Smart Ways to Take Care of your Blog’s Security

WordPress Blog Security Tips

For many people around the world, blogging is the main revenue stream. However, to monetize your blogging efforts, you first need to build trust with your target audience and position your blog as a trusted online resource. 

One of the key factors to consider is the security of your blog. 

Namely, your blog can get hacked in multiple ways – via the hosting panel, malicious code injections, outdated plugins, administrator accounts, unsafe themes, etc. While some attackers will only want to change the appearance of your blog, others may trick your visitors into giving them sensitive data or installing an infected program.

Bad experiences with your website will not only affect your conversions and bottom line. They may harm your reputation in the long-run, too. Once you lose your target audience’s trust, it may be difficult for you to regain it.

Here are a few brilliant cybersecurity tactics that will help you protect your blog.

Learn the Basics of Cybersecurity

Cyber negligence is the number one cause of cyberattacks. Any unintended action, such as clicking on a suspicious link or downloading an infected file, may lead to dramatic consequences for your blog. To avoid that, you need to learn the basics of information security.

Now, there are many online resources on cybersecurity for you to download for free, but they may often be confusing to anyone with little or no technical knowledge. To really learn to protect your blog, find the best cybersecurity courses for beginners to enroll in. Through professional assistance and peer-to-peer communication, it will be easier for you to understand how cybersecurity principles work in real-life situations. 

Limit Access to your Blog

Generic WordPress admin accounts are a super-easy entry point of attack. That is why you should delete them and create a new administrator account. 

Moreover, limit access to your WP blog. For example, there is no reason to allow guest authors to register on your WP site. Go to “Settings” and turn off the “Anyone can register” option. If several editors are publishing on the blog, make sure they have unique usernames and strong passwords. If someone stops collaborating with you, delete their account.

Create Strong Passwords

Weak and predictable passwords, such as your birthday or name, are common cybersecurity threats. Cybercriminals use sophisticated password-cracking methods, such as dictionary attacks, phishing attacks, or brute force attacks to crack almost any password combination. To make their job more difficult, you need to create complex, uncrackable passwords for each online account:

  • Create random passwords that do not include any personal data.
  • Do not use sequential numbers (1,2,3).
  • Use the mixture of characters (upper-case letters, lower-case letters, symbols, and numbers)
  • Never use memorable keyword paths (QWERTY).
  • Use unique passwords for each account.

Use Secure and Up-to-Date Plugins

In the WordPress ecosystem, there is a plugin for everything. However, when installing plugins, you should always check how secure they are. Here are a few rules to remember:

  • Never install unsafe plugins from shady sources.
  • Update plugins regularly. Outdated plugins are simpler to hack. If a plugin does not have an update, uninstall it.
  • Always remove plugins you do not need anymore. They will only clutter your code and attract cybercriminals.

Use Trusted Themes

Similar to plugins, unsafe and outdated WP themes are a perfect opportunity for online hackers to infiltrate into your blog and install malicious code. That is why you should always download the themes from reliable sources. Once you stop using the WP theme, delete it immediately.

Keep your Devices Safe from Malware

Start by investing in a paid antimalware solution to protect you against advanced cybersecurity hacks. Today, cybersecurity tools are cloud-based, meaning you will be able to use them across multiple devices. 

If your site runs on WordPress, install a reliable security plugin for WP. With plugins like Sucuri SiteCheck, Search Console, and Wordfence Security, you will be able to scan for malware, outdated software, and malicious scripts and bridge those security gaps faster.

Choose a Reliable Hosting Provider

If you are running a self-hosted blog, pay special attention to your hosting provider. Make sure they use appropriate cybersecurity measures. Most importantly, ask a web hosting vendor about their technical support. In case of a cyberattack, their support team should assist you in solving the problem.

Invest in an SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate ensures that the data, such as customer login details, signups, email addresses, is safely transmitted from and to your website. SSL encrypts user sensitive data and prevents attackers from intercepting and opening it.

Apart from keeping your data safe, switching from HTTP to HTTPS will also build trust with your target audience. Namely, blogs that use an SSL certificate are displayed in web browsers with a security padlock in the address bar. On the other hand, sites that still use HTTP are labeled as unsafe. That may impact their credibility and discourage users from signing up.

Perform Regular Backups

Knowing that you can restore your blog content anytime, you will feel much safer. That is why you should build and maintain a regular backup schedule for your blog. 

For example, you can perform backups yourself or get a web hosting provider that provides automatic backups. You could also use cloud storage plugins, such as Dropbox or Google Drive, to store your blog data. 

Over to You

Blogging is a serious business. As such, it takes time, energy, and resources. Your goal is to establish and nurture a spotless brand image and gain reader trust. That is why blog security should be your priority.

Remember, it only takes one mistake for your target audience to have a different perception of your blog. After a cyberattack, people will view your blog as an unsafe place for them, which may directly impact your conversions and bottom line.

I hope these cybersecurity tips will help you take care of your blog. 


Author Bio:

Lauren - Content ProLauren is a regular Bizzmark Blog author that has many articles published with the main focus on clients who want their brands to grow in the fast-changing and demanding market. Her personal favorites are successes of small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs. She goes through life with one strong moto – Kindness, always.



How To Work From Home Blogging? A Beginners Guide to Starting a Blogging Career

Work From Home Blogging

Many people have stories and ideas they would like to share with the world. Bloggers often channel their stories from personal experiences that allow them to connect with their audience on an intimate level. With the right strategies, commitment and hard work, you can turn your blog into a full time or part-time income. Like any other venture, your blogging journey will begin with the first step. However, before taking that leap, you must learn a few things to help make the process more manageable.

Here is an in-depth guide to help get you started blogging from home and building your business.

Work From Home Blogging (A Beginners Guide)

1.) Reasons for Starting a Blog

You must have a motive for creating a blog. In order to work from home blogging you need a clear plan guided by clear goals to help you stay focused and generate momentum.

Contrary to the misconception, you do not have to be an excellent writer to run a successful blog; you need the passion to share your knowledge and ideas. One of the reasons why people start blogs is to make money to supplement their primary source of income or as a sole source of livelihood. If you approach the venture well, you can indeed make money from it. The other reason is to share helpful content, experiences and stories with your friends, family, and even the whole world.

Other people blog to find a community to be part of; blogging about a particular topic attracts people with similar interests whom you can share your experiences with. You can also choose to further your skills as a writer through blogging. Before you opt to work from home blogging, make sure it is a venture you will enjoy doing. Remember, blogging is a long-term process and results won’t happen overnight. This needs to be something you can see yourself doing for a while.

2.) Choosing a Niche

Many aspiring bloggers take a lot of time trying to come up with the perfect niche for their website. First things first, pick a niche where you have some experience and expertise in. Also, make sure this is a niche where there are unlimited topics you can write about. Meaning you won’t have any shortage of great content ideas to write about.

Picking a niche that people are already writing about can be a good thing as well because from a business point of view, it means people are interested/searching for that topic. Again, make sure it’s a niche that you’re passionate about and have the knowledge to come up with quality article ideas. For example, it is not wise to start a sports blog if you do not fancy sports.

It’s important to note that by no means do you have to be the #1 expert in your niche. Even if you know just 10% more than most people, plus have the drive to keep learning, this will help you grow your blog. Your journey to find ways of how to successfully work from home may tempt you to pick the most “red hot” or “popular” niche. However, as stated, be careful because it is much better to create a blog around something you are passionate about and/or driven by (strictly from a sustainability standpoint).

3.) Name the Blog

The fact that there are companies that are in the business of naming companies goes to show you how challenging this can be. It is not necessary to hire professional assistance for the process. However, you should research and carefully think of a name that is relevant to your niche, memorable, and preferably short. Since the name of the blog will also serve as its domain name, it needs to be available when you go to purchase it. A blog with the same domain name is easier to find in search engines; hence they have better visibility. Mind mapping is an excellent way to derive a blog name. Write down the topic of your blog then write down words that are relative to the subject; it will give you a list of words to combine. Check the availability of the domain names in your list before picking the most suitable title.

