a good idea to secure your domain name as or or…something along those lines.

Catch my drift?

Choose a domain name you are comfortable with and move forward with it.

Now of course if you have a clever idea outside of your birth name, by all means go with that..there are no limitations here.

Lastly, you will want to complete your payment and checkout with HostGator.

We will now start building our blog!

Step #4– Install WordPress on HostGator

This step is as easy as watching a 9 minute video…no seriously!

(Make sure you’ve signed up to HostGator here and have selected your hosting package before completing this step).

Watch this video on how to install WordPress on HostGator here and then come back to this page: How To Install WordPress

If you have any additional questions, HostGator offers amazing customer support here…do NOT hesitate to ask them or me for help.

Once you have completed this step, you pretty much have your blog created.

Not too bad so far right?

Step #5– Choose A Theme For Your Blog

This is where you get to really customize your blog and not feel like quite a beginner anymore.

In fact, if you’ve made it this far, you are ahead of 99% of people, so congratulations to you!

You are now ready to select which theme you would like to use for you blog.

You can do this by logging into WordPress and on the left navigation select:

> Appearance and then > Themes

See screenshot below to see what I’m talking about.

How Do I Start Blogging

You will soon come to realize that WordPress is the best blogging platform because of its sheer simplicity and usability.

It makes designing and customizing your blog a complete breeze.

Feel free to explore all the attractive themes and pick one that fits your style/vision the best.

Step #6– Install Yoast

Without trying to discourage you too much, I do want you to install one plugin before you begin writing your first blog post.

The plugin I’m talking about is Yoast, which is the best and most complete SEO plugin available on WordPress.

Yoast will give you a better chance of ranking in the major search engines like Google and Bing, and offers “fool proof” ways to optimize your website.

This in return will help you bring in more organic traffic to your website and grow your readership.

In order to install Yoast, see screenshot below:

Yoast Installation

Hover over “Plugins” and then click “Add New”…In the search box that appears, type in “Yoast”.

Click on install now, and then go back into your main plugins section and make sure it’s activated.

To learn more about Yoast or get any additional help, please feel free to contact me.

Step #7– Start Blogging!

Now that you have the foundation of your blog set up, you need to start fleshing it out with some content.

Unfortunately, I cannot hold your hand at this stage, but I can point you in the right direction.

This is where your creativity needs to come out (take a look at other popular blogs in your niche to get some inspiration).

One thing for sure is you should have an “About Me” page so people know that you are a real person that they can trust.

Your next focus should be on putting yourself on a schedule of writing at least 1-2 blog posts per week of 500+ words.

I’ll say it again, that’s 1-2 blog posts per week of 500+ words.

This is much easier than you think, especially if you enjoy the topic you are writing about.

Make sure to share your new blog everywhere, especially on social media.

The idea is to start building a following and gaining traffic (you will want to use Google analytics to track your traffic).

Step #8– Monetize Your Blog

Once you have everything set up and are starting to produce content consistently, you will want to monetize your blog so you can actually make money from it.

The best way to do this is by collecting email addresses so you can build a responsive email list.

I recommend signing up with ConvertKit email autoresponder so you can build a profitable email list.

They offer a FREE 14 day trial.

(Want to learn more about ConvertKit? Read my full, in-depth ConvertKit review here before making a decision).

You will also need products to sell…That’s where ClickBank and other affiliate companies come in (don’t worry, most of these are free).

You can choose from thousands of products to sell and in almost any niche, where you will earn a percentage of the commission every time someone purchases through your link.

You can also place banner ads in the “widgets” section of your blog, promoting marketing tools, affiliate offers, your own products etc…See screenshot below for an example of this:

A few other methods for monetizing your blog include coaching/consulting, Google Adsense, charging people for sponsored guest posts, banner/website advertising, and much more.

There are tons of ways to make money from your blog, just do your research and don’t be afraid to test different strategies.

Advanced Marketing Strategies

Below are some advanced strategies I use in my blogging business to help bring in loads of traffic, subscribers and conversions.

Strategy #1- Learn SEO and Implement It

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is really one of the best skills you can learn when it comes to making money with blogging and even starting your own business.

It can help you get your content ranked in the top positions of Google, which can potentially produce loads and loads of natural organic traffic.

Keep in mind, that this is a long-term approach but it can generate significant results if done correctly.

Check out my quick post here to learn a few SEO basics that you can implement right away.

Also, a few good SEO tools to keep in mind are:

  • MOZ or Serpfox (ranking software)
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Webmaster Tools
  • Screaming Frog (website crawler)
  • Yoast (SEO plugin for WordPress)

Strategy #2- YouTube combined with Blogging

Another extremely underrated marketing strategy is to post a YouTube video every time you write a blog post (I’m guilty of not doing this every time).

Or at least try to do it a couple of times a month.

This is a win-win especially from an SEO perspective.

People are using YouTube more than ever as a search engine and now is the time to capitalize off of that.

You may also want to subscribe to my YouTube channel here for additional tips and tricks.

Now of course there are additional strategies you can implement when it comes to starting a blog…but this will get you up and running quick.

Feel free to get creative in your efforts and explore different blogging strategies on your own.

Remember blogging is a long-term game and you won’t see results overnight.

Keep at it and stick to a plan month in and month out.

I look forward to seeing your work!

Are you ready to rock and roll and start your blog today?

Need additional help? Check out my blogging coaching services here.

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