The Freedom Running A Blog Brings!

Running A Successful Blog

If you look at your blog as an investment and long-term asset that will appreciate over-time with the right focused effort, you begin to see the power behind this.

This can bring immense freedom once you gain a following and become an expert in your niche.

Remember, a blog is up and running, 24/7, 365 days per year…Meaning, once optimized and built correctly, it’s a machine that will work ALL hours of the day for you!

The people who understand this, are the ones who take full advantage of the benefits that running a blog brings.

Freedom From Time Is Everything

Before we get any further, if you’re wondering how to start a blog, please check out my post here.

The best part about running a successful blog is the freedom it brings and especially freedom from time.How To Start A Successful Blog

The average person works 40+ hours per week at a job they are unsatisfied with, or even worse…hate!

Now once you start gaining momentum with your blog, you really only need to put in a few hours per week (generally anywhere from 2-10 hours)…And also make much more than you ever would at a day job.

Can you say no brainer?

I’m trying to help you understand the sheer power of running a blog because it literally frees up so much time in your life to do what you want, when you want and where you want to.

People think the Internet Marketing fantasy doesn’t exist, but that’s because they haven’t gotten a taste of it yet.

This is real and blogging is a sustainable and long-term business model if done correctly.

If you currently do have a full-time job, I recommend working on your blog part-time every single week.

It’s okay to build this up slowly with valuable content over a period of time.

Remember this is not a sprint but more like a marathon.

You wouldn’t believe how many now full-time bloggers started out blogging part-time while working a full-time job…It’s called hustle!

So…You have two choices here…

Continue working a job that doesn’t bring you any satisfaction or freedom in your life.


Create a blog and slowly/methodically work on it over the months and years to come to create more freedom in your life.

Any questions, comments, thoughts?

Please leave them below!

What Is Guest Posting? Powerful Link Building Tips

Guest Posting

By far one of the most powerful, yet underrated SEO strategies out there is guest posting.

In this blog article we will uncover exactly what guest posting is and what the overall process consists of.

However, I recommend implementing this strategy only after all of your initial on-site SEO is complete (Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, H1 Tags, Image ALT Tags, Copy Optimization/Internal Linking etc.).

Guest posting is a killer technique for generating high-quality backlinks, increasing your search engine rankings and driving more organic traffic to your website.

What Is Guest Posting?

Guest posting is essentially researching relevant websites/blogs in your niche and reaching out to them to see if they are accepting article submissions.

You would generally pitch these websites a few blog topic ideas in your first email.

If one of your topics gets the approval, you would then write up your guest post with your URL either within the article itself or in your author bio.


You just created yourself a powerful backlink.

Finding Guest Post Opportunities:

Now there are many different strategies to find websites/blogs that are accepting guest posts but for the purpose of this article I will highlight one in particular that I’ve seen a lot of success with.

1.) Use this search query in Google: “write for us” + “keyword”

You wouldn’t believe how many guest post articles I’ve gotten published using this simple technique.

So for example, if you’re in the weight loss niche you can simply try things like “write for us” + “fitness” or “write for us” + “weight loss” or “write for us” + “nutrition”.

Many websites that offer guest posting have a “write for us” page which is why this query works so well.

You can also try the following search queries:

  • “contribute” + “keyword”
  • “guest post” + “keyword”
  • “writers” + “keyword”

Domain Authority:

Now it’s important you target websites with a domain authority of at least 15 or higher (although this could vary depending on your website).

You can check a website’s domain authority with tools like MOZ or other free alternatives out there.

I recommend creating a list of about 20-40 potential link building opportunities at a time (preferably once a month if you are serious about this).

And then plugging it into an excel file to stay organized, like the one in the screenshot below:

What Is Guest Posting

You can add the URL, DA (domain authority), opportunity, contact name/email etc.

I then like to mark the websites I’ve already reached out to in yellow, so it’s easier to keep track going forward.