4.) Choose a Web Host

Web hosting allows you to make your blog available online for the audience. Your host is responsible for the safety, security, and availability of the content to the readers when they type or click your URL. Working from home successfully as a blogger depends much on partnering with an excellent hosting company. If you intend to grow a successful blog, you may want to spend a portion of your money on developing a self-hosted, official, and professional blog. Going for a self-hosted blog gives you the freedom to do more, for example, the ability to really customize your website. By picking the right hosting company for your blog, you can focus on how to work from home and continue building your business with confidence.

Once you’ve settled on a domain name for your blog, you will then need to select your hosting plan from the available options. I highly recommend signing up with HostGator as they offer flexible hosting plans and also top-notch customer service. Many hosting plans that last for a year or more generally give you free registration for your domain name, so definitely keep this in mind.

how to work from home successfully

5.) Plan Your Content Strategy

To work from home blogging, you must make sure that you have a clear plan and strategy for generating content. Your blogging career will involve spending a lot of time coming up with high-quality, catchy, exciting, and insightful posts. Since other bloggers may be operating in a similar niche as you, your content needs to stand out and give readers a different and unique perspective compared to the rest. Provide readers with your honest viewpoint about a particular topic. You can even make certain posts light-hearted to include a few jokes. It’s really up to you to discover your writing style.

Researching keywords is an excellent strategy for discovering people’s current discussions, thoughts and search trends. This data you gather will come in handy in ensuring that your content answers the questions of the readers and/or contribute to ongoing conversations on topics relevant to your niche. Decide the frequency and time of your uploads as well so your audience knows when to look forward to their next read. Consistency is key when blogging from home, so make sure you pick a schedule and stick with it.

6.) Designing the Platform

Over the years, WordPress has developed excellent and feature-rich themes and templates; therefore, choosing WordPress eliminates the need to create a design from the beginning. Visit the appearance section and go through the many theme options available. Preview several themes before settling on one. A quality theme generally has many active installs but offers customization to ensure your website still looks unique. A quality theme is also compatible with the latest updates from WordPress, and has excellent user ratings. The reviews, customer support, and responsiveness of the developer are also indications if you should go with a particular theme or not. If the developer responds within a timely manner, then the theme may be suitable.

Do not compromise on the mobile responsiveness and compatibility with your blog and theme. Many people use their smartphones and tablets for many activities these days, including reading their favorite blogs. Therefore, your blog should be adaptable; for instance, it should fit into both large and small screens perfectly to provide excellent viewing for your audience. Picking between light and dark theme is also crucial. You can either ask for the audience’s opinion, make the decision yourself or let the readers make their preference. Additionally, since screen resolutions change often, it is better to use larger fonts to improve the readability of your content.

7.) Marketing your Blog

The best content is not enough to make your blog grow at the speed you may want it to; promotion is mandatory. If you work from home blogging, utilize this quiet time to learn and implement marketing tactics to build your blog’s authority and following. One of the more powerful ways to market your business is through social media. Follow accounts that operate in the same niche as you and that have similar content; collaborate, connect, participate, and use relevant hashtags when posting your own blog articles on your social media platforms. Strive to become an expert and influence in your niche. Also, study the work of your competition’s social media strategy to gain necessary insight and inspiration.

Search engine optimization (SEO) ensures that when people search for relevant keywords, your blog appears among the top results in Google. The meta tags, titles of your articles, the URL, and even your meta description contribute to your page’s SEO. You should utilize a plugin called Yoast to make the SEO tag process easier. You also need to be conscious of the way you structure your content as well. The title and subheadings should be SEO optimized with target keywords. Your content should contain your main keywords and also be very informative and helpful. Compressing and including alt tags to the videos and images in the blog also can help your blog rank higher in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Guest posting is also excellent for gaining recognition in the blogging society as it not only gives you a larger audience but also builds backlinks, which raises the traffic for your site and helps with keyword rankings in Google. Try sending some pitches to bloggers in your niche for a chance to get your article published on an external website. You will get better at the guest posting process with time, stick with it and remain patient.

(Check out my video here if you’re looking for a more in-depth guide on how to build quality backlinks via guest posting).

8.) How to Generate Income through Blogging

If you intend to work from home blogging, you should know that you cannot monetize your blog by only posting content. You may have started your blog as a hobby, but as time passes, you can turn it into a full-on business in order to successfully work from home. You can choose to sell physical products such as hand-made jewelry, t-shirts etc. or you can sell services such as an online courses, consulting, and freelancing among others. Affiliate marketing is also an option you can take; by recommending a company’s product or service, you earn a commission for every click that results in a purchase.

Advertising is another way of making money through blogging by either posting ads for products and services on your site or doing a sponsored post for the item you wish to promote. However, sponsored content is only relevant if you have a broad and loyal audience. Typically, for you to do a sponsored blog, your traffic should be 5000 or more readers every month. Be careful not to alienate your audience when doing a sponsored post. Come up with a blog post that looks natural and relative to your style of publishing. By launching a simple podcast, you can use the traffic to seek brand sponsorships from companies who wish to tap into a particular group of audience.


It takes time to grow a successful blog and be able to work from home part-time or full-time, however the benefits of running your own business are priceless. Please use these tips to help get you kicked off in the right direction.

Also, if you’re looking for additional one-on-one assistance, please be sure to check out my blog coaching services here!

Learn How To Monetize Your Blog (Using These 14 Methods)

How To Monetize Your Blog

This is a guest post written by Jeff Finder.

You might have heard or seen people who make a lot of money from their blogs. But is it really possible to make money from blogging?

Yes, if your blog gets a number of visitors a month it’s practically possible to monetize it and earn a nice income out of it.

The real hurdle is making money from a blog that does not receive a lot of visitors. When you are just starting out it can seem like one of the most frustrating and difficult tasks. With so much knowledge to apply and strategies to use, how can you even find the resources and time to do this?

In this post, you’ll learn how to monetize your blog and make money with 14 profitable and proven strategies.

1.) Start Affiliate Marketing

If you are wondering how you can monetize your blog, you should consider affiliate marketing. It’s perhaps one of the most common ways that website owners and bloggers make money. This method is good especially when you’ve just started out and you don’t have a service or product to sell.

With affiliate marketing, you promote the services and products of other businesses. All you need to do is to create quality content that is in line with what you are promoting. Every time someone buys a product through your affiliate link you earn some commission.

For instance, if you are running a fashion blog you can sell, footwear, fashion apparel, and sportswear. To start affiliate marketing you can begin by joining programs such as Amazon associates, ClickBank, Shareasale and Commission Junction. is a good example. It’s a dedicated blog for laptops and they write in-depth laptop reviews and put affiliate links to Amazon to monetize. Best Laptops For Teachers for example is an article where they have done a round-up review of top 10 laptops ideal for teachers with an in-depth review and buying guide (and of course put amazon affiliate link).

2.) Try Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the less expensive and most powerful ways to monetize your blog and make money. This method involves adding new subscribers to your email list.

By giving your subscribers a free gift you can get many visitors to subscribe to your blog. You can also do this by consistently creating quality content that drives people back to your site.

In order to be successful use some of the most popular email marketing platforms such as ConvertKit, AWeber, Mailchimp or infusionSoft. A good amount of money can be made by building a connection with your readers. With the help of email marketing, you can offer both affiliate and your own products through email.

3.) Use Google Adsense

Most people start a blog mostly for Google Adsense and Ads. This means Google Adsense is one of the most popular platforms around. There are two methods that you can use to make money through Google Adsense. These include:

  • Based on Clicks. Despite page views, if a visitor clicks on the ad you’ll earn some money. Depending on the ad this can be something to do with $0.01 to a couple of dollars.
  • Based on impressions. This generally depends on page views. For instance, for every 1000 page views, you can earn a certain amount of money.

4.) Sell Ad Space Directly

Although Google Adsense is quite simple to set up, the amount of money that you can earn is not much. With that said you might want to consider selling your ad space directly to the customers.

By doing this you get to set the price. Instead of getting paid only a small amount of cash, you can charge a flat rate for any ad to appear on your blog. This is not only easier but you can also earn some good money.

