Bloggers: Improve Your Productivity by Improving Your Work Environment

Improve Your Productivity As A Blogger

Being a blogger is super-exciting – you get to write about numerous cool topics that you are interested in and often have a chance to choose whether you want to do your job from the comfort of your own home or an office. However, since creativity is your main tool, you need to put a lot of effort into nurturing it and your work environment can have a strong impact on it. Therefore, we are now discussing different tips and tricks for improving your productivity by upgrading your work environment.

Let’s take a look.

Don’t let technology distract you

work at home blogger


First things first, in business and life, technology can be your best friend and worst enemy. So, it’s crucial to learn how to make good use of all those fun gadgets and apps without letting them distract you and have a negative impact on your productivity. For instance, try to keep your phone on silent and flip it upside down. This way, you won’t check it every five minutes when the screen lights up and this will help you to stay focused much longer. Additionally, you may like playing video games when taking a break, but you can’t have your PlayStation in the office since it will pose a huge temptation and encourage you to slack off.

Let the light in

Let Light In Blogging


There is nothing worse than working in a poorly-lit room since your brain naturally shuts off due to the lack of light and you can easily end up suffering from serious headaches. Therefore, you should immediately open up your curtains and let the sunshine in. Just make sure to turn your computer screen in the opposite direction so that you aren’t annoyed by the reflections. Furthermore, you need to invest in a quality table lamp since a ceiling light is often not enough and if it’s behind your back, it will just cast shadows all over your work surface. Lastly, remember that apart from making your office comfy, it will be helpful to create daily and monthly plans and to start every day by completing the most challenging tasks first. This will be extremely stimulating and help you finish all your work successfully.

Improve the air quality

Improving Air Quality


Having to deal with pesky allergens while writing can be extremely hard and significantly hinder your performance. Therefore, it’s crucial to start working on improving the air quality immediately. You can begin by airing out your office regularly and bringing in some greenery as well. All those different potted flowers and exotic dwarf trees will serve as great decoration and enrich your air with oxygen. Additionally, opting for a quality HEPA air purifier will definitely make your life much easier. Owing to it, you won’t have to worry about dust, pollen, mildew and odours ever again.

Bring in comfy furniture

Home Office Furniture


No matter whether you work from home or an office, you need to pamper yourself with a cozy chair which will provide enough support for your back and allow you to sit longer in one position. This is also very stimulating for those bloggers who work from home since having a real office chair can help them get in the right work mood instead of just spending time in a laidback environment that will spoil their creativity and readiness to give their 100%. On top of that, investing in a height-adjustable desk would be a super-smart solution, especially if you are a tall person who usually has to sit hunched over their laptop all the time. You can even try out a standing desk for a change, especially if you like brainstorming while moving around your office.

Add a personal touch

Blogging From Home Office


In order to be able to be fully productive, a person must feel relaxed and at peace. One of the best ways to achieve this is by adjusting your work environment and adding a personal touch to it. For instance, you can place a photo of your family on your desk, or hang some posters with your favorite natural scenery or a city skyline. This way, every time when you feel blue, you’ll have something to give you a boost of energy and help you continue your work.

Choose the right colors

Choose The Right Colors For Office

Last but not least, colors can have a huge influence on our brain and help us stay focused and energized. Of course, these rules may differ from person to person, so it’s important to experiment with different tones until you discover what works best for you. In general, earthy shades are considered to have a calming effect on people, so if you function better in a peaceful atmosphere, think about painting your office in a nice light beige or mint green nuance. On the other hand, adding a few fiery elements can help you regain your energy and boost your imagination. In case you feel that you lack those, feel free to paint an orange accent wall or spice up your office look by introducing a few red accessories as well. Just try not to overdo it since too many bold shades can be extremely distracting and make it hard for you to stay concentrated and immersed in your work.

As you can see, improving your work environment can be fun and absolutely beneficial to your productivity. You just need to discover what suits you personally and not be afraid to go for it. After all, it’s better to invest in your office space now, then to let your work constantly suffer due to the lack of creativity and innovative ideas.

If you haven’t started your blog yet, what are you waiting for? You should take a look at this!

How I Made $2,500 In One Day & From One Blog Post (From Only 3 Organic Visits)

How To Make Money Blogging From Home

Disclaimer: The metrics described in this blog post are based off of my personal results. I am not stating that you will achieve the same results as I did. 

Part of the reason why SEO is so powerful in my opinion is because it allows you to drive highly-targeted traffic to your website…and at no-cost.

It’s also a strategy that works for you once you have everything set up correctly…Meaning that traffic can flood into your website everyday, while you’re sleeping, eating, away from your computer etc…(Of course you need to keep producing content on your website but I’m talking about articles that are already published/optimized properly).

This provides a lot of time freedom and is one of the biggest reasons why I love SEO as much as I do.

The problem I see however, is that many people do not diversify their efforts enough when it comes to targeting the right keywords to rank for.

Today I want to go over a specific example from my blog that will help explain this in a bit more detail.

How I Made $2,500 In One Day & From One Blog Post

The other day, I received a $2,500 affiliate commission with only 3 organic visits to a particular blog post.

Again, only 3 organic visits.

How Do I Make Money From Blogging

The reason I am telling you this is not to brag or boast but to really drive home a specific point.

Too many people when they get involved with SEO try to target only keywords that have thousands and thousands of monthly search volume.

The “home run” keywords I like to call them.

Now I am absotuely not against targeting some of these keywords in your efforts (I do so myself), but you cannot base your whole SEO strategy around this.

One reason being that you may not be able to rank highly in Google for many of these competitive terms and another reason is that a lot of these keywords are too broad in scope to begin with.

The blog post I made the $2,500 commission from is targeting a keyword that has only 50 searches per month.

Yes, that’s 50 searches per month.

Now you might be thinking…what a waste of time!

Well, it’s obviously not a waste of time and the reason being is because the traffic I’m generating from this blog article is highly targeted.

As you can tell, I converted a high-ticket commission from only 3 organic visits that day.

How To Make Money Blogging From Home

It doesn’t get much more laser-targeted than that.

Now unfortunately, I cannot show you the particular blog post I made this commission from as that would give away my keyword phrase.

But it’s important to really understand the message behind this.

Some of my best performing blogs are articles targeting long-tail keywords that have very modest search volume. 

I’m talking anywhere from 50-500 searches per month.

These are very specific phrases that are easier to rank for and drive traffic that produces results.

Also, if you keep stacking these keywords/blog posts up overtime…this ultimately could lead to thousands of searches per month for your website but in a much more diversified manner.

If you were to lose rankings for a blog post in this example, it wouldn’t be as big of a deal compared to losing rankings for a “home run” keyword that drives all of the traffic to your website.

The reason being is that you’re much more diversified targeting a large collection of these longer-tail type terms.