Guest Posting Email Outreach Template:

The outreach process is the easy part.

Really all you have to do is come up with a template that pitches a few topics.

Something like….

“Hey there,

I really enjoy the articles on your website.  I’m reaching out to see if you’d be interested in a guest post on one of the topics below.  I believe it would be of great interest to your readers.

Would you consider any of these topics for your blog?

Topic 1

(brief description)

Topic 2

(brief description)

Topic 3

(brief description)

Kind regards,

Your name”

It’s really that simple….once you start getting the hang of the link building/guest posting process, you really should start to see positive movement in search engine rankings and eventually organic traffic overtime.

If you liked this article, please let me know in the comments section.

Now get out there and start guest posting!

Get More Traffic To Your Website – Traffic Generation Strategies

Get More Traffic To Your Website

Today’s topic is a fun one, especially since traffic is the lifeblood of any online business.

Now these are a few traffic generation strategies that I personally use, however there are a TON more out there to try for yourself.

Below are a handful of traffic methods that you can start experimenting with as soon as today.

Free Traffic Methods

1.) YouTube: Traffic Generation Strategies
Perhaps one of the most underrated sources of traffic around is YouTube (video marketing).  This is possibly the best way to get laser targeted traffic to your blog, website, squeeze page, affiliate offer, product page etc…especially since YouTube is continually gaining momentum every year and more and more people are using it as a search engine then ever before.  Start building a YouTube presence by posting consistent and properly optimized videos every single week, and watch the traffic start rolling in.

2.) Facebook:

Another excellent source of traffic is through social media platforms like Facebook.  Depending on what type of business or offer you promote, this could be as simple as building quality connections/relationships with people in your niche.  Create a separate page around your business and encourage people to “like” it, share it and chat about it.  Once you start to position yourself as an authority, people will start messaging you asking for your services.  This happens in my solo ad business on a daily basis.

3.) SEO/Blogging:

Perhaps my favorite method of all is a combination of blogging and search engine optimization (SEO).  This blog is a perfect example of how to generate natural, organic traffic from the search engines like Google and Bing.  Once you learn the proper SEO techniques, the sky is the limit when it comes to blogging.  If you’re confused on how to get a blog started, please see my post here.

Paid Methods

1.) Solo Ads:

Probably the fastest and simplest way to get traffic to your website, squeeze page or product offer is by using solo ads.  With solo ads, you are simply leveraging someone else’s email list, by purchasing traffic by the “click”.  As a solo ad provider myself, I can tell you that if done correctly, this could be one of your most effective traffic generation strategies.

2.) PPC (Pay Per Click):

Although tricky for many first timers, PPC is an excellent way to drive targeted traffic to your website.  Make sure you have a daily budget planned out so you do not spend more than you can afford.  As in all marketing, this will take some testing and tweaking before finding the winning campaign.

Whether you want to test the waters with free traffic methods or paid traffic methods, it’s important that you actually get your feet wet with whatever strategy you choose.

Too many people never even get started due to fear of failure.

I recommend sticking with one traffic generation strategy until you master it before moving onto the next.

Once you get more experience you can combine multiple traffic sources for maximum exposure!

I’d love to know…What is your favorite traffic strategy?

How To Rank Your Website Higher On Google?

Increase Your Google Ranking

So this is a question that comes up quite often in the world of online marketing…

If you’re wondering How To Rank Your Website Higher On Google, then you came to the right place.Rank Your Website Higher On Google

Now before we get started, if you’re looking for more of an example type post on SEO, please check out my article here on simple search engine optimization for websites.

I’ll be the first to say that ranking websites higher on Google is not as difficult as some people think, HOWEVER, it does take patience and persistence to move the needle.

Search Engine Optimization For Beginners

When ranking your website or someone else’s website in the search engines you need to follow a few mandatory steps.  Note: make sure you have some basic keyword research done before moving onto these steps.