If you are looking for businesses willing to buy your ad space, just create an “Advertise Here” page on your blog where people can contact you for pricing information.

Since you’ll be responsible for everything, doing this is a little bit difficult. However, there are a number of tools online that you can use to make the process easier.

5.) Sell Ebooks

Making Ebooks of your services and goods is also another way to monetize your blog. Write an Ebook that explains the content on your blog. If you are teaching your users a new skill, then the Ebook is likely to give them value.

If you are committed and consistent there is a lot of money to be made from Ebooks.

6.) Accept Sponsored Posts

Accepting sponsored posts is a great strategy to make extra money from your blog. It is also a win because you will be receiving fresh and unique content to publish on your website without you having to write it.

If you have a consistent blogging schedule, great looking blog, and engaged visitors then companies will be willing to pay you a lot of money to get their content published. You can start by directly reaching out to brands, or simply create a “Write for Us” type of page.

Pro Tip: Any content that gets submitted to your website for publication should be checked with a plagiarism tool such as Copyscape. You do not want to publish a duplicate article as this could negatively affect your SEO.

7.) Make Money through Branded Merchandise

If you’ve developed a solid brand and following you may want to consider selling branded merchandise. Lots of people love to show their connection to a particular community by sporting branded merch. Some influences even use this as a way of monetizing their podcasts.

If you are looking to monetize your blog you can also do this. If your brand is not popular you may change this strategy and sell merchandise that’s relatable, funny and even helpful. The good thing is that you can do this without investing a lot of cash upfront.

8.) Get Paid Writing Reviews

Getting paid to write a review is almost the same as accepting sponsored posts. With this strategy, you can try out a product, write a review about it and then earn from the same.

The best thing is to write reviews of products that are related to your blog. For instance, if your blog niche is budgeting, reviewing budgeting apps and softwares make more sense than writing reviews about vacuum cleaners.

And just like sponsored posts you can contact brands directly and ask them whether they are interested in hiring you for review.

9.) Offer Coaching Services

If you are looking to make money within the shortest time possible then become a coach. Giving customers and prospects direct access to expertise and products is one of the best ways of making money.

It doesn’t matter how much experience you’ve gathered in the process, offering coaching services to your clients or visitors can always earn you some cash. Your responsibility as a coach will be to help people manage the challenges they are facing instead of giving up or getting frustrated.

10.) Create a Private Forum

Instead of turning your entire blog into a mentorship or coaching site you can create a private forum that people have to pay for to gain access. A forum is basically a page that people use to discuss different topics with each other and get the advice that they need.

Having a forum is one of the best ways of getting engagement and building a following around you. Plus with a paid forum, you can create a revenue stream from your blog.

11.) Sell Other Digital Products

Apart from selling eBooks and other services, you can also monetize your personal blog by selling products such as WordPress themes, printables, templates, audio recordings, and video tutorials among others. If you have a skill and digital product, sell it to earn money.

12.) Create a Directory

Depending on your blog niche, you can use your blog to play the role of matchmaker and create a job board or directory. These resources when done well are not only useful but can also attract a lot of readers.

The directory used to be the “in” thing online and they are still in high demand. If you are wondering how to go about this, there are a bunch of good directory plugins that you can use. You’ll even get plugins that will allow you to accept payments.

13.) Host Webinars

Although many businesses use webinars to generate leads, hosting a well-paid webinar is another means of making money. When doing this you only need to ensure that you are providing value.

Since there are many free webinars out there you should be offering something pretty good if you intend to earn money from it.

14.) Become a Freelance Blogger

A freelancer is a writer who creates content on various topics for emails, websites landing pages and products. If you already have a blog then you have all the skills you need to be an on-demand freelance blogger.

Top brands and companies are constantly looking for bloggers with the appropriate skill sets. So becoming a freelancer will give you a huge opportunity to improve your financial life. Once you’ve marketed yourself well you’ll start seeing business coming your way.

You can also join several Facebook groups and use the same to market yourself.

Wrapping Up

If you’ve already done the work of creating your blog, why not make some cash out of it. This process will just take a bit of know-how. After paying for development, hosting and design cost, your blog can easily make you money.

Give one of the above approaches a try and you may be pleasantly surprised by what comes out of it. Just make sure you choose the best niche and be consistent in what you are doing. Remember there is no success that comes overnight.

Author Bio

Jeff Finder

Jeff Finder is a Digital Nomad who travels around the world and blogs about technology, gadgets and specifically laptops at He’s also an international speaker and loves to persuade youth to find their voice online and make it count.



Which blog monetization methods will you try from the list above?

ConvertKit Review – Why I Made the Switch Over To ConvertKit (Email Marketing Software)

ConvertKit Review & Pricing

If you like what you hear when reading this ConvertKit review, it’s important to know that they offer a free 14 day trial here to test out their email marketing software!

I am proud to say that I have officially made the switch over to ConvertKit!

Now if you’re new to my blog, I’ve been an Internet Marketer since 2007 and have tried dozens (yes dozens) of email autoresponders.

And to be honest, a good portion of these platforms underdelivered in different areas in my opinion.ConvertKit Review & Features

Whether it was pricing, customizability, segmentation, deliverability, product support etc., I had the hardest time finding an email marketing software that hit on all levels.

But then I came across an article/review online (similar to this one), that basically raved about how much better ConvertKit was than many of the leading autoresponders we are all so familiar with.

At this point, I was fed up with the current autoresponder I was using and was specifically looking for a service that would mesh well and fit perfectly with my blog.

After doing more research and really digging deeper into other reviews, forums and demos on ConvertKit, this seemed like the ideal service for me.

I became a customer and the rest is history.

ConvertKit is simply the best email marketing software I have used since 2007 and by a long shot.

But enough rambling from me, let’s get into the actual ConvertKit review and why it’s a notch above the rest of the competition.

ConvertKit Review – Pricing, Features & More

It’s important to note that ConverKit is wildly popular among bloggers, but their email marketing software can work for anyone and any type of business. It’s designed for creators (as they state on their website), but provides email marketing solutions for all types of businesses and websites. Again, I have used many of the popular autoresponders out there and ConvertKit is just different. Let’s review why ConvertKit stands out from the crowd.

1.) Pricing (Freemium Model, Free Trial Option & Flexible Pricing for More Subscribers)

ConvertKit’s pricing model is just the bomb. They also just released a Freemium model where people can get started without any money down. Within the Freemium model, there’s also perks by referring friends to unlock subscribers and broadcast sending. Here’s a snapshot of a statement released by the owner of ConvertKit regarding the Freemium plan (read the full article here):

“Our mission is to help creators earn a living and we believe that by adding a free entry-point we are removing a large roadblock for beginner creators towards earning a living online.

Right now so many creators start on MailChimp for free and then switch to ConvertKit once they get meaningful traction. That switch can be time consuming and they would be so much better off to just start on ConvertKit, which is tailor-made for creators to grow their audiences.” ~ Nathan Barry

How much is ConvertKit?

If you’d rather just jump into a paid plan, ConvertKit first offers a 14 day free trial to test out their email marketing software and then various packages thereafter depending on your subscriber count. Currently at the time of writing this post, their pricing is as follows:

  • $29/month for up to 1,000 subscribers
  • $49/month for up to 3,000 subscribers
  • $79/month for up to 5,000 subscribers
  • Over 5,000 subscribers is calculated

ConvertKit Pricing - How much is ConvertKit?

Visit ConverKit’s pricing page here for more information.

In my experience, ConvertKit’s pricing is way more affordable than so many email autoresponder services out there. Even up to 5,000 subscribers, you are still paying under $100 per month. They make their service affordable so that any blogger, creator or business can get started. And remember, their 14 day free trial gives you some breathing room and ample time before making a decision to upgrade to a paid plan.

2.) Simple to Use

Let’s face it, many email marketing platforms can be incredibly confusing and difficult to operate. Especially if you’re new to email marketing, finding the right autoresponder provider can be a nightmare. With ConvertKit, you are comfortable using the software from the first time you log in. Your “back office” is beautifully laid out, easy to navigate and they even provide a guided tutorial for first time users. This is a major benefit in my opinion because it makes setting up your first campaign incredibly simple. You can build a capture page, connect it to your website and craft an email follow-up series with very little effort and overwhelm.