Does this make sense?


To sum everything up, don’t just go after high search volume keyword phrases. Diversify your efforts by targeting more long-tail type keywords which will give you a better shot of ranking within the search engines. Stack these types of keywords/blog posts up over time and naturally your organic traffic will increase!

What types of keywords are you targeting?

9 Game-Changing Tips For a More Successful Blog

Successful Blog Tips
Today, everyone seems to have their own blog. But why do we actually blog? What is it that we want to achieve through blogging?

If you’re reading this and have yet to start a blog, check out my post here.

Some people use their blog to become famous and well-known, others to make money. Some just want to inform and educate, and some do it because they think it’s fun to put pictures of themselves and what they eat. Some blog just for the fun of it, and others just use their blog as their online diary.

Regardless of your end goal, it would be a good idea to implement a few specific strategies to make your blog stand out from others and cut through the noise.

This is the first step to gaining traction and becoming a successful blogger.

If you think this sounds interesting and like something you want to do, carry on reading, because in this article, we will be sharing a list of 15 tips you can use to build an authority blog that your readers and search engines will love.

1. Change From the Default Theme

The default WordPress theme isn’t ideal if you want your blog to stand out to your visitors. There are simply too many blogs out there that keep the default theme for their website, which is a big mistake. Do not be one of them. Your blog won’t make nearly as much of an impact with the default theme. With WordPress you can easily change your theme by going going to “Appearance” then “Themes” and then “Add New”. Try to pick a theme that’s engaging, yet easy on the eyes. You also want to make sure it’s SEO friendly.

2. Select a Comfortable Color Scheme

In order for your visitors to not bounce off your website, and to come back to your blog, they can’t be turned off by your colors or layout. For example, a black blog with white text might work great for photos, but not for reading long articles. At the same time, lime green in combination with the bright pink might not be the best idea either. Use a color that is easy on the eyes for your visitors. For example, having a white background on your posts and black text is very clear and easy to read. Mix in a few solid colors (like black, blue, green etc.) in the navigation area to give your blog a solid color foundation. Another tip is to visit your favorite websites and analyze how they are utilizing colors. This can be a great way to get additional ideas.

3. Create Killer Content

One of the most important steps to any successful blog is to create valuable content that people will love to read, share and comment on.  It’s also important to create content so the search engines will find you as well. This means doing keyword research, making your posts at least 500 words long, optimizing your content, meta tags and building quality backlinks to you specific posts.

Use headings withing your posts like <h1>, <h2> and <h3> tags, bullet-points, and short sentences or paragraphs. This will break up the text and make your content more easily digestible.
Also, don’t forget to put some pictures in your blog posts. Not only are images appealing to the eye, but they can also be used to help drive home your message and explain what you mean. Humans are visual creatures, so many people tend to resonate much better with images rather than text. This is why using high-quality images is a great way to keep the readers’ attention and keep them glued to your blog.

4. Publish Regularly

In order to continue to increase your blog traffic and keep your readers engaged, you must publish consistent and quality content. At the very least, you should publish one blog post per week. The bloggers that do less than this (say only one blog post per month) will not look as relevant in the eyes of Google and will also disappoint their readers who are looking for more content. You’ll want to get into a flow of consistent content generation and it’s also a good strategy to pre-schedule your posts so you always stay ahead with your content calendar.

5. Related Posts

If a visitor patiently reads an entire post and reaches the end, they may be looking for another article of yours to browse. If you do not provide them with additional articles to read, there is a high chance that the visitor will leave your website (resulting in a higher overall bounce rate).

A good strategy to keep visitors on your blog and navigating from blog post to blog post is through “related posts”. Related posts are exactly how they sound- They’re relevant posts based off of the current article a person is reading that are placed at the bottom of a given blog post. If the visitor has already read a post, there is a great chance that she/he is interested in more things you have to say. YARPP – Yet Another Related Post Plugin is a simple and good option to use for this method.

6. Provide the Opportunity for RSS Feeds and Subscriptions

Many visitors have dozens of blogs that they follow, which sometimes makes it difficult to frequent back to them all. These people often choose to read the blogs through an RSS reader either on the computer or through a mobile phone. Then they can instantly see if you published new content without having to constantly visit your website. This is why you want to give them the opportunity to subscribe to new posts from your blog through an RSS feed and/or also by e-mail. WordPress has a standard RSS feed, but you can also use tools such as FeedBurner. This will give you statistics about your subscribers and other insightful analytics.

7. Have Social Sharing Buttons

This is a no-brainer with how much time people spend on social media today. Help your visitors share your content through social sharing buttons. This is a great way to drive more traffic to your blog and also has the potential to make a particular post go viral if it gets shared enough. You should always be encouraging your readers to share your blog posts via social media so that you can attract fresh visitors to your blog.

8. Use Google Search Console

If you do not already have a Google Account, create one. Then make sure to set up your Google Search Console property. By adding your website to Google Search Console and verifying ownership, you can upload an XML sitemap of your site, which acts as a roadmap and makes it easier for Google to index your entire blog. This will also notify Google when you post new articles. If you use the Yoast SEO plugin, then an XML sitemap will be automatically generated for you.

Within Google Search Console you can also look into keyword data to see what visitors are searching and clicking on to get to your website, crawl errors, indexing issues, HTML improvements and a whole lot more. Having your site verified with Google Search Console is a must for every blogger that wants to be successful (and especially from an SEO perspective).

9. Study your Stats on Google Analytics

By registering your blog on Google Analytics, you can get valuable information about your website traffic. You can analyze metrics such as total traffic, organic traffic, new visitors (from search), returning visitors (from search), referral traffic, direct traffic, technology used, demographics, conversion points and much more. This information is essential to to track as it will help you make improvements and adjustments where necessary for even more growth down the road.
Author Bio
Jens is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of Veloce International marketing blog and the influencer marketing directory Veloce Network. He is a social media and marketing nut, sharing his passion for online marketing and business in his articles.
Are you currently using any of these tips?

Blog Consulting & Coaching Services – Personal Blog Coaching Program

Blog Consulting Services

Due to high demand of my blog coaching services, I no longer offer a free 30-minute consultation. Instead, please scroll down and go right to my “What Pricing & Blog Coaching Packages Do I Offer?” section to place your order and book your first call with me. Any questions while reading this page, I’m more than happy to help. I look forward to working with you!

I have decided to open up my availability to offer blog consulting and coaching services to those in need and interested.

One of the most common trends I see in the blogging world is people setting up a website, blogging for about 2-3 months and then completely giving up on it.

I believe a big reason for this is because they do not have the right guidance, leadership and training to help steer them in the right direction.

They do not know how to drive targeted traffic, they do not know how to properly implement SEO strategies and they do not know how to monetize their blog in the most effective way.