1.) SEO Tag Optimization

First and foremost, you need to make sure all of your SEO tags are in place and optimized to their fullest potential.

This means adding in your most important target keywords to your Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, H1 Tags and Image ALT Tags.

The tags that hold the most SEO weight are the Title Tags and H1 Tags, however it is an SEO best practice to make sure ALL seo tags are optimized.

2.) Content Generation and Optimization

Your website must have a sufficient amount of content on it if you want any chance of ranking your website higher on Google.

And more importantly, this content should be consistent, possibly by using a blog or building out specific target pages related to your website each and every month.

Utilizing a blog is an extremely effective and simple way to ensure a healthy content ratio for your website from an SEO perspective.

Now with the content that you create, you must make sure it is optimized with your most important keywords in place (without keyword stuffing).

You will also want to add in a few internal links here and there throughout your copy which point to other pages of your website.

Internal linking helps visitors navigate your site more efficiently and helps spread link juice throughout your website.

3.) Link Building

One of the most important steps in a successful SEO campaign…

Now you need to build quality backlinks to your website to help increase your search rankings, website presence and organic traffic.

This can be as simple as reaching out to other blogs/websites relevant to your niche and see if they are accepting guest posts (which would contain your website link in the article).

This is one of the most effective link building strategies that many are not even paying attention to (better for us!).

This is a true and tested way to increase your Google ranking over time.

Please be patient when it comes to increasing your search rankings and make sure you commit to content generation and link building consistently going forward.

This should be an on-going process each and every month.

Any questions? Just ask!

Knowledge Is Power! Internet Marketing Strategies, Tricks & Tips

Internet Marketing Strategies

If you haven’t already found out, I am a HUGE book reader.

In fact, in my opinion (besides meditation) it is the single best thing you can do for your mind.

The benefits from reading the right books may very well just blow your mind.

If you’re reading my blog, there’s a good chance you are interested in Internet Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Starting a business, personal development, MLM, personal finance etc…

Luckily, there are thousands of books on these subjects to choose from.

In this short post I want to point out a few of my favorites that have really helped me along my wild and crazy Internet Marketing journey.

Top Book Recommendations

Note: These are in no particular order…

1.) The Millionaire Next Door- (Thomas J Stanley, William D. Danko)

This is an absolute classic that really got me interested in personal finance 8 or so years ago.  I tell anyone who wants to start a business online that they must have a good personal finance foundation.  This book reveals how the true millionaires in the United States are not the ones who drive fancy cars and have massive houses.  In fact, most of America’s millionaires are very average people who drive used cars, pay for things with cash, save money and invest over a long period of time. This book wiInternet Marketing Strategiesll REALLY open up your mind in terms of who the real millionaires are and how they accumulated their wealth.  Absolutely worth the read!

2.) The 10 Pillars Of Wealth (Alex Becker)

This book was recommended to me by one of my mentors and surprisingly enough I never heard of Alex Becker beforehand.  The content within this book digs in deep into the mind-sets of the world’s richest people.  Alex Becker is a 20-something year old, highly successful entrepreneur who is experienced in many different areas of business.  What I love about this book is that it gives you immediate action steps from someone who walks the walk and talks the talk. This is an excellent starting point if you are somewhat lost in terms of where to start with an online business.

3.) Blogging Secrets (John Chow, Peng Joon)

I’ve been following John Chow for a while now and for good reason.  He is a full-time blogger who makes over $1 million dollars per year from his blog.  Safe to say, this guy knows his stuff and his content is really phenomenal.  He started his blog as a case study, kind of like what I am doing here (although I’ve built other blogs before).  If you are wondering how to start a blog and where to start, first I recommend checking out my post here, but I also recommend picking up a copy of this book for additional tips and tricks.