ConvertKit - Simple Layout

3.) Custom Segmentation Options

Being able to segment your email list is crucial for many bloggers and business owners. For example, you may want to keep your paying customers separate from your “freebie” subscribers. Most likely, you will have different offers and messaging for people who have already bought from you. You may also just want to add segments to cater to different topics or interests. An example of this is a new campaign I just started. See the screenshot below:

ConvertKit - Segmentation

You can see that I have my main follow up (“Follow-Up Series”) when people opt into my email list, but I also prompt them to answer a question in my welcome email that helps segment my subscribers. Within this welcome email, they can choose 1 of 2 answers by clicking on a couple of links. ConvertKit’s “click-segmentation” feature automatically adds these subscribers to the appropriate list based on their click. As you can see in my snapshot above, I want to know which of my subscribers are beginner bloggers (“Blog Beginner List”) and which are more advanced (“SEO Advanced List”). This way I can provide my subscribers with unique and customized information to fit their needs.

For me, ConvertKit’s segmentation features have been a life saver and many other email marketing platforms don’t even offer this (example, Constant Contact) or require a third party service (example, Aweber) to implement. Having segmentation features like this all under one roof is a game-changer and a major reason why I switched to ConverKit to begin with.

4.) Smooth Integration with WordPress

As a blogger and business owner, I need to seamlessly be able to add my capture pages within WordPress in order to build my email list. ConvertKit does have a plugin to help with this, but I personally like to use MailMunch which allows you to create compelling capture pages and connects directly to your ConvertKit account. All you need to do is input your ConvertKit API key (found in ConvertKit’s account settings) into MailMunch and you’re ready to start building your email list. There’s many other autoresponders where the process is not as simple as this. ConvertKit combined with MailMunch (although you don’t need this) can help to eliminate all of the frustration, confusion and headaches.

5.) Impressive Deliverability Rates

Let’s face it, ensuring your emails reach the inboxes of your subscribers is essential when it comes to email marketing. Again, after testing dozens of email marketing platforms, ConvertKit performed the best in terms of deliverability. There is nothing more frustrating than low open rates and your emails landing in spam. If you run a business where email marketing is one of your main strategies, you need to have confidence in the software you are using to send out emails. Luckily, ConvertKit delivers here too (no pun intended) providing dependability and peace of mind with your email sends.

Below is a screenshot of impressive open/click rates for a new follow-up campaign I am running. This definitely shows me that my emails are hitting my subscriber’s inboxes!

ConvertKit - Email Delivery Rates

6.) Responsive Customer Service & Support

Customer support is another area that is vital for any online tool or service you purchase. I also think it’s an area that gets overlooked quite a bit. This can lead to a customer being frustrated if the support is lackluster or even non-existent. With ConvertKit, they offer a phenomenal live chat feature, community/forum support and the ability to send email tickets. In fact, when I first signed up with ConvertKit, I had a question regarding segmentation and within minutes I literally received a video response back showing me exactly how to solve my problem. And this wasn’t a video pulled from YouTube, this was created specifically for me and my particular situation. Customer support like this REALLY helps ConvertKit stand out even more. In fact, I was pretty blown away by this first experience!

7.) Fantastic Affiliate Program

Last but certainly not least is the affiliate program created by ConvertKit. They offer a whopping 30% recurring commission for every paying customer you send their way. This blows many other affiliate programs out of the water and when you love the tool you are using, it’s an easy sell. ConvertKit also provides you with all the necessary tools for promotion such as banner ads, affiliate training, various graphics, custom links and more. I even love that they have an “affiliate calculator” that allows you to slide a bar to see how much you can potentially earn selling their software (see screenshot below). Talk about motivating!

ConvertKit Affiliate Program


To wrap everything up, there is not enough good things I can say about ConvertKit and in fact, I could’ve written another 1,000 words about how much I love this email marketing software.

I am a happy customer for all the reasons laid out above and will continue to recommend this to other bloggers and my coaching students.

I hope this ConvertKit review was helpful and makes your decision a lot easier.

My rating for ConvertKit is a 5/5

Again, this is the email marketing service that I personally use on my blog (after testing dozens) and I’ve really enjoyed my partnership with ConvertKit to date.

If you would like to test out ConvertKit for yourself, make sure to sign up for your free 14 day trial here!

(ConvertKit Review on YouTube)

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How to Get More Blog Followers Organically (Using SEO Tactics)

How to Get More Blog Followers

If you’re a blogger struggling to build an audience, readership and following then I think this post will be helpful for you.

Every single blogger I work with wonders how they can get more blog followers so that they can grow their brand and business.

With so much information out there online, it can be confusing and even overwhelming to know where to start.How to Get Blog Followers

In this article today, I want to keep it simple and go over how to generate blog followers using one single strategy

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)!

SEO involves optimizing your website and blog posts properly so that you can rank highly for certain keywords in the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

This in return can bring you in loads of targeted traffic and dramatically increase your blog following.

Below you will find specific SEO steps you can take to get started as soon as this week.

But first, let’s go over why SEO is so important if you’re looking to generate more blog followers and increase your readership.

SEO Can Be Your Best Friend To Get More Blog Followers

SEO can be a major asset for your blog.

If done properly and consistently overtime, you can really drive lots of organic traffic to your website for months and years to come.

You can even reap the rewards of SEO work you implemented way in the past.

For example, I have certain blog posts I’ve written and optimized over 3 years ago that are still ranked highly within Google search today and bring daily visitors to my website (resulting in more email subscribers, affiliate sales, coaching clients and revenue).

When you realize this power, it should get you excited and motivated to practice the tips laid out below for yourself.

How To Get More Followers to Your WordPress BlogAlthough you do not need to invest money to get started with SEO (since anyone can learn this on their own using helpful articles like this or other free resources), you will need to invest your time to study, learn, and get comfortable implementing certain SEO tactics.

With that being said, if you’d rather cut the learning curve by a large margin and get up to speed much quicker, I do offer SEO coaching here.

But again, it’s absolutely not required and especially if you have the time and interest to learn SEO on your own.

Organic visitors coming into your website from the search engines can be one of the highest quality traffic sources for a blogger.

Generally if people are finding your content using a certain search query in Google, chances are the blog post that’s presented to them is very relevant and targeted to their search.

As long as you’re producing high-quality content, this is a sure fire way to get more blog followers and build a loyal audience.

And if you stack this up over dozens or even of hundreds of blog posts (getting them ranked in Google), the sky is the limit in terms of how large your blog and business can grow to become.

Now let’s get into specific steps on how you can begin optimizing your content and website to generate more blog followers.

How to Get More Blog Followers Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

1.) Target the Right Keyword(s)

One of the most common mistakes I see beginner bloggers make is that they target keywords that are far too broad or competitive in nature. They wonder why they cannot rank any of their content in Google, but fail to realize that they are targeting the wrong types of keywords. Instead, try to focus on longer-tail keywords which have 3, 4, 5 or even more words in a given phrase. For example, instead of crafting a blog post around the word “dog training” you may want to instead target a keyword such as “how to train a dog to walk on a leash” within your content. This longer-tail keyword phrase is going to be far less competitive and easier to rank.

Now this is just an example, you will indeed want to get into the habit of conducting keyword research for yourself and your blog content using a free tool such as Ubersuggest. This way you can look into the monthly search volume, competition/difficulty of a keyword etc. A tool like Ubersuggest (there are paid tools out there as well such as Keywords Everywhere, Ahrefs and MOZ) will also reveal additional keyword ideas that you can possibly target and analyze as well (see screenshot below).

Target the Right Keywords - Keyword Research

Keyword research using Ubersuggest.

2.) Incorporate These Phrases Into Your Blog Title, URL & SEO Tags

Once you have your main keyword(s) picked out for a blog topic, you will want to naturally incorporate the phrase(s) into your blog title, URL and SEO tags. I say naturally, because the last thing you want to do is “keyword stuff” or “jam” your keywords into your blog posts and meta data. Yes we are optimizing our content to get ranked ranked in the search engines, but we are also optimizing it for human visitors as well. You should strive to maintain a nice balance here.