I used to just specifically offer SEO consulting but I noticed there was a major need for general blogging coaching with the current “drop-out” rate I see with bloggers today.

So here we are!

I am thrilled to be able to help interested individuals better understand the basics of blogging and also how to dramatically grow/expand their readership as well.

What Do You Get With My Personal Blog Coaching Services

Below, I list out what you can expect to receive when you are a blogging student of mine. 

Let me first make clear that my blogging program is completely flexible- meaning if you only want to schedule one-time coaching calls, that’s fine…or if you want to schedule recurring calls every month, that’s also fine. It all depends on where you currently stand and how much support you need.

With my blog consulting services, here’s what you can count on below.

  • An experienced blog coach who will understand and discuss your needs, goals and current blogging struggles.
  • If you haven’t created a blog yet, I will help you set it up and get it up and running quickly.
  • If you do currently have a blog, I will provide you with an initial benchmark analysis to see where your website stands and needs improvement.
  • Either one-time consultation calls or monthly recurring calls based on the level of support you need to get your blog and results moving in the right direction.
  • Help/support in setting up Google Analytics and Google Search Console.
  • Technical support and installation of the necessary plugins/tools for your blog.
  • A full SEO analysis of your blog including looking into meta tags, content, backlink portfolio, website architecture and more, to see where and how we can generate more organic traffic.
  • A customized strategy specific to your blog on how to increase its exposure, traffic, sales etc.
  • Insider tips/strategies that I personally use and have years of experience implementing.
  • Full access & support via email ( and/or Facebook on any questions or problems you have. Seriously I encourage my students to reach out to me.
  • Me as your coach, support system and teammate…This is a combined effort and you will not be in this alone!

Sometimes you need a push in the right direction, extra motivation to not give up and advanced strategies that come from an experienced mentor.

You do not have to go about this alone…

Teaching others about blogging, SEO and creating more freedom from the power of blogging is one of my passions.

If you’re at all interested, please use the contact form above so we can schedule a time to talk.

Alternatively, you can email me or call me via the contact information below. Please just make sure you state in your message that you’re interested in my “blog consulting & coaching services”.

With all that being said, if you read this far down that tells me you’re motivated to take your blog to the next level, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.

I look forward to hearing from you!

What Pricing & Blog Coaching Packages Do I Offer?

Please see below for my blog coaching packages. Select a blog package that works best for you and your current situation. I look forward to working with you soon!

Step #1) Select your package and make your purchase. You will have the option of paying via PayPal or Debit/Credit Card. 

Step #2) After purchasing, you will then be redirected to a simple page where you can schedule your first coaching session with me. Once I have you booked, I will send you a private Zoom link we’ll use for our session together.

1 Coaching Call @ $159/hour
1 Coaching Call
($159 per 1 hour call)
Order Now!
BRONZE Package
2 Coaching Calls @ $149/hour
2 Coaching Calls
($159, $149 per 1 hour call)
Order Now!
SILVER Package
4 Coaching Calls @ $139/hour
4 Coaching Calls
$159, $149, $139 per 1 hour call
Order Now!
GOLD Package
6 Coaching Calls @ $129/hour
6 Coaching Calls
$159, $149,$139 , $129 per 1 hour call
Order Now!
10 Coaching Calls @ $119/hour
10 Coaching Calls
$159, $149,$139 ,$129, $119 per 1 hour call
Order Now!

What are my clients saying?

Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC IconEvan Hoeflich Marketing LLC