4.) Relentless (Tim Grover)

Now this book will give you the kick in the you know what that you need when you are feeling lazy, unmotivated or overwhelmed.  Tim Grover, most well known for being the trainer of NBA players such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Dwayne Wayde really knows how to pump you up.  He explains how he trained these athletes to think like know one else, be like no one else and perform like no one else.  This has simply been one of the most important reads of my life and I frequently come back to it when I need a major push in my businesses.  Please do yourself a favor and READ this!

Those are just a few of my favorites, now it’s important you go out and find the right reading material for you.

Please leave me a comment below, what are your favorite books?

How To Make Money From Blogging? Blogging Report- January 2017

Blogging Report (January 2017)

Blogging Report (January 2017)

So part of the reason I started this website was to show people how to make money from blogging in the most sustainable and efficient way.

I am continually building this blog as a personal case study to demonstrate how possible it is to make an extra income from home with a simple WordPress blog.

However, please note that it will take time before I generate a consistent income from my efforts.

The reason being is that building an authority blog takes a little while to get noticed (in Google, Social Media etc.) and is most certainly NOT an overnight process.

The cool thing is, only after around 3 months or so of taking this seriously I am already starting to see positive results (not money wise) but progression in terms of search rankings which will eventually bring this site some serious organic traffic.

I have much experience in SEO and know that patience is a virtue when it comes to generating organic traffic from the search engines.

With that being said, I am looking forward to providing you with frequent updates on my progress in terms of organic traffic, search rankings, email subscribers, revenue, profit etc.

Search Rankings (January 2017)

Although I won’t be showing you the exact keywords I am targeting, I will still provide some insight on how my site is ranking in the search engines.

I’m actually quite happy with the progress I’ve made already chipping awayHow To Make Money From Blogging at certain keywords in the big Google.

Remember this is pretty much a brand new blog and if you’re just starting out be patient when it comes to your SEO work.  It takes time to climb the Google ladder.

Take a look at my most recent screenshot of my search rankings (remember keywords are hidden for obvious reasons).

I am currently working on creating more content in combination with some extensive link building work to improve upon these rankings each and every month.

Organic Traffic (January 2017)- 55 Visits

So if you’re currently reading this post, again since it is such a new blog I am not receiving all that much traffic as of yet.

But I’m optimistic with the SEO strategies I have planned going forward, that I will build upon this every few months (and eventually explode this number).

Organic traffic for January 2017 came in at 55 visits.

Blogging Case Study

I realize that this is an incredibly small number, but stick with me as I know what I’m doing.

You will really enjoy the updates in the coming months (and even years) to see how far this blog has come.

Blog Income (January Earnings)

Believe it or not, I actually made $110 in January from my blog 🙂

It was actually from two different sales…$55 each for two 100 click email ad packages.

If you didn’t already know, I run an email advertising business as another source of income.

Not too shabby for such a new blog.

Like I said, please stick with me so you can see the momentum this website gains, which will encourage you to start your own money making blog as well.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you are following my progress, please leave me a comment below.

I’d love to have your support and help you in YOUR journey along the way as well.

Stay tuned for my next update.

To the top!

How To Do Simple Search Engine Optimization For Websites?

How To Do SEO For Websites

One of the best skills you can learn as an online marketer is Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Whether you want to:

  • Implement SEO for your own website or blog
  • Help small local businesses gain more search engine presence
  • Assist larger companies with your SEO knowledge & expertise

This is all extremely possible once you learn the basics of SEO.

The best part about mastering this skill is that the vast majority of people have NO idea what they’re doing when it comes to optimizing a website to its fullest potential.

You are looked at as some sort of guru when you tell clients, friends, local businesses etc. that you can help them rank their website in Google for various keywords and drive more targeted traffic.Simple Search Engine Optimization

With that being said, in this short post I am going to highlight a few simple search engine optimization techniques you should focus on that will put you ahead of 99% of the competition.

Simple Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Let’s use an example of a local pizza restaurant in Miami Florida for the purpose of this blog post (Joey’s Pizza).