  • BLOG TITLE: Try to place your main keyword or a variation of your main keyword into your blog title which is generally your H1 tag. You also want this to be enticing to human visitors as well. For example, a blog post I wrote where my main keyword phrase was “Is Blogging Still Worth It”, I adjusted the title of that post to be “Is Blogging Still Worth It? What is the Future of Blogging?”. This way I still have my target phrase in there, but I also made this intriguing to human visitors who may stumble upon this doing a Google search.
  • URL: You want to attempt to get your keyword (or a variation of it) into your URL as well. However, we do not want our URL slug to be too long since this can look sloppy or unnatural to Google. This can sometimes be tricky if you have a longer keyword phrase you’re targeting so use your best judgment here. At the very least, try to get a few of your buzzwords into your URL (example:
  • SEO TAGS: Below is a quick description of the SEO tags to focus on. If your blog is built on WordPress, I reccomend the plugin Yoast which will make the SEO tag process a lot easier (see screenshot below).
    • Title Tags (“SEO Title” in Yoast): You will definitely want to place your main keyword phrase into your title tag. Sometimes you will even have room to add an additional keyword here since you have up to 70 characters to work with. Again, make this natural but at the same time it’s important that you give Google a good idea of what you’re trying to rank for by adding in your main term(s). The title tag is the blue clickable text seen in the search results when performing a Google search. So you will also want to make your title tag is compelling to encourage users to click-through to your website.
    • Meta Descriptions: The meta description is seen underneath the title tag in the search results and explains what the page or post is about to users. It’s a good idea to add your keyword within your meta description once and also make sure it flows naturally within this snippet of text. Your meta description should also be enticing and persuade people to visit your blog post to read the full article. Utilize Yoast’s colored bars to help you with the length of your meta description (or a good range to shoot for is 145-160 characters long).
    • Header Tags: Header tags include your h1, h2, h3, h4 and so on. These are the main headings above a given area of text within your blog content. Header tags also hold a lot of weight in regards to SEO (just like your title tag). They are seen directly within your blog content, so make sure that you do not keyword stuff here either. Instead naturally weave your keyword phrases into your header tags where they make sense for the best results.
    • Image ALT Tags: Each image you place within your blog content can be tagged with an image alt text. When you click on your image within WordPress, always add a keyword rich alt tag in the section that says “alternative text”.
  • Focus Keyword: Lastly, Yoast gives you the opportunity to add a “Focus Keyword” to your blog post. For this, simply place the main keyword you’d like to target in this section.

Yoast SEO Tag Settings


3.) Create Detailed, Long-Form & Comprehensive Content

A lot of times you hear the saying “content is king”, but I like to modify that to quality content is king”!

This is especially true today more than ever when it comes to ranking your articles highly within the search engines. Google is looking to share content with users that is highly relevant, helpful and comprehensive. Essentially they want to direct people to the most valuable content possible as this provides a positive search experience. What this means to us bloggers is that we really need to focus on creating content that is going to provide solutions, answers and clarity to readers. Try to cover a subject in its entirety and put yourself in the readers shoes when planning your content. Also strive to make this content “longer-form” of at least 1,500 words or more. To break up your text and make it more visually appealing, you can utilize bulleted lists, numbered lists, header tags (h1, h2, h3, h4 etc.), images, videos etc. This type of high-quality and engaging content will give you the best shot at ranking your blog posts highly in Google.

4.) Optimize Content Properly with Keywords & Internal Links

Either during or after you write a blog post, you will want to make sure you’ve added in your target keyword phrases into the content where appropriate. As discussed in prior steps, make this natural and only add target keywords where they make sense. You do want to make sure however that you give Google enough of an idea of what your blog post is about and what you’re trying to rank for. This step will get easier with the more optimized content you write and eventually it should become second nature.

You will also want to insert a handful of internal links that point to other relevant or helpful articles on your website (using relevant anchor text as well). This is a great SEO strategy to spread powerful link juice throughout your website. It can also help with bounce rates and allows users to effectively navigate your blog content.

Optimizing Content with Keywords & Internal Links

5.) Guest Post Like Crazy

Guest posting is an awesome SEO strategy to learn and master. If you’re wondering what exactly guest posting is, it’s the simple process of finding other blogs within your general niche and submitting a unique article to be published on their website. Within your guest post you are generally allowed a link to your website in the content or in the author bio section.  There are many benefits of guest posting but the two biggies are:

  • Guest posting helps your SEO by building you a quality backlink and improving your search engine rankings overtime.
  • Guest posting can also drive more referral traffic to your website by people clicking on your link within your published article. This is free traffic that can really increase your overall brand awareness.

It’s important with guest posting that you try to do this on a consistent basis for the best results. Guest posting is a really powerful method that can explode your organic traffic and also referral traffic. Over the long term, this can significantly increase your blog following. I recorded a step-by-step tutorial here on how to do this for yourself…(I would love it if you could “Like” my video and subscribe to my channel for support! I publish helpful blogging, internet marketing and SEO videos on a monthly basis.).

Guest Post Author Bio Example

Example of a backlink built via guest posting.

6.) Don’t Forget About YouTube SEO

Another big mistake I see with many bloggers is that they don’t utilize YouTube or do not have a YouTube channel to begin with. Much of this is based off of fear of getting in front of a camera, being vulnerable and so forth but YouTube content creation gets more and more comfortable with time. There is so much attention and people surfing YouTube on a daily basis, that bloggers are crazy not to leverage the platform to grow their blog following and business. The more organic traffic you can produce from YouTube, the more blog followers you will generate. You can use similar techniques to optimize your YouTube videos as discussed above by doing proper keyword research, adding your keywords into your title, video description and tag section. User engagement is also super important when it comes to YouTube SEO, so make sure you are encouraging people to “like”, “comment” and “subscribe”.

You will also want to embed your videos within your blog posts and share them on social media. Lastly, place links within your video descriptions to point people to helpful articles on your blog, services or even a capture page to build your email list (see screenshot below). The more visitors you can drive to your website from people clicking on your links within your videos descriptions, the more potential blog followers your will gain.

YouTube SEO Video DescriptionsYouTube SEO Power Tip: Transcribe each and every one of your videos for an added SEO boost.

7.) Consistency Is Key

Last but not least, you really need to be consistent in your blogging and SEO efforts in order to gain more followers. Realize that not every blog post you write will rank highly in Google. However, the more quality content you produce, the better chance you give yourself at driving more targeted visitors to your website. Try to publish at least 1-2  pieces of high-quality content to your blog per month. If you could do more, that’s excellent but do not sacrifice quality here. As long as you’re being consistent, this will send a strong signal to Google that your website is constantly updated with fresh and unique content.

If you’re interested in one-on-one blog coaching, get in touch with me here to see if you’d be a good fit for my program!

What strategies are you currently using to get more blog followers? 

Blogging Report (June 2019) – My Thoughts on a Slower Month

Blogging Report (June 2019)

Being involved with Internet Marketing since 2007, I’ve definitely noticed for certain industries that traffic can tend to slow down around the summertime.

Normally I either see plateaus (month-over-month) or am down slightly (month-over-month) in organic traffic when looking at May, June, July and August.

Yes, this can be discouraging, but no need to freak out!

This is why I always remind people to look at their year-over-year trends as well…Which is a much better way to gauge the overall growth of a website overtime.

Expecting to always see increases month-over-month will most likely leave you quite disappointed and isn’t the best metric to go by when analyzing your organic traffic.

If you are in the green in terms of organic traffic when comparing year-over-year, then this means you’re heading in the right direction.

This longer-term view is a more realistic and accurate way to measure how your website is performing as a whole.

With blogging and SEO in general, you must remain patient and be willing to deal with monthly fluctuation both with search engine rankings and organic traffic.

Just keep producing quality content, optimize your posts and stay consistent.

With that out of the way, let’s jump into some of my traffic data for June 2019.

Organic Traffic (June 2019)- 224 Visits

Organic traffic for June 2019 came in at 224 visits.