11 Deer Run Road, Wallingford

5.0 25 reviews

  • Avatar Hannah Matheson ★★★★★ a month ago
    Evan and his team have a tremendous asset to both our businesses since we started working with them. Their SEO services are top notch. We've seen a direct correlation with their work and prospects in our businesses. And they take the … More time to explain their work, teach us what they are doing in a way we can understand, and definitely have the skill and knowledge to get the jobs done and done well. Plus – they are easy to get in touch with, responsive, and have even helped us with other requests regarding our website. Definitely recommend!
  • Avatar Andrew Kenas ★★★★★ a month ago
    I've been in business for 5 years and grew almost exclusively through in person events throughout the community. This was great, however my monthly revenue was up and down, up and down, depending on how many events I did and how successful … More they were. It also sucks asking my team to spend nights and weekends away from their families to host the events.
    Then I was introduced to Evan and his team, and let me tell you it was one of the best business decisions i've ever made!!!! Our website is FINALLY getting the traction and organic leads we've been needing. Now, my business is BOOMING and we're less reliant on in-person events and almost getting more high quality leads than we can handle. I couldn't be more grateful for the amazing work they've done for us. If you're unsure on whether the investment is worth it – it 100% is! 10/10 recommend!!!
  • Avatar Natalie Bybee ★★★★★ a month ago
    Evan was very responsive, flexible, and patiently explained the intricacies of SEO in order to get my business noticed. Really enjoyed working with him and his team!
  • Avatar Julie Gray ★★★★★ a month ago
    Evan and his team are ultimate professionals. They have helped my SEO tremendously to drive traffic for my physical therapy/wellness practice. They are incredibly organized and communicate with you every step of the way. They are friendly … More and just a pure pleasure to work with!
  • Avatar Shannon Scholl ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    I've been working with Evan and his incredibly professional and efficient team for 6 months and have seen a HUGE uptick in organic traffic. I'm so thankful for their expertise – it's made all the difference for my business! … More
  • Avatar mPower Physical Therapy ★★★★★ 6 months ago
    Evan's Marketing company is a worlds difference from the last SEO company I worked with. The last SEO company I did not see any results. They were put off with me asking for a call to get an updated. I switched to Evan's Company … More and I could immediatley tell a difference. I get monthly reports, We can do monthly calls. There is a collaboration on content and next steps. And the best part is my SEO is gaining in numbers each month. We have over a 500% increase over last year! It is hard to find marketing companies you can trust and this one you can trust!
  • Avatar Mike Yasson ★★★★★ 9 months ago
    I own a Physical Therapy business and have been working with Evan for almost 2 years now. To say his SEO work has transformed our business would be an understatement. When we first started working together, we were seeing almost no leads … More from google and then ones we did were very inconsistent. 2 years later and we are steadily getting new, qualified leads every month. He has a great team that has done an outstanding job speaking in our voice so that our content can continue to feel organic. Lastly the communication from him and his team has been outstanding, we sit down every month and he is able to show me what work is being done and where our current progress is at!
  • Avatar Ariela Freedman ★★★★★ a year ago
    Evan has done an amazing job with SEO for my two businesses, and he's so easy to work with. I appreciate that Evan takes the time to explain what he's doing and gives me options along the way. He's so knowledgable about all … More kinds of things that I wouldn't think to ask about, and he's also completely approachable and down to earth. I can't recommend Evan enough — he's really great at what he does!
  • Avatar Jesse Lewis ★★★★★ a year ago
    I'm the owner of a physical therapy practice in Washington DC and have had great success working with Evan. When we started together, we were getting less than 1 lead from Google searches per month. Now, 2 years later, we're getting … More over 20 leads per month due to Evan's SEO work combined with a Google ads strategy that he recommended as well. It has completely changed our business and we've grown much faster than anticipated in part due to the work he's done for us. Can't recommend him highly enough.
  • Avatar Lauren Sok ★★★★★ a year ago
    I've been working with Evan and his team for nearly 2 years. I can't say enough about how great he has been to work with. The results we've seen overtime have drastically improved my leads. Every month he provides a detailed … More report outlining our progress and it continues to go up by 100% compared to the prior year. It's been one of the best investments I've made to drive more traffic my way. Evan is also a great communicator and his team writes content that perfectly speaks to my audience. If you are on the fence regarding SEO, don't hesitate. Evan will take care of everything and produce excellent results. Keep in mind that SEO is a long game so you'll have to stick with it for at least a year to note the impact. By year two mine has taken off!
  • Avatar Alex Aksanov ★★★★★ 2 years ago
    It has been great working with Evan. His professionalism and expertise stand out from any other marketing company we have worked with before. He takes the time to go over all important details and provides great additional resources. I … More highly recommend working with Evan!
  • Avatar ITR Physical Therapy ★★★★★ 3 years ago
    Evan and his team have been steadily helping me with my SEO for my website over the past year and we have seen a consistent steady increase in organic traffic. This was something that was sorely needed. He is easy to talk to and is always … More ready to explain what he is doing and why! I highly recommend Evan and his team!
  • Avatar Ted Bilodeau ★★★★★ 3 years ago
    I am developing a website at, and I can't say enough great things about Evan. Not only did he help me to make the most of the SEO consulting time he gave me, but he always gave me extra time! He helped me to understand … More the basics of SEO, made it clear and simple for a novice such as myself, and has certainly given my website a chance to be found online. Well worth the money!!
  • Avatar j stx ★★★★★ 3 years ago
    Evan meets and exceeds every expectation I had about approaching blogging. He meets you where you're at and guides you at a pace that's perfectly paired to your current understanding of blogging, SEO, writing tips, and more. … More He's patient, knowledgeable, direct, and I couldn't recommend him more!
  • Avatar Jill Johnson ★★★★★ 3 years ago
    Evan has been wonderful to work with! He has helped me to take my business to a new level. He was willing to teach me so that I could handle things as they came up. Appreciate Evan's attention to detail and caring about getting my … More business to where I wanted it to be. I highly recommend working with Evan!
  • Avatar John Martin ★★★★★ 3 years ago
    When we started our YouTube channel, Retirement Travelers, we knew we needed help. We found Evan through an internet search, and after working with him over the past year, it was truly one of the best decisions we made. Evan was patient … More in teaching us about SEO and the analytics of our website, as well as critical information we needed to know about YouTube. His encouragement, ideas, and suggestions have helped us to have a fantastic first year. We couldn’t have done it without him, and it was money well spent. Surely we could have learned it on our own, but why? He saved us countless hours of frustration and helped us channel our efforts in a direct path toward success. We highly recommend him!
  • Avatar Melissa Miller ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    I found Evan after I had done some research for pro blog coaches. I really resonated with him as he meets your where you’re at in your business and critiques his lessons to what you need. He isn’t pushy and so available! I love how he always … More available via email and covers things from both a teaching stand point and where I am at in my business during our Zoom lessons. Even though I haven’t been able to pay for sessions in a few months I still consider him as my first coach. The feedback via email I am continuing to get is helping me so much!
    Evan, thank you!!!

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How Amazing Blog Design Can Impact Reader Retention and Engagement

amazing blog design

Content creation has become such a nuanced art form that even the most skillful of marketing gurus have a tough time balancing so many balls in the air, starting with reader engagement, over to traction and recognition, and then finally optimization so that Google ranks it high. In fact, as a growth-oriented business hell-bent on making an impact in the industry, you shouldn’t aim for anything less than the first spot on the first page of search engine results.

After all, if you publish anything less than stellar content on a regular basis, how do you expect to retain your audience or grow your following in the long run? But content is not all you should be worried about. There are numerous crucial factors that go into a powerful, engaging, and shareable blog site.

From written content to woo the audience with mesmerizing storytelling, to user-friendly design and beautiful photos, all the way to brand dissemination and content diversification, the road to long-term success is laden with opportunities. So let’s take advantage of them and give you the definitive roadmap to building an amazing blog design that will guarantee reader retention and engagement.

Stellar content reigns supreme

First things first, let’s help you nail the fine art of storytelling before moving on to different content types. In the online world, written content truly reigns supreme, as you can not only use brand stories and messages to engage your audience on a profound, emotional level, but also to rank higher than anyone else on Google and thus stay one step ahead of the competition at all times.

This means that your stories not only need to be better than everyone else’s, but that your content needs to be optimized with relevant keywords, photos and alt-tags to boost recognition and propel your website up the proverbial ladder. Keep in mind that while SEO is also crucial for your success, all the keywords in the world won’t be able to bring poor content from the abyss that is the second page of Google.

With that in mind, it’s imperative to focus on creating quality, immersive content that will keep your readers engaged throughout, guiding them on their journey to your checkout page. Remember, if there is no great storytelling to keep your visitors on your website, there is nothing to boost your conversion rates or elevate your standing in the industry.

Striking an emotional chord with imagery

There is always a way to make a great piece of content even better, and images do a wonderful job of enriching the written word and giving the entire article some meat, so to say. In fact, it’s a good idea to try and distance yourself from the notion of literary content being the only type of content for your website, and instead introduce numerous other content forms into your overall content marketing strategy.

This will help you diversify your offer and appeal to a wide array of audience types, and it will also make your content shareable across a myriad of social media platforms. However, if you’re mainly using stock photos for your website or social media, beware, this can be a double-edged sword. The key to recognition in any industry is uniqueness, and if your written content is unique, then there is no reason why your photos should be any different. Plus, stock photos can’t really portray your true brand identity the way original images can, so it’s always better to hire a professional photographer instead.

Creating an enthralling, user-friendly design

It should go without saying that your blog will only be as appealing and successful as its design, as the modern audience not only needs great content, but it also needs that content to be wrapped up in an aesthetic package. This means that your website not only has to wear the company colors and symbols, but that it should also boast a user-friendly design that will cut loading times and present a clean, clutter-free interface.

Take the Australian market, for instance, as a place where entrepreneurs and business leaders have taken the design concept to the next level. In the Land Down Under, agencies specializing in website development in Sydney and other entrepreneurial centers around the country aim to build user-friendly designs and integrate content to boost responsiveness, engagement, and retention. The key here lies in full integration – creating an immersive presentation that will grab the visitor’s attention, establish an emotional connection, and reel them in with relatable, beautiful content.

