How I Made $2,500 In One Day & From One Blog Post (From Only 3 Organic Visits)

How To Make Money Blogging From Home

Disclaimer: The metrics described in this blog post are based off of my personal results. I am not stating that you will achieve the same results as I did. 

Part of the reason why SEO is so powerful in my opinion is because it allows you to drive highly-targeted traffic to your website…and at no-cost.

It’s also a strategy that works for you once you have everything set up correctly…Meaning that traffic can flood into your website everyday, while you’re sleeping, eating, away from your computer etc…(Of course you need to keep producing content on your website but I’m talking about articles that are already published/optimized properly).

This provides a lot of time freedom and is one of the biggest reasons why I love SEO as much as I do.

The problem I see however, is that many people do not diversify their efforts enough when it comes to targeting the right keywords to rank for.

Today I want to go over a specific example from my blog that will help explain this in a bit more detail.

How I Made $2,500 In One Day & From One Blog Post

The other day, I received a $2,500 affiliate commission with only 3 organic visits to a particular blog post.

Again, only 3 organic visits.

How Do I Make Money From Blogging

The reason I am telling you this is not to brag or boast but to really drive home a specific point.

Too many people when they get involved with SEO try to target only keywords that have thousands and thousands of monthly search volume.

The “home run” keywords I like to call them.

Now I am absotuely not against targeting some of these keywords in your efforts (I do so myself), but you cannot base your whole SEO strategy around this.

One reason being that you may not be able to rank highly in Google for many of these competitive terms and another reason is that a lot of these keywords are too broad in scope to begin with.

The blog post I made the $2,500 commission from is targeting a keyword that has only 50 searches per month.

Yes, that’s 50 searches per month.

Now you might be thinking…what a waste of time!

Well, it’s obviously not a waste of time and the reason being is because the traffic I’m generating from this blog article is highly targeted.

As you can tell, I converted a high-ticket commission from only 3 organic visits that day.

How To Make Money Blogging From Home

It doesn’t get much more laser-targeted than that.

Now unfortunately, I cannot show you the particular blog post I made this commission from as that would give away my keyword phrase.

But it’s important to really understand the message behind this.

Some of my best performing blogs are articles targeting long-tail keywords that have very modest search volume. 

I’m talking anywhere from 50-500 searches per month.

These are very specific phrases that are easier to rank for and drive traffic that produces results.

Also, if you keep stacking these keywords/blog posts up overtime…this ultimately could lead to thousands of searches per month for your website but in a much more diversified manner.

If you were to lose rankings for a blog post in this example, it wouldn’t be as big of a deal compared to losing rankings for a “home run” keyword that drives all of the traffic to your website.

The reason being is that you’re much more diversified targeting a large collection of these longer-tail type terms.

Does this make sense?


To sum everything up, don’t just go after high search volume keyword phrases. Diversify your efforts by targeting more long-tail type keywords which will give you a better shot of ranking within the search engines. Stack these types of keywords/blog posts up over time and naturally your organic traffic will increase!

What types of keywords are you targeting?


  • You’re so right, Evan. This is a critically important concept to understand, especially if you’re a brand new blogger. In fact, attempting to target super-competitive keywords is a recipe for failure and frustration even for experienced bloggers.

    Another case in point: One of my most successful posts has earned over $25,000 in affiliate commissions, ranking organically for a long-tail keyword phrase.

    Why would you try to go up against the big dogs when there is just so much low-hanging fruit to be had with pretty minimal effort? Makes no sense to me. ‍♂️

    This is super-powerful stuff, for sure. Thanks, Evan!

    • Hi Matt,

      Spot on!

      And that $25,000 blog post of yours is just further motivation for anyone reading this to really focus heavily on longer-tail keywords.

      As you said, there’s no reason to struggle against the big dogs when there’s so much opportunity elsewhere (and with less competition).

      Thanks for the comment!

      ~ Evan

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