Again, not my highest month all-time and a slight dip compared to last month, but that doesn’t deter me!

I am still up noticeably when comparing year-over-year (see data below):

Year-Over-Year Organic Traffic Increases (June 2019 vs. June 2018)

When comparing year-over-year my organic traffic is still up 32.54% (224 visits vs. 169 visits).

Below is a screenshot from my Google Analytics account that plots both June 2019 and June 2018.

This long-term chart is my favorite to look at as it shows me where I was when I started my blog (with ZERO organic traffic) and where I am today.

Be proud of the progress you make on your website, no matter how small the growth is.

This will give you motivation to keep pushing forward.

Organic Traffic Increases June 2019

The chart below now gives us a look at my growth from a different angle.

The blue line represents organic traffic in June 2019 and the orange line represents organic traffic in June 2018.

Year over Year Organic Growth - June 2019June 2019 versus June 2018 Organic Traffic

I’ll be honest, being up 32.54% has not been my biggest year-over-year increase thus far, but nonetheless I’m still trending in the right direction.

I also took a little time off recently (due to being busier than normal) as discussed in my last blogging report video here.

Next Steps/Goals for the Coming Months

1.) Get Ahead of My Content Schedule

Since I haven’t been able to put the time into my blog as I normally do over the last month or so, I really plan on getting back on track and even way ahead of schedule. This is a goal that every blogger should try to acheive. Having content prepared and scheduling it well in advance is one of the smartest things you can do for your blogging business. Whenever I am ahead of my content schedule, it allows me to focus on other aspects of my business whether that be blog graphics, creating YouTube videos, link building, coaching/consulting etc. The great thing about WordPress is that it’s very easy to schedule your posts weeks or even months in advance. Take advantage and try to get ahead of schedule, like I will be doing.

2.) Build More Quality Backlinks

I have a bunch of blog posts right on the edge of ranking really well in Google. Some of these are at the middle to bottom of page #1 of Google. If I can drive these rankings to the top 1-3 positions on page #1 of Google, it would really help drive more targeted traffic to my website. I plan on improving these rankings through additional link building work such as guest posting. I need to build links to both my homepage and the specific blog posts that are on the cusp of ranking well. By increasing the overall authority of my website/pages, this should help me climb further up the ladder.

How was your June 2019?

That wraps up this month’s blogging report!

The key takeaway here is to not get discouraged if you see some monthly fluctuation.

Remember to look at your data over the long-term and compare year-over-year.

Keep your work consistent and always strive to provide as much value as possible to your readers.

How was your June 2019?

If you’d like to follow my monthly blogging reports I recommend visiting and saving this link here.

(Be Prepared) Not Every Blog Post Will Rank Highly In Google

How to Rank Blog Post on Google

It’s important when running a blog to keep in mind that not every blog post you write will rank well in Google.

I especially see with newer bloggers the disappointment after they write a quality blog post and 2 or so months down the road it’s nowhere to be found in Google search.

This is part of the game of SEO.

Some posts/pages will do better than others….Some will be buried, while others will shoot to the top of Google.

It’s important NOT to get discouraged and instead keep putting out high-quality content.

Just be sure to learn from the blog posts that are actually performing well in the search engines and try to replicate your process with future fresh content.

Although not every blog post you write will be a home run, below are a few strategies to give you the best possible chance of ranking highly in Google.

SEO Strategies for Ranking a Blog Post in Google

To give yourself the best possible chance of ranking your blog content in Google moving forward, here are a few methods to test out for yourself:

1.) Target the Right Keywords

Probably the most common mistake I see beginner bloggers make is targeting keyword phrases that are far too competitive. If you target keywords that are too broad (example, “dog training”) there’s no wonder why you’re not ranking highly in the search results. Instead try to aim for keyword phrases that are longer-tail and a bit less competitive until you build up the authority of your website. By longer-tail I mean phrases that have 2-6 (or even more) words in them (example, “training your dog to stop barking”). Be sure to use keyword research tools to help you identify these types of terms. There are free options available like Ubersuggest and Keywords Everywhere. Don’t get too hung up on monthly search volume metrics when starting out. Instead just get used to gaining some ranking traction with your blog posts (regardless of the amount of search volume).

2.) Create Long-Form Style Content

Google more than ever is looking to rank in-depth and comprehensive content in their search results. They really appreciate when a topic is covered in full and answers all of the questions on a given subject. With that being said, for some of your blog posts, try to make sure they are 1,500 words or longer, using proper headings to help break up the content. Not every blog post has to be long-form style (in fact, I encourage you to mix it up a bit for your readers/Google), but it is important to incorporate detailed blog posts into your overall strategy for better search engine rankings overtime.

3.) Optimize Your SEO Tags

You will want to optimize every blog post with proper SEO tags. The SEO tags to focus on are your Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, Header Tags (H1, H2, H3 etc.) and Image ALT Tags. To read more about these particular tags and how to optimize them, check out my post here. Optimizing these tags really helps build your SEO foundation and lets Google know which keywords you are attempting to rank for. If you are using WordPress, make sure to install Yoast as they make it super easy to optimize your SEO tags.

4.) Optimize Your Content

Similar to your SEO tags, it’s vital that your blog content is also properly optimized with relevant keyword phrases and internal links pointing to other pages of your website. By adding your target keywords into your copy (without keyword stuffing), you are strengthening your keyword relevancy so Google will better understand your content which can result in higher search engine rankings. Now internally linking to other pages/posts can help users navigate your website more effectively and also spread necessary link equity/juice throughout various pages/posts.

5.) Consistency in Content Generation

Now that we know we won’t get all of our blog posts ranked highly in Google, it’s important that we are consistent in our content generation. If you’re consistent in your content strategy, you really give yourself a much better chance to eventually rank for certain keywords and phrases. Creating content on a consistent basis also gives you the opportunity to target many different types of keyword phrases. I recommend at least publishing 1 blog post per week. This equates to 4 or so per month, which is a great starting point. Another underrated benefit of consistent content generation is that it shows Google that your website is relevant, fresh and constantly being updated. This can help improve your search engine rankings overtime as well.

6.) Build Backlinks to Blog Posts

If you want to really increase your chances of ranking highly in the search results for a given blog post, then you should focus on building backlinks to certain blog articles of yours. A great way to do this is through guest posting. Here you would write an article for another website in your niche. Within your content you are generally allowed to add a link pointing back to your website. Try to build backlinks to specific posts or pages you would like to rank highly for. This not only helps build the authority for your overall website but also for the specific blog post/URL you are targeting.

7.) Add Article Schema Markup

Schema markup helps Google better understand what your content is about and can also aid in ranking for rich/featured snippet type results. Adding article schema markup can really give your blog articles a boost and potentially help them rank better. There is a really great plugin for WordPress that will allow you to easily add article markup to every single one of your blog posts, see here. You should also strive to craft your blog posts with header tags, bulleted/numbered lists, answer specific questions etc. to give yourself the best chance for featured snippet type results.


Ranking your blog articles in Google is no easy task. In fact, it takes lots of trial, error and fine tuning overtime. However, if you follow the steps above and keep producing top-notch content, you give yourself a much better chance. As always, be sure to track your progress so you can make educated decisions on how to approach your blog content moving forward. Understanding your data with certain tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahrefs etc. can really give you the insight you need for higher search engine rankings in the near future!

What is currently working well for ranking your blog content?

Blogging Pros and Cons – Uncovering the Good and Bad of Blogging

Blogging Pros and Cons

The goal of this post is to be completely transparent and uncover what I have personally discovered as the good and bad of blogging.

Before we get into the thick of things, let me start off by saying that I encourage anyone to get their feet wet and start a blog for the overall learning experience (and especially because there are so many potential benefits).

However, I also think it’s important to be realistic and highlight a few areas that aren’t so sexy or attractive when it comes to blogging.

We see a lot of blogging success stories online (which are incredibly inspiring), but what we don’t see are the millions of people that are struggling to gain any sort of traction with their website.

Also, the successful bloggers generally had to work pretty hard initially and stay consistent for a long period of time before they gained momentum and saw any noticeable results.