Tapping into a wealth of content possibilities

Content comes in many forms, and it would be a shame if your brand didn’t exploit the wealth of opportunities that come with content diversification. After all, every customer is unique, and while some enjoy a beautiful story to read over a cup of coffee, others like to relax with the sounds of an informative podcast. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.

In the pursuit of higher audience engagement and retention, you should be looking at all content possibilities out there, including images, videos, podcasts, infographics, quizzes, surveys, E-books, free courses and tutorials, and many, many more. If you invest in the creation of numerous types of content for your target audience to enjoy, you will not only prevent monotony from settling into your content strategy, but you will also be able to disseminate it across all relevant social media platforms, and the rest of the online universe.

Disseminating the brand across the web

So, you’ve made all this amazing content, you’ve optimized it for maximum engagement and SERP positioning, what now? How do people actually find out about your brand and the amazing stories that will change their lives? By sharing your content across relevant social media platforms and other authority websites in the industry. This way, your blog can become the top authority in the industry as well, and the go-to source of information the online audience will trust and love, so use the power of social media to leverage success.

A few parting words

Building an amazing blog that will grab the readers’ attention and keep them on your site is not an easy goal to achieve, especially when you take into account that every growth-oriented company in your niche is trying to achieve the same. Nevertheless, with these foolproof tips in mind, you will have no problem growing your brand recognition and elevating your blog to become the leading source of quality information in the online world.

Author Bio:

Lauren Wiseman

Lauren Wiseman is an entrepreneur, currently based in Melbourne and a regular contributor to She assists clients in growing their personal and professional brands in a fast-changing and demanding market environment. Covering finance and investment topics, Lauren strongly believes in holistic approach to business.


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Your Blog Works For You 24/7 and 365 Days Per Year- Take Advantage

online asset

Having a blog is a powerful online asset.

Assuming you produce quality and properly optimized content, your blog can literally work for you 24/7, 365 days a year.

You can be sleeping, eating, vacationing and people can still be browsing your website/purchasing your products and services.

When you think about your blog as an asset like this, it’s really a game changer.

Time Is Everything

To entrepreneurs time is the most valuable resource.

What a blog does is separate the need to trade your time for money.

Now of course you have to take some time upfront to write the blog posts, market them, maintain the website, build your email list etc., but once a blog post is written/published, it is up there FOREVER working for you 24/7….And without you having to do another thing to it.

Same goes for publishing a YouTube video for example, you have to put in the upfront time to record it, edit it and then upload it to YouTube, but after that there’s no more time you need to put into it (other than possibly marketing it a bit).

Creating online assets like this is really important to understand.

It opens up your mind to a strategy that many successful entrepreneurs utilize.

On the flip side, trading time for money (which most people do at their jobs/careers), has its restricting limitations.

You can only work so many hours in a given day, week, month and year.

You only have so much focus, energy and motivation as well.

But when you eliminate your time from the equation and produce assets that work for you, the sky is the limit.

There is no ceiling in entrepreneurship and that is why it’s so fascinating to so many people.

But most don’t understand the simple concept laid out in this blog post, which is part of the reason why they fail.

It took me a while to grasp this myself, I didn’t fully understand it at first.

But the more I saw the results of income producing assets like this and waking up to sales in various accounts, I saw the power behind it.

I thought…“I can be asleep and still generate an income, this is awesome!”

Build Your Online Asset(s)

If this concept resonates with you at all, I highly encourage you to start experimenting for yourself.

You may not get everything right the first time, but you have to be in the game in order to win at it.

I’d reccomend either starting a blog or a YouTube channel…Better yet, do both!

As stated above both blog posts and YouTube videos are online assets that can work for you.

Learn some additional marketing skills so these pieces of content get exposure and stay persistent with your approach.

Not every blog post or video is going to be a home run, but it’s important that you’re constantly learning in the process and improving over-time.

Even just taking the first step of understanding this concept as a whole gives you a big advantage and plants the seed to what is truly possible.

Do you currently have any assets working for you?

How To Make Money With Sponsored Blog Posts?

How To Make Money With Sponsored Posts

A great monetization strategy for your blog is sponsored posts.

For many bloggers this is a great way to generate extra revenue from their website.

People will essentially pay you to get their content published on your website as it helps them generate more exposure for their brand and builds a quality backlink which is helpful for SEO (assuming the link flows naturally and is relevant to the article).

The reason I love offering sponsored posts is 1.) because it’s an extra source of income and 2.) it provides you with consistent content for your blog.

Just make sure the content you are receiving is of the highest quality and don’t be afraid to turn it down.

Also make sure you check it for plagiarism using a tool like Copyscape.

I only accept/publish content that I know will benefit my readers and that is 100% valuable/unique content.

If you’re interested in accepting sponsored posts here are two steps below that will help you set this up for yourself.

Build Up Your Own Site Authority

In order for anyone to be interested in submitting an article to your blog, your site must have some authority in the eyes of Google. This means that it must have a decent domain authority and enough traffic for it to be worthwhile to post on. You need to make sure you’re creating quality content on a consistent basis and also building quality backlinks in order to give your website more weight in the major search engines.

Having updated and fresh content on your blog shows others that your site is current and relevant with helpful information. People want to contribute to websites where content is routinely being published and where readers are engaging on a consistent basis. They will most likely also check out your domain authority (see link above) so it’s important to adopt an on-going link building strategy, this way you can increase your overall search engine rankings and organic traffic. A more reputable/authoritative site also allows you to increase your sponsored posts fees, so this should be a top priority.

Create A Dedicated Page For Sponsored Posts

By creating a dedicated page for sponsored post submissions, this tells people that you are indeed accepting sponsored content. It also allows you to lay out your guidelines, topics allowed, pricing and submission process. For example, my page here is a perfect example of what you should include on your site if you’re interested in offering sponsored posts. These types of pages can also get indexed in Google which makes them much more accessible and visible to potential contributors. By creating this page, you can tell people exactly what type of content you’re looking for so that when you receive submissions, minimal edits will have to be made (saving you valuable time).

Take this sponsored post strategy seriously as it can potentially help you generate a few hundred dollars per month or even a few thousand depending on how authoritative your site is. Again, continue to work on strengthening your website on all levels as this will allow you to charge higher fees. Sponsored posts are pretty much pure profit as all it takes is your time to edit/upload them. Although you don’t want this to be your only method of creating revenue from your website, it is a really powerful strategy that should be included in your monetization mix.

If you haven’t started your blog yet, you may want to take a look here.

What do you think of sponsored posts?

Let me know in the comments section below!