1.) Keyword Research

First and foremost you will need to conduct some keyword research based around the local target, competition, etc.  You can use Google Keyword Planner or other tools such as MOZ or to generate your keyword research list.  Try to flesh out a list where you have a sufficient amount of options to rank for in Google. And also try to target some longer-tail keywords as well (terms that are 3-5 words long), since they are easier to rank for in the search results. For example, some keywords that might be generated would be:

  • Restaurants in Miami Florida
  • Pizza Miami Florida
  • Best Pizza in Miami Florida
  • Miami Florida Pizza Places
  • Top Rated Pizza In Miami Florida

2.) SEO Tag Optimization

Once you complete your keyword research, you can begin to actually implement an SEO plan for your client or your own website.  Here are the most important tags to focus on:

  • Title Tags- The Title Tag holds the most weight from an SEO standpoint and should be written as close to 70 characters as possible (without going over).  Focus on adding in your most relevant keywords here as this is the blue clickable text that is seen in the search results when someone performs a search query.  Here is an example of a strong and optimized Title Tag: Best Pizza In Miami Florida | Miami Florida Restaurants | Joey’s Pizza
  • Meta Descriptions: The Meta Description is the snippet of text that is underneath the Title Tag when shown in the search engines.  It should be compelling/unique and describe the page to the visitor to encourage user click through (155-160 characters long).  You would want to optimize your Meta description like this for example: Joey’s pizza has been proudly serving the residents of Miami Florida for over 20 years strong.  Come in and try one of our delicious homemade pies today!
  • H1 Tags: The H1 Tag is the headline that is above the main text/copy/body of each page.  It holds significant authority as far as SEO goes and should be optimized with the most important target keywords, while still reading naturally to visitors. An example would be: Contact Joey’s Pizza In Miami Florida Today!
  • Image ALT Tag- Image ALT Tags are more important than people realize and offer great additional SEO benefits.  For every image on a website, you can add an ALT Tag, which helps describe to Google what that picture is about.  A simple example would be a picture of a pizza that has the tag: Miami Florida Pizza Places

3.) Copy Optimization/Internal Linking

Next you will want to optimize the existing content on the website by ensuring there are target keywords placed in the text on a given page.

Only optimize copy where you see fit and do not keyword stuff.  You want the copy to flow smoothly and read naturally for the best user experience possible. Copy optimization helps add more keyword relevancy to the actual content of the pages and gives Google a better idea of what you’re trying to rank for.

You’ll also want to add a handful of internal links per page pointing to other relevant/related pages on your website. This offers two benefits…1.) It helps visitors navigate your site more effectively and 2.) It spreads some link juice (authority) from page to page.

4.) Link Building

Assuming the website has enough SEO optimized content (make sure of this before going on to this step), you can then begin the link building work.

  • Citations are basically just mentions of a business name and address on other web pages like Google My Business, Bing Places, Yelp, etc.  They are a major component in the ranking algorithms of Google and Bing (and especially for local SEO and businesses). It would be worthwhile to research which citation websites offer “do-follow” links as this can be a great way to generate some quick wins.
  • Guest posting is the process of reaching out to other related & authoritative websites in your niche and seeing if they are accepting articles from external bloggers/webmasters. Generally you are allowed to add a link to your website within your body copy or author bio. This in return will provide you with a natural and quality backlink. In my opinion, this is one of the MOST powerful ways to build quality links, increase search engine rankings, and generate more organic traffic for your website (read more about guest posting here).
  • Competitor link building involves taking a closer look at your competitors’ websites and using tools such as Ahrefs or MOZ to analyze their backlink portfolio. Once you scrape out a list of backlinks that your competitors have acquired, you should try to obtain the same or similar links for yourself.
  • Crafting quality content on a consistent basis can increase the likelihood of other bloggers/webmasters noticing your work and linking to your website. If your blog articles are properly optimized and provide a ton of value for your readers, this puts you in a great position to potentially generate natural and passive backlinks.