Now again, this article is not trying to scare you away from blogging at all and in fact, in my opinion there are way more pros than cons when it comes to blogging.

But I do want to be honest and list out both the positives and negatives that I’ve experienced.

Creating and running a blog whether it’s part-time or full-time can be an incredible opportunity and hopefully this article will help answer any questions you may have and steer you in the right direction.

Blogging Pros and Cons

Like any type of business, there are pros and cons that should be considered before getting involved. Just because blogging is the right business model for one person, doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for another. Please take the time to read the blogging pros and cons below to see if this is something that you would like to pursue.

Pros of Blogging

1.) Very Inexpensive to Get Up & Running

One of the biggest benefits to starting a blog is that it is incredibly inexpensive to get up and running. Remember, a blog is a business (if you treat it like one) that you can have live on the web for literally $3 per month. Compare this to a brick and mortar store (like a local jewelry shop) and the expenses are way WAY less. This is part of the reason why online businesses in general are so attractive. You don’t have to pay rent, there’s less overall overhead expenses and it’s affordable for almost anyone who wants to get involved.

2.) Flexibility To Work from Anywhere with an Internet Connection

This is an attractive benefit to many aspiring bloggers as you are not confined to one place when you work on your business. You can work from home, the local coffee shop, while on vacation or anywhere where there’s a solid Internet connection. To me, this is insanely liberating and one of the reasons why I started my blog to begin with. I really enjoy working from home and having the option to choose where I spend my working hours. So many people are restricted to an office cubicle for example which I know can feel like being shackled to the ground (I used to work an office job and very much disliked the cubicle lifestyle). With blogging, the flexibility is endless and really provides you with location freedom that so many people strive for.

3.) Asset that Works For You 24/7

For me personally as someone who has always been obsessed with investing, creating various streams of income and entrepreneurship, this is my favorite “pro” when it comes to blogging. Once your blog starts gaining some momentum and especially if you’re beginning to generate a steady flow of organic traffic from the search engines, it turns into an asset that works for you 24/7, 365 days a year. In fact, I wrote a whole post on this here. You can be sleeping, at the park, playing golf, eating lunch etc. and your blog can be working for you, generating traffic, leads and sales on autopilot. Now it will indeed take some work to get to this point and that’s one of my “cons” below, but in my opinion it’s way worth the effort to have an asset like this working for you at all times of the day. Once you publish a blog post, it is up there forever for people to discover.

4.) Can Work Into a Busy Schedule

Many of the successful bloggers we see today worked on their blogs part-time before making the transition to full-time. So the good news here is that people who currently work a full-time job, can absolutely still be building a profitable blog part-time on the side. As long as you’re giving it 1-2 hours per day or alternatively devoting your weekends to your blog, it’s the type of online business that doesn’t require full-time work when first starting out. Blogging is such an amazing opportunity because almost anyone can work it into their chaotic and busy schedules.

5.) No Ceiling on Income You Can Earn

Every blogger’s income will be different, but having the global reach that you do when running a website gives you an earning potential that is really unlimited. With billions of people using the Internet and so many different traffic sources to tap into, it’s not uncommon to hear people making full-time incomes from their blog (and sometimes much more). As bloggers we are always producing more content and working on growing our readership which makes it very possible to earn a very good income and scale up overtime. I will caution that bloggers should not be too focused on income though when just getting started and instead be more focused on providing as much value to the marketplace as possible. If you do this, it will give you a much better shot at earning the type of income that you want from your blog.

6.) Positions Yourself as an Authority in Your Niche

Having your own personal blog is a great way to position yourself as an authority figure in your niche. Building a reputation and credibility is crucially important in the online space and can lead to more people sharing your content and more doors opened. Through blogging you can provide your expertise on a given subject, valuable information, tips, tricks, insights and more to slowly build up the authority for your brand and your website. Having a platform such as a blog to communicate relevant information allows you to really brand yourself as an expert and influencer in your niche overtime.

Cons of Blogging:

1.) Growing Competition

It seems like almost everyone nowadays has a blog and the competition continues to grow each and every year. However, in my eyes, competition is a good thing and it’s important to note that most bloggers will quit only after a couple months of blogging anyways. Keep in mind though that everything is much more saturated in general these days and for example, it’s not as easy to rank on page #1 of Google as it used to be. You will have to be creative in your content generation strategy and really work hard to stand out from the growing competition. This is something to be prepared for when starting your blogging business.

2.) Takes Time to Gain Traction

Each and every blog is unique. Some blogs will grow very slowly and others will grow incredibly fast. In general though it’s important to understand that blogging does indeed take a while to start gaining some traction. Organic growth of a blog does not happen overnight and you will need to be producing high-quality content on a consistent basis. There are also no guarantees that your blog will gain traction in the first place, so some people may think that this is a bit of a gamble. However, if you really stick with it and focus on publishing content that will really help your audience, there’s no reason why you can’t start seeing results for yourself. Just know that you must be in this for the long-term in order to succeed.

3.) Requires Hard Work & Strong Commitment

Let’s face it, you really do have to put in a lot of work if you eventually want to make a career/full-time living from your blog. It takes hard work to style your blog, create quality content, implement proper SEO, build a following and keep readers engaged. It takes hard work to build your email list, create your own products and build up your blogging revenue. Plain and simple, blogging is not easy and requires a strong long-term commitment (as discussed above) in order to have any shot at success. If you’re not willing to roll your sleeves up and put in some serious effort, a blog might not be the best option for you.

4.) Requires Some Technical Knowledge

In order to properly set up, manage and maintain your blog, you will need to be prepared for some technical work. Luckily, if you’re using WordPress they make it really easy to craft your blog the way you want it. Nonetheless, you will still need to install necessary plugins, set up an external email autoresponder, ensure your website speed is fast, equip your blog with necessary tools, widgets and much more. This shouldn’t sway you away from creating a blog to begin with though because all of this can be learned and there is a wealth of information online to help you.


I hope this blogging pros and cons list was helpful and gives you a better idea of what it takes to create, manage and run a blog. Again, this is based off of my personal experience. To re-iterate, the cons of blogging that I provided are definitely not to scare anyone away but to help reveal a few areas where some people may run into obstacles. In my opinion, I think anyone should start a blog if they are really interested and devoted as it will be a learning experience like no other. The pros of blogging to me far outweigh the cons and this can truly be a business model that provides more freedom, flexibility and opportunity for many people!

Have you started your blog yet? If not, you may want to read this here.

If you’re looking for additional assistance and/or coaching, please visit my page here.

Check out my video version of this post here!

Why You Should Embed YouTube Videos in Your Blog Posts?

Benefits of Embedding YouTube Videos

Today’s blog post is based around a super simple topic, yet something that I’ve personally seen noticeable results with…

What I’m talking about here is embedding YouTube videos in your blog posts.

This is just another way to stand out from your competitors and add more personality to your blog.

Today we will be going over some of the benefits of embedding YouTube videos in your blog posts, but first let’s explain how you would actually do this in the first place.

How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress Blog?

First things first, head over to the video that you would like to embed into your blog post and click on the “Share” button.

How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress Blog


Now you have two options here:

  • Option #1, you can grab the “embed” code and paste that directly into the “Text” editor within WordPress (see next steps below).
  • Option #2, you can grab the URL provided and paste that directly into the “Visual” editor within WordPress (for the sake of keeping this particular blog article to the point, I only demonstrate option #1 below. However, option #2 is dead simple and if you have any questions, please feel free to leave me a comment below).

Embedding YouTube Videos


Next “copy” the embed code (alternatively, as stated above, you can just copy and paste the YouTube URL provided directly into the “Visual” editor within WordPress).

How to Embed YouTube Video in Blog


Lastly, find the blog post you’d like to edit and once inside hit the “Text” tab. Then simply just paste the embed code in from the previous step.

Embed YouTube Video on BlogYou will also want to “preview” this to make sure it looks okay (note: you can adjust the height and width dimensions of your video if necessary).

Benefits of Embedding YouTube Videos in Your Blog Posts?

Now that we’ve gone over exactly how to embed YouTube videos directly into your blog content, let’s examine some of the benefits of this strategy.