How To Create Blog Content That Ranks In Google- Quick Tutorial

Writing Blog Content

In order to get your blog posts noticed by the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo you must follow a specific formula to make this happen.

You wouldn’t believe how many people get this wrong, which is why they generate little to zero organic traffic.

In this post we will go over exactly how to create blog content that ranks in Google so you can put yourself well ahead of the competition.

If you haven’t started a blog yet, you may want to check this post out.

Now let’s get into it!

1.) Keyword Research- Look For Long-Tail Keywords

The starting point to any successful piece of blog content begins with keyword research. Using tools like Ubersuggest (free), Google Keyword Planner (free) or MOZ Keyword Explorer (paid), you’ll want to start generating a list of a few keywords per blog post. Remember to try and focus on long-tail keyword phrases as they are less competitive and easier to rank for. Long-tail keyword phrases are generally 3-5 word terms, sometimes longer. See example below:

  • This post you’re reading right now is targeting the keyword “How To Create Blog Content“…but it’s also targeting “Create Blog Content That Ranks In Google“.  So with one long-tail keyword phrase, I’m actually targeting two different keywords. These will be less competitive compared to for example, “Blog Content” which is incredibly general…Does this make sense?

Just like anything, the more you practice the art and skill of keyword research, the better you get at it. When starting out just get used to compiling some keywords together based around the specific topic you’d like to write about. Don’t try to find the “winner”, instead grab around 2-4 that may be good candidates to target.

2.) Make Blog Posts 500+ Words Long

Now that you have your keyword(s) mapped out, it’s time to start writing your blog post. It’s essential that you do not take shortcuts here. You always want to publish the highest quality content possible. So with that being said, make sure your blog posts are at the very least 500 words long. I personally have seen the best results when I write my blog posts over 1,000 words long. Long-form style content tends to rank much better in Google from my experience.

Google favors websites/blogs that have a sufficient amount of content published. If Google sees two websites competing for the same keyword (say 350 words vs. 1,000 words) and both are blog posts, Google will pick the one that has more quality content to rank higher. Get into the habit of ensuring your blog posts are over 500 words but eliminating any fluff as well. You want your blog posts to be in-depth and valuable content for your readers.  

3.) Copy Optimization/Internal Linking

Once your blog is written, you’ll want to make sure it’s optimized properly with your target keywords sprinkled in throughout the content. This gives Google a better idea of what your blog post is about and gives it more authority from an on-site SEO perspective. Do not just stuff your keywords in here though, make sure they ready naturally and are placed strategically in your post. Remember that creating blog content that ranks in Google is just as much for real humans as is it for the search engines.

You will also want to add a handful of internal links to other relevant blog posts or pages on your website. Google encourages webmasters to guide visitors to other helpful content on their site. It helps people get around better and also spreads some ranking power (link juice) from page to page. Try to add 2-3 internal links per 500 words or so.

4.) Write Proper SEO Tags (Yoast)

A crucially important step is ensuring that you write proper SEO tags for each and every blog post. This really lets Google know what your article is about and which keywords you are targeting. To learn more about the specific SEO tags check out my post here: How To Do Simple Search Engine Optimization. These tags will contain your most important keywords and will create a strong SEO foundation for that page. Listed below are the main keywords you should focus on (remember to check out my post above for more details on each SEO tag).

  • Title Tags (60-70 characters long)
  • Meta Descriptions (155-160 characters long)
  • Header Tags (H1, H2, H3 etc.)
  • Image ALT Tags

A great SEO plugin if you use WordPress is Yoast. They make it incredibly easy to implement SEO tags for each and every blog post you write. It’s important to take your time on this part of the blog creation process as writing properly optimized SEO tags could mean all the difference in getting floods of organic traffic to your content or none at all. See screenshot below of how Yoast looks when optimizing your tags (this is showing your Title Tag, URL slug and Meta Description).

How To Create Blog Content

5.) Link Building to That Specific Post

A more advanced but incredibly powerful strategy to really set yourself apart from the competition is to build quality backlinks to your specific blog post(s). The best way to do this is through guest posting, where you would reach out to other relevant websites in your niche and find out if they’re interested in a guest blog post from you. You would then write a quality article for their website and embed your blog post link (using specific anchor text) and send it off for publishing. This is how you build natural and quality backlinks to your website/blog posts.

This strategy can give you a huge boost in terms of search engine rankings and many times is just what you need to cement yourself at the top of the search results!

6.) Consistency

Last but not least it’s important to be consistent in your overall blogging strategy. You need to realize that not every blog post is going to rank super highly in the search engines. Some will do great and others not so great, which is why you need to continue to publish quality, fresh and unique content. At the very least you should be blogging once per week. That’s four blog posts per month. Can you handle that?  If you can do more that’s even better, just make sure you’re not sacrificing quality. Stay patient, remain persistent and results are sure to follow.

That about wraps it up and to be quite frank this blog post that you’re reading is a good example of what you should strive for. It’s targeting a specific keyword(s), it’s over 1000 words long, it’s properly optimized with internal links, SEO tags etc., and eventually I will build natural backlinks to it through guest posting.

Was this post helpful to you?

Are you already using this formula? Let me know in the comments section!

Rather watch the video version of this blog post?

How To Create Blog Content That Ranks In Google

How To Become a Successful Blogger and Make Extra Money

How To Become a Successful Blogger and Make Money

One of the most common questions I receive on a monthly basis is people asking me in some form or another “how to become a successful blogger and make money”.

Unfortunately, there’s really no straight forward way to answer this question as building an authoritative blog is a process that takes time, effort and dedication.

However, anyone who is willing to roll up their sleeves, put in the work, learn the right marketing strategies and dive in head first has a great chance of success with their blog.

In this post we’ll look at a few powerful blogging tips that will help guide you in the right direction:

Blogging Tips- How To Become a Successful Blogger

Before we dive into the list below, if you want to learn the basics of actually starting a blog (like signing up for hosting, choosing a domain name, installing WordPress, picking out a theme etc.), then I highly recommend you check out this post here.

The blogging techniques we will go over today are ones that I have personally used (and still use) to increase my overall reach, search engine rankings, organic traffic, leads, conversions, readership and exposure.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

1.) Create Your Blog Around A Specific Niche (that you’re passionate about)

Highly successful bloggers will tell you that they absolutely love the niche they operate in and what they write about on a consistent basis. It is essential that you create your blog around a niche you’re passionate about, so generating content never ever feels like a chore. When you write about something you love, it shows in your work and will ensure your content comes off as fresh and engaging for your readers. It also ensures that ideas will always be flowing and you’ll never run out of things to write about (assuming you’ve picked a big enough niche, which is also recommended). Try to choose a niche that is full of hungry people looking for more information, answers and/or solutions to their problems. For example, my blog is based around Internet Marketing, blogging, SEO, passive income, entrepreneurship, personal development/finance etc. This is an area and subject that I really gravitate towards which makes producing content an absolute breeze. Which brings me to my next point…

2.) Generate Consistent Content

Consistent and quality content is the lifeblood of any thriving blog. If you want any shot at becoming a successful blogger, you must publish top-notch and unique content every single week. This shows the major search engines like Google and Bing that your site is relevant and worthy of coming back to. On the flip side, blogs that struggle to produce content on a regular basis will soon fall out of the search results and be outranked by fresher and more evergreen websites. At the very least, strive to publish a 700 – 2000 word blog post once a week.