5.) Content Creation

If you have a blog, you should be posting an article at least once every week.  This in combination with link building can really generate impressive results in terms of search engine rankings and organic traffic. Google loves a website with consistent, fresh and unique content and will actually favor it in the search results. Blogging also allows you to target a variety of different keyword phrases that you may not be able to target on the main pages of your website. Well-written, informative and long-form style blog posts tend to get shared often on social media which can increase your referral traffic as well. The benefits of producing quality blog content on a consistent basis are priceless and can ultimately drive more overall business.

These are some dead simple search engine optimization techniques that you can implement that will separate you from much of the competition.  These are ethical and natural SEO methods to gain some serious traction in the search engines.

Do things the right way and the results will follow.

I have more awesome search engine optimization tips, tricks and techniques on the way.

If you liked this post, please leave me a comment and/or share your thoughts.

Also, be sure to check out my SEO coaching services here if you are looking for additional help and one-on-one SEO training. Alternatively, I offer full done-for-you SEO services here as well.

Is ClickBank Dead? Making Money With ClickBank

How To Make Money With ClickBank

Important: If you’re looking for an actual way to earn money with ClickBank, I highly recommend this product right here.

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links on this post.

Fair warning that this post is going to be mini-rant :/

But I’ve been hearing over and over again from people that they think ClickBank is dead

Or that it’s impossible to make money with ClickBank anymore…

Or that the products on ClickBank no longer convert…blah blah blah blah.

My thoughts…This couldn’t be further from the truth!

In fact, I am making consistent sales each and every week with ClickBank from 2 different strategies and am in the process of scaling up my efforts.

The only reason why making money with ClickBank may be hard is because it does take some initial testing to see which products convert.

My #1 Secret To Making Money With ClickBank

There’s so much garbage going around that in order to make money with ClickBank you must pick the products that have the highest gravity.

Now this is why so many people can get all of the “hops” (clicks) that they want but can never convert those clicks into cold hard cash.

The reason being because they stick to promoting the highest gravity products that HUNDREDS & THOUSANDS of people promote.

In my opinion this means that these products are highly saturated (stay away).Making Money With ClickBank

Now here’s the kicker…I have made the most money from ClickBank off of products that most have never even heard of which have a super low gravity to go along with it 🙂

This one simple tip here is worth thousands of dollars and not many people would share this with you quite honestly.

The people who are making consistent money with ClickBank as an affiliate know this technique very well.

Now of course you can still make money from the higher gravity products but my biggest breakthroughs in ClickBank have simply been from promoting products that no one really knows about (hence less competition).

As long as the sales page is solid and the product is what your visitors are looking for, then its got a chance.

Now the key here is to test like crazy, test everything….literally.

I promote affiliate products that convert only from a dozen clicks or less…

And then I have affiliate products that take hundreds of clicks before they convert.

As with all of your marketing, you need to test things thoroughly before drawing any conclusions.

Plain and simple, ClickBank is one of my favorite sources of extra and consistent income which is why it really disturbs me when people say it’s “dead“.

I challenge you to not be a ClickBank failure statistic and test this sh*t like crazy.

Rant over, hopefully that wasn’t too bad.

I will have more tips on actually making money with ClickBank to come in the near future so please stay tuned…

In the meantime, stay persistent and never give up!

Want to make your first ClickBank sale? Take a look at this here!

Creating A Blog From Scratch – How To Begin Blogging?

How To Begin Blogging

Creating a blog from scratch can be a daunting task, especially if you have no direction and no experience.Creating A Blog From Scratch

Luckily, you have come to the right place as I am going to share with you what is needed to begin blogging as soon as today.

Creating A Blog From Scratch

First things first, if you are looking for a step by step approach on how to set up your blog, make sure you check out my post here!

Below highlights the key information you need to know to get up and running…and without the headache!

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links on this post.

