How to Create an Effective SEO Campaign That Works?

effective seo campaign

In an ideal world, the quality of your website and the features included in your products/services would be all it takes to ensure the success of your brand online.

Unfortunately, this often isn’t enough.

No matter how advanced or sophisticated search engine algorithms become, they still have certain patterns you have to accommodate to in order to get more visibility. This is why you need a proper SEO strategy in place.

Nevertheless, while everyone boasts about their SEO abilities, a staggeringly large number of digital marketers are still unsure about what it is that makes a thriving SEO campaign. With this in mind, here are four things you have to keep an eye on.

1. Set your budget

The greatest misconception about digital marketing is that you can do it efficiently for free. Sure, self-promoting your content on social networks and sending emails to your contacts is also a form of marketing, but what about PPC (pay-per-click campaign), Facebook advertisements and premium SEO tools? In other words, what about the most efficient digital marketing methods? In order to use them, you have to be ready to allocate at least some of your resources, however, making this choice may not be as easy as you’ve been led to believe.

When setting your digital marketing budget, you have to take several things into consideration, all of which depend on your situation, which is why being honest with yourself is paramount. For instance, you need to set your goals early on, analyze your current visibility and consider your target demographic. Once you have all of this out of the way, you will be able to set a minimal budget that helps you achieve your plans.

2. Explore your demographic

Before you start with any further actions, you have to analyze your target audience and do your best to try and understand them. Find out exactly who they are and what types of keywords they are searching for. This will better help you craft your SEO plan.

One of the most reliable sources of data is paid surveys, seeing as how their participants also have a financial incentive to give honest (actionable) answers. Knowing your customer to a “T” before starting any SEO work is essential to success.

3. Start with on-site optimization

When it comes to boosting your visibility, reach and traffic in general, you need to realize that it all starts and ends with your on-site SEO. A non-optimized, non-responsive and poorly designed website will drive your audience away in no time, which will make your bounce rate skyrocket and therefore, result in decreased search engine rankings. To avoid this, you should work on your website prior to trying off-site SEO techniques that we will discuss below.

For more specifics on how to actually optimize your website properly, check out my post here.

Another mistake you need to avoid is looking at your website only through the eyes of your audience. Keep in mind that you also have to impress search engines, so try looking at your site’s infrastructure from their perspective as well. Metadata, tags, website speed and crawler-friendly navigation should be your top priorities.

4. Off-page SEO

Once your website is properly optimized with on-site SEO best practices, you need to shift your focus towards off-page SEO. Sure, tags and metadata are still important, however, if you’ve already set a proper infrastructure, you can just update this on the go, as soon as you upload a new piece of content. Your focus during the initial stages of off-page SEO needs to be A) proper keyword research and B) building quality backlinks. Needless to say, these two are the main pillars of an organic SEO campaign.

By pulling these two things off, your link building efforts will be much more efficient. Unfortunately, unless you’re a skilled copywriter or creative yourself, you might not be able to do all of this on your own. Web designers and writers are essential allies in this line of work, which is why an experienced digital marketer also has to possess certain organizational and negotiation abilities.


SEO is a process that takes time and should by no means be rushed. If you’re not comfortable attacking the SEO for your website on your own, then it’s a good idea to hire an experienced SEO specialist. Combine SEO with various other marketing strategies for the best chance of success and maximum exposure for your business!

Author Bio:

Lauren Wiseman

Lauren Wiseman is an entrepreneur, currently based in Melbourne and a regular contributor to She assists clients in growing their personal and professional brands in a fast-changing and demanding market environment. Covering finance and investment topics, Lauren strongly believes in holistic approach to business.


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