3.) Have An SEO Strategy In Place

The most successful blogs are generating much of their traffic organically through the search engines. This means they have proper search engine optimization (SEO) in place to take advantage of the keyword phrases they want to rank for. For bloggers, SEO doesn’t have to be too complicated. Plugins such as Yoast really help to cut some of the learning curve for beginners.

To start, focus on making sure that all of the most important SEO tags (Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, Headers Tags and Image ALT tags) are properly optimized with your most important keyword phrases in place. This will provide you an excellent foundation and explain to the search engines what your site/pages are about. You’ll also want to make sure your content (blog posts and pages) is properly optimized as well with target terms and internal links where appropriate. In both your SEO tags and content, please make sure not to ‘keyword stuff’.  Meaning do not add an unnecessary amount of keyword phrases, as this could hurt your site more than help it. Keep it natural and modest and follow the lead of plugins like Yoast for keyword density recommendations. We will discuss another SEO strategy below separately since it deserves its own paragraph (link building). For now, follow the link above to read a little bit more about a few SEO best practices…especially if you’re new to this.

4.) Have People Contribute Articles To Your Blog

A very underrated blogging strategy is opening up your website for guest posts/sponsored posts.  Accepting guest posts is beneficial for a few reasons 1.) It provides you with consistent content 2.) It can create an additional stream of revenue (I’ll explain more below) and 3.) It allows you to connect with other successful bloggers. When you’re blog is brand new, you can start by accepting free guest posts to get things rolling. However, once your blog starts gaining more authority, you can charge anywhere from $10-$500 per post (if not more) for people to publish content with a backlink on your website. Other bloggers are always looking for backlink opportunities and are willing to pay top dollar if your site is worth it. This is a win-win situation as not only does it create an additional income stream but it also gives you consistent content as well. I’ll give you a real simple trick to get this started…see screenshot below:

How To Become a Successful Blogger

In the navigation area of your website, make sure to add a “Write For Us” or “Contribute” or “Guest Post” page. Thousands of other website owners search Google daily using these search queries looking for guest posting opportunities. When you have a page dedicated to this, it increases the likelihood of receiving article submissions. I personally receive numerous requests/submissions each and every day since I added this page to my website.

5.) Share Blog Posts on Social Media | Encourage Sharing As Well

This step is pretty self explanatory but it’s vital that you share each and every blog post your write on your social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon etc. Social media is only continuing to grow in popularity and more and more people are spending their time there. This is another audience that you can capitalize on and traffic that you can drive back to your blog. Another thing you’ll want to do is have “share” buttons on your blog so people can easily share your content with friends, family, co-workers etc. This sometimes has the chance to make a post go viral so it’s important to have share buttons in place. Encourage people to share your content with others and maybe offer an incentive if they do. Get creative in your social media approach and don’t be afraid to try different methodologies.

6.) Focus Heavily on Link Building

Link building can produce some dramatic increases in terms of search engine rankings, organic traffic and domain authority. This should hands down be a mandatory and on-going focus each and every month. To explain a bit further, Google ranks websites based on their on-site SEO (explained above- meta tags and content) as well as their off-site SEO (# of quality backlinks). The more quality backlinks your blog has pointing to it, the higher up in the search results Google will generally place you. This in return will bring you in more organic traffic. This is incredibly powerful information to understand as it could mean the difference in getting 10 organic searches versus 100,000+ organic searches per month.

Now a really simple and natural way to build quality backlinks is through guest posting on other authoritative websites. You would start by creating a list of relevant websites in your niche to see if they are accepting guest posts. An easy way to do this is to use certain search queries in Google like:

  • “write for us” + “keyword”
  • “guest post” + “keyword”
  • “contribute” + “keyword”

Once you generate your list you would simply pitch these sites a few blog topics that they would be interested in. Most will let you place a link within the content of the article or in the author bio which would provide you with a powerful backlink. Did I mention this is powerful? Again, you want to build as many quality backlinks as possible and work at this every single month (if not every week). Eventually you will start to see real momentum with this approach and will realize that all the hard work is well worth it. To gauge your progress, keep track of the guest posts you get published on other websites (on an excel spreadsheet) and also enter your site in MOZ’s open site explorer feature every couple of months. This will give you an idea of your overall domain authority and how many links are pointing to your blog.

7.) Monetize Your Blog and Make Money

There are endless ways to monetize your blog so that a percentage of your visitors turn into buying customers. For starters you can create a “Write For Us” page like I explained above and start charging for article submissions to your website. Another quick way to make sales is through affiliate marketing and utilizing banner advertisements. For example, see the screenshot below of how I’m using banners and ClickBank products to make extra revenue from my blog. Every time a visitor clicks one of my banners and purchases the product, I get paid generally 50-75% of the commission!

How To Become a Successful Blogger and Make Money

I also have a Recommended Tools section where I refer people to the tools that I personally use in my online businesses. This is a navigation link so it’s one of the first things people see when visiting my website (check out my “SEO Services” pages too which are also income generators). See screenshot below:

Monetizing Your Blog

Last and certainly not least is building your email list. This is incredibly important if you want to have life-long customers who will continue to buy from you months and even years from now. A good way to capture email addresses is to offer a “Freebie” whether it be a report, video series, informative email follow-up etc. Encourage your visitors to enter their email address in exchange for a high quality freebie. Always create as much value as possible and in return people will be happy to buy from you down the road. You can then follow-up with them promoting your own products, affiliate products, other blog posts and more. See screenshot below of the squeeze page I have set up on my blog (I also have an exit popup as well):

Professional Blogging Tips

If you’re interested in learning more about the email autoresponder I use, please take a look at my ConvertKit Review here.

8.) Patience

Finally we get to patience! Which is a trait that every accomplished blogger has. You need to realize that becoming a successful blogger is not going to happen overnight. It takes time for you to master your craft, for people to find you, for Google to place you in the top of their search results and for you to make money from your efforts. I wish I could tell you that there is a quick way to make this all happen but there isn’t. You need to adopt a long-term mindset if you ever want to build this into a part-time and/or full-time income. Stick to a plan, like the one laid out above, be persistent and you will put yourself miles ahead of the competition.