Again, a simple yet powerful tip!

1.) Provides Readers Exposure to a New Platform

Many of your blog readers may not know that you have a YouTube channel unless you embed your videos into some of your posts. This is a such a great way to expose some of the traffic from your blog to your YouTube channel. If these people already like your blog content, there’s a good chance they will like your YouTube videos as well. Which leads to the next benefit!

2.) More YouTube Subscribers

When you embed high-quality videos into your posts that help explain or sum up the content, people are way more inclined to subscribe to your YouTube channel. They are now primed and ready since they are already visiting and hanging around your blog. Embedding your YouTube videos within your blog content as an on-going strategy can really help grow your subscriber count and help build a loyal audience (both on YouTube and your blog).

3.) Longer-Time Spent on Page

If a visitor happens to watch your embedded video on one of your blog posts, this will most likely increase the time spent on that particular article. This is incredibly beneficial from an SEO perspective. The longer you can get people to stay on your website and click around, the better. This is a really easy and helpful tip to better optimize your blog posts for SEO.

4.) Potential for Inbound Links

If your content and videos are high-quality and provide loads of value, then these types of posts (copy with an embedded YouTube video) can attract inbound links. Informative articles get linked to and shared all the time. When you produce a really good piece of content on your blog that combines both text and video, you increase your chances of other webmasters linking out to you. Another huge SEO benefit that could lead to increases in targeted organic traffic.

5.) Makes Content More Engaging

Have you ever come across a blog post that flows fluently, smoothly and is very easy to read? Well, embedding YouTube videos within your blog posts can provide the same experience to your readers if done properly. YouTube videos within blog content can be a great way to break up the text and make it easier for your traffic to digest the information and stay on the page (similar to why we use text headings). Videos reveal additional layers about you, your brand and also helps add more personality to your posts.

6.) Deeper Relationships & Connections

When your readers either see your face or hear your voice (through video), this helps build deeper relationships and connections with your audience. Complimenting your text content with video really invites people into your world and creates a unique experience. It also shows that you’re transparent, human and willing to put yourself out there to help people your readers. This is a great way to build a following that will last for the long-term.

Bonus Tip:

Make sure you are also adding your blog article links within the YouTube description section (see screenshot below). This is an excellent way to drive more traffic to your blog with YouTube!

Adding Blog to YouTube Description


It’s hard to believe that so many wonderful benefits come from such a simple tactic like embedding YouTube videos in your blog posts. Yet, I’ve noticed over the course of my blogging experience, it’s the little steps over a prolonged period of time that yield the best results. Make sure to combine this strategy with other foundational blogging techniques for the best results!

Do you currently embed YouTube videos within your blog posts?

Have you noticed any positive benefits yourself?

Check out my video version of this post here!

Constant Contact Review – The Email Autoresponder I Personally Use For My Blog

Constant Contact Review

IMPORTANT: I have since made the switch over to ConvertKit since Constant Contact just wasn’t providing the service I needed for my website. Read why I prefer ConverKit over any other email autoresponder here.

Disclosure: I get affiliate commissions for purchases made through links on this page.

With so many options of email autoresponders available today it can be hard to decide which particular service to use.

I know I definitely had this problem when first starting out.

However, since being involved with Internet Marketing since 2007, this has allowed me to extensively test many different email marketing platforms.Review of Constant Contact

I’ve truly seen the good, bad and ugly when it comes to autoresponders and really only recommend a handful to my readers as of today (Constant Contact and Aweber).

Today we are going to be reviewing Constant Contact, which is the email marketing software that I currently use on this very blog you’re reading.

I’m very happy with Constant Contact’s email marketing services and highly recommend this to other bloggers, business owners and professionals…No matter what their experience level is.

With that being said, let’s go over a few of my favorite features/aspects of Constant Contact.

And as always, if you have any questions on this Constant Contact review, please feel free to leave me a comment or shoot me an email.

Constant Contact Review & Why It’s My Go-To-Choice For My Blog

1.) User-Friendly

Constant Contact is the ideal option for many people because it’s incredibly simple to use and operate. Many bloggers and business owners want to get up and running as quick as possible when it comes to email and really don’t want to be bogged down trying to learn a complicated software. One of the biggest benefits to Constant Contact is that you can have an email campaign created and ready to send out in a matter of minutes. I know with other email software I’ve tested in the past, it can be confusing and even discouraging to create a follow-up series or even send out a simple email broadcast blast. With Constant Contact, you might be surprised just how simple their entire process is!

2.) Free Trial Period

Constant Contact offers one of the longest trial periods out of any of the email autoresponders on the market today at 60 days (sign up for your free 60 day trial here). This lets someone who might be on the fence to really dive in and test out the software before making a commitment. Most people when they see and experience all that Constant Contact has to offer will upgrade to a paid membership. Regardless, 60 days gives you some breathing room and ample time to make a decision.

3.) Customization & Segmentation

Although I personally try to keep my email design pretty simple, Constant Contact offers many customization options when crafting your email templates. This can be beneficial for businesses who really want to customize their messaging by adding a logo, certain colors, graphics, spacing, styling etc. It allows us to create a unique and personalized email experience for our subscribers, keeping them engaged, intrigued and interested in more.

Segmentation is also a helpful feature that Constant Contact offers. I know with my own personal email list through Constant Contact, I have 3 different segments that I set up to market to. For many businesses, they may want to separate certain lists (for example, buyers vs. non-buyers). Furthermore, you are able to trigger this within your follow-up series through a “click segmentation” feature. This can help you add people to different lists just from them clicking on a particular link within your email.

4.) Integration with WordPress

As a blogger, I need something that easily and seamlessly integrates with WordPress. Luckily, there are many plugins that help you connect the Constant Contact platform to your website. I like to use MailMunch to get high-quality opt-in forms set up on my websites (such as sidebar forms, exit pop-ups etc.). This allows me to easily build my email list on my WordPress site and then manage it within Constant Contact. Because Constant Contact is such a reputable email marketing software, there are many plugin/marketing tool options that work with integrating it on your website.

5.) Deliverability

Let’s face it, deliverability is one of the single most important aspects when choosing an email marketing software. Fortunately, in my experience and years of testing many different email autoresponders, Constant Contact has one of the highest delivery rates out there. You must be able to fully rely on your email marketing provider to deliver the majority of your messages to people’s inbox. This is critical to your bottom line. I’ve been thoroughly impressed by my overall open rates and clicks throughout my emails lists with Constant Contact. You can tell they put in a lot of work to ensure that their deliverability remains as high as possible (and better than most of the competition).

6.) Customer Support

For me personally and with any marketing tool I purchase, customer support is one of the first things I look into. If you run into a snag or need additional assistance to solve an issue, you really don’t want to feel like you’re alone…and with Constant Contact, you definitely don’t. You can give them a call at their customer service number or start a live chat (which is my favorite). They are generally able to help resolve your problem/question within the first go around. At least that’s been my experience so far and with various requests!

7.) Affiliate Opportunity

Last but certainly not least is the affiliate opportunity that Constant Contact offers. If you are accepted into the Constant Contact affiliate program you also get assigned a dedicated account manager to help you get the most out of the partnership. This to me was a really nice touch and I’ve been in contact with my account manager each week brainstorming different ideas on how to best promote the Constant Contact service. The payouts are also much more impressive than many of the competing email affiliate programs with $5 per free trail sign up and $105 per paid member sign up. Really it’s a no-brainer to promote this if you qualify and adhere to their guidelines!


I hope this Constant Contact review was helpful and provided more clarity and direction if you’ve been struggling to make a decision on an email marketing software.

My rating for Constant Contact is a 5/5

I have absolutely no reason to rate it any lower and have not run into any issues with the platform to date.

Again, this is the email marketing service that I personally use on my blog and I’ve really enjoyed my partnership with Constant Contact.

The quality features, tools, and overall support really makes this a stand out in my opinion.

IMPORTANT: I have since made the switch over to ConvertKit since Constant Contact just wasn’t providing the service I needed for my website. Read why I prefer ConverKit over any other email autoresponder here.

Check out my Constant Contact Review on YouTube:

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