1.) Sign up for Web Hosting here.  This is where your blog will live and where you can get into the technical side of things if necessary (don’t worry, setting up a blog is extremely simple and affordable).  Keep reading!

2.) You will then want to choose your domain name.  For example, if you wanted to create your blog in the Internet marketing niche (like mine here) and your name is Jesse Smith, you may want to consider calling your blog or just or  Be creative with this step, but remember it’s always good to brand yourself using your name.  Position yourself as the leader, authority figure and expert in your niche.

3.) Next you will need to install WordPress.  This is only takes a few minutes.  After you signup for Web Hosting at my link above, just search in Google or YouTube “How to set up WordPress in HostGator?”.

4.) Choose a theme for your blog.  As you can see if you’re on my website here, a blog doesn’t have to be fancy.  In fact, I reccomend keeping it simple so it’s inviting to users and easy to read.  You want them to be engaged and tempted to click on other blog posts of yours and pages on your site (the lower the bounce rate, the better).

5.) Install a plugin called Yoast. This will allow you to optimize your blog to it’s fullest potential and get noticed in the search engines like Google and Bing.  It’s important you learn some basic SEO strategies like keyword research and SEO tag optimization so your blog can begin gaining traction. To start, learn about writing Title Tags, Meta Descriptions and H1 Tags for each blog post you write (all focused around your target keywords).  I have more content on the way with some killer SEO tips and techniques so you can dominate the search engines. Stay tuned on this!

6.) Start blogging! Yes, you can literally start blogging the same day you set up your blog.  Make sure that you are consistent with your approach meaning that you’re at least posting once every week (2 or 3 times is even better, but don’t burn yourself out). Try to make sure your blog posts are at least 300 words or more and are packed with massive amounts of value.

This is just a quick list to get your blog started with as little effort as possible.  However, the more time and focus you put into your new blog, the better your results will be.

Remember this is a long-term asset you are building here, so take your time over the next few months to really flesh it out with powerful and useful content for world to see.

You can have a voice, but you must get started.

Now let’s get to it!

How To Begin Blogging From Scratch?

How To Create A Money Making Blog?

Can You Make Money By Blogging

I hate to break it to you, but if you think you are going to create a money making blog in a matter of weeks, you will be very disappointed.

True online assets that make money do not get results overnight.

The most successful blogs are the result of persistent and dedicated work over a prolonged period of time.

How To Create A Money Making Blog?

The simple answer to this question is to follow a step by step approach and more importantly, PATIENCE!

That’s right, patience.

Our industry is completely flooded and saturated with “make thousands overnight” and “get rich by tomorrow” lingo, baloney, hogwash and BS.

It’s time to shift your mindset and realize that this will take commitment on your end to make things happen.How To Create A Money Making Blog

Now that we have that out of the way, do you feel like exiting out of this page?

Are you thinking of throwing in the towel?

If you’re still with me and have read this far, then I applaud you as the vast majority would not still be here.

My goal with my own blog here is to personally help as many people as I can realize that creating a money making blog, website, sales funnel, email list, YouTube channel…whatever it may be takes hard work.

Of course once the ball gets rolling things become easier, you can outsource certain parts of your business etc.

I hope I’m not being too realistic for you 🙂

But in order to make progress in this business you must grind it out.

Can You Make Money By Blogging?

The simple answer is yes!

And sky is the limit really in terms of how much you can generate from the internet.

This post is more of a 10,000 foot overview and mind shift to get you “prepared”.

If you’re looking to actually get your blog started, check this out.

If you work a full-time job and are completely strapped on time, I recommend working part-time on your blog to start.

You wouldn’t believe how many “part-time” blogs have turned into into full-time incomes for some people.

There are many similar stories out there like that.

As long as you are consistent in your posting (at least 1 blog post per week) and learn some SEO strategies along the way, you have a really good shot at making some extra cash blogging.

The biggest hurdle that you currently face is actually getting started.

Let’s shatter that right here, right now.

Are you ready?

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