I hope these tips sparked some motivation to get things moving in the right direction for yourself.

Don’t let a few small hurdles hold you back…Keep pushing forward until you get the results that you desire.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Learn How You Can Update Old Blog Posts To Get Huge Traffic To Your Website

Updating Old Blog Posts

The world changes fast, and the Web is changing even faster. The content that seemed trendy and unique a few years or even months ago may appear outdated today. This can ultimately affect your rankings, your traffic, and visitors to your blog.

Why You Should Update Old Blog Posts

Google is highly targeted to please users, not the website owners. That’s why it shows the most relevant content for the topic on the first page and also boosts the freshest articles to the SERPs. The chances are, your well-researched, perfectly-written but old post may not even catch the eye of the user. Instead, they may click more fresh and updated articles of your competitors, which is why it may be worthwhile to update some of your old blog posts.

Another reason for continuously updating your blog and its content is that it can save time compared to writing a brand new blog post. To create a high-quality post from scratch, you need a few days (if not weeks) for researching, getting feedback from influencers, finding statistics and just writing it. Then you need to edit and proofread it, post it and set up some promotion on social media, emails and other channels.

But when you’re time-limited, updating older articles can be a real savior. You can quickly rewrite a few passages, add some fresh surveys and more precise stats, drop new photos – and you’re done.

What Content Should Be Updated

Updating old posts is easier than writing new ones, but it does indeed still require some time and effort on your end. So you should carefully examine your content and choose the pieces that are worth it and can bring you the best ROI.

Update the already well-performing posts

Start with checking Google Search Console and/or Google Analytics. You may notice that some posts bring you in quite a steady flow of traffic over an extended period of time. Usually, the curve on the graphs for these articles will be pretty straight or slightly fluctuating. Just take a look at the traffic curve for the post with book writing tips on

How To Update Old Blog Posts


It’s obvious that this post from 2012 gets (despite a couple of slight drops) a pretty stable amount of traffic through all the years. But if we check the post URL in, we will also see that e.g., in 2014 it had a bit different title and content. The article has been updated a few times until it started getting that stable amount of traffic.

To take this further, this means you should pick the posts that already have a good potential for driving visits and shares. If they already attract an audience, the chances are they will experience a traffic spike after the update. Here are a few signs that a blog post is worth updating:

  • The post already has a nice traffic flow. The stability of the flow matters more than the numbers here;
  • The post has a decent number of backlinks. If users backlink to your post then it provides more potential;
  • The post has a high number of shares. People love sharing things that have already proved to be popular. So they will gladly share a cool post that already has a bunch of shares and likes.

Update trending/seasonal posts

Check out Google Trends for the seasonal posts you have on your blog. Thus, you will notice the regular spikes of traffic for the searches of ‘christmas presents’ in December or the ‘super bowl’ at the beginning of February.

Despite such articles not showing a stable curve of traffic, you should definitely consider updating those seasonal posts (or write a few) and update them each year. Unlike evergreen topics, these posts require fewer updates of the content: sometimes it’s even enough to change the publishing date. But if you wish to get some more quality traffic, you should regularly revise the content: add new info, ideas, and freebies.

How to Update Articles Properly

Updating older posts is easier than it may seem. You can choose to update only the publishing date or the title, or the focus keyword. Your primary goal should be creating a better piece of content than it was before the update. Let’s check out the steps you can take to update your old blog posts and gain massive traffic from them.

Get Some New Keywords

If you feel you don’t get enough traffic for the article, you should review its keywords. Sometimes good articles don’t have enough traffic because of targeting wrong keywords.

Have you set any keywords for your article? Why do you think they are relevant and “good” for your content? Do you rank for the keywords you target? So, it will be great to research for some more keyword for your article. You can do it in a couple of steps:

  • Check out the article you update in Google Search Console, MOZ or other related SEO ranking tools to find out what keywords it already ranks for;
  • Check out those keywords in your favorite keyword tool. You can generate more keyword ideas with them and find new untapped keywords that can be a better solution for your post;
  • Choose among keyword ideas those that have a good search volume, high traffic potential, but are easy to rank for. Long-tails are great types of keywords that can help you to rank for hundreds of keywords from just one or two root terms.

Review the Headline and the Text

If you’re trying to target other keywords than you targeted earlier, you might want to reconsider its headline. And even if you don’t, you might wish to review your headline and come up with a few fresh ideas for your article’s title.

Review the article parts and its overall structure: what are its weakest and strongest parts, what can be improved, what you should ditch, maybe change the order of the parts, etc. Add new graphs, charts, links to the latest relevant studies.

Proofread your article and correct all the mistakes, check out the spelling and grammar. Of course, spelling is not a ranking factor. However, it impacts the reader’s trust to the content, and thus tells Google that the content is relevant and worth attention.

Improve Your Meta-Data

Even if you don’t change your target keyword, you probably may wish to improve your meta-data a bit. Making your description more appealing may tempt more readers that will wish to click your link.

  • Come up with a new title for your post. Ideally, you should create up to 5 versions of one title. WordPress users can install the Optimizely plugin. It allows doing some A/B testing on titles and choosing the most attractive one. Try to come up with a few variants to choose the most appropriate and catchy regarding readers’ clicks.
  • Make your meta description more attractive and compelling. Ideally, this should describe what your page is about in a few short sentences. This could encourage user click-through-rate in the SERPs so don’t forget to work on it.

Warning! Whatever you do with your title and description, never change the URL of the article. Since crawlers already index the old article, changing the URL may mean losing traffic that the article already has.

Do More Internal Linking

Google considers internal linking as a significant factor of relevancy of the content. So consider internal linking between your best articles. They improve the users’ trust to your content and increases chances that users will click those links and read (bring some traffic) to other articles on your blog.

Change Posting Date

Despite the recommendation to not change the URL, it’s highly recommended to change the posting date to make it more fresh. There are many cases when updating the posting date alone have provided a huge boost in rankings for the article.

Promote Your Updated Article

So, you’re done with updating. But now you need to invest some more time into its promotion like you do with any newly published blog post.

  • Post it again to social media accounts and add it to the Home page with a short note about the key updates.
  • Include it in a broadcast email to your subscribers with a similar note about the content improvements you’ve done to it.

You can also do some outreach and ask other bloggers and influencers what they think about the update. But do it carefully: reach out to bloggers only in case you’ve made some significant update like new case studies and stats addition, rewrites from a new point of view and so on.

Combine some of these tips above and you’ll be well on your way to increased blog traffic!

Author bio: 

HelenHelen is a content marketer at Ahrefs. She enjoys exploring new things every day to impress her readers with interesting & catchy stories. Apart from marketing, Helen loves listening to music, reading and traveling. A lot! You can follow Helen on Twitter and Facebook.


Any questions? Leave them in the comments section!

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