Your Blog Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect- How To Start a Great Blog?

How To Start A Successful Blog

It’s so important to realize that your blog does not have to be perfect.

Too many people are paralyzed by the fact that they think everything has to be “just right”.

Unfortunately this results in most aspiring bloggers/writers to never even get started.

The great thing about a blog is that it’s supposed to be flexible, transparent and NOT perfect!How To Start A Great Blog

You will see with my blog here that it’s nothing fancy, or elaborate, or professionally written.

But more importantly it’s a platform that helps get my message out to interested readers.

The objective behind this post is to tackle one of the most common obstacles I see in blogging and that’s getting your blog started.

Keeping in mind that a blog is somewhat an extension of yourself and should contain different layers.

You are free to write what you want, when you want to and how you want to.

Strive for providing value and not perfection.

So here is an easy tip if you’re wondering how to start a great blog…without trying to be perfect

Keep is SIMPLE!

Focus on getting your thoughts published rather than having the perfect format or the best images or the most creative headline…

As stated above, (especially if you haven’t started your blog yet) the main goal is to jump over the big hurdle I see and that’s to just get your blog started and in the works.

You’d be surprised how many people don’t even begin the blogging process based on artificial fears and barriers that build up over time.

It’s vital that you adopt the right mindset in order to break free from the shackles that fear and procrastination hold over you.

As the Nike slogan goes, just do it!

However, back to my main point, do yourself a major favor and keep your blogging strategy and design dead simple.

This means picking a WordPress theme that’s attractive yet clean & easily navigatable for visitors, sticking to a set content generation schedule, being aware that blogging is a long-term approach, and learning some really basic SEO techniques.

This is a simple yet effective approach if you’re wondering how to start a great blog.

Another quick tip is to make sure your content is helping people find answers to their questions or solutions to their problems in your given niche.

And this comes down to creating immense value.

Is every blog post going to be a home run? Of course not…

But as long as you have a strong urge to help others by sharing valuable insight, tips or tricks…you are ahead of 99% of the competition.

So to sum things up, keep it simple when it comes to creating a blog, provide valuable content and overcome the biggest hurdle and just get started.

Have you started your blog yet?

How To Kick Self-Doubt In The Teeth! 3 Simple Tips

Getting Over Self-Doubt

Naturally as human beings we all have what is called self-doubt from time to time.

We hear the voice in our heads chime in telling us that can’t do something, or that we have no business trying, or that we’re better off to staying in our comfort zone.

The good news here is that this is all BULL SH*T!

Self-doubt is completely artificial and is actually something that can be shattered quite easily.

I also believe this is where reading the right books comes in handy.

If you’re not into reading, you need to force yourself to start.

It is truly life changing when you read the right material.

How To Break Free From Self-Doubt…

Self-doubt is something that can be truly paralyzing.

It can prevent you from ever trying new things, going after your goals and producing serious results.

Here are a few quick tips to break this illusion…

1.) Realize (like in the sentence above) that self-doubt is simply just an illusion.

2.) Do things intentionally that are directly correlated to your self-doubt.  For example, maybe you have a self-defeating thought that says “I can’t create a blog, I barely have enough time to work my full-time job and take care of my family“…

Your response would be to create your blog that same exact day, sign up for a domain name and hosting and spring free from the grips that self-doubt holds over you.

Actually this reminds me, if any of you are in this situation where you’re interested in starting a blog but work full time, you may want to check this out.

3.) Turn self-doubt into POWER! Look at self-doubt as a necessary emotion to get you to your end goal even faster.  Without contrast in life, there would be no success stories.  We need this negative energy from time to time to catapult us to the next level of commitment. Every time self-doubt comes up in the future, look at it as a sign to get things going.

Now I want to recommend a book, which has really helped me completely shift my mindset from loser to winner.Self-Doubt

It’s given me the mental toughness that the elite athletes, entrepreneurs and business professionals use to completely stand out from the crowd.

It’s truly a life-changing read and will kick you into another mode you never thought possible.

The book I’m talking about (which I’ve mentioned before on my blog) is called “Relentless” by Tim S. Grover.

Tim Grover has trained some of the most successful NBA players including Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wayde and many others.

He explains what it takes to reach the highest level of success in any part of your life.

Truly worth the read if you’re interested and may be just what you need to kick self-doubt to the curb.

What are some inspiring books you have read regarding mindset, personal development or any other similar topic?


Building A Blog Should Be A LONG-TERM Approach…

Starting A Blog

Too often when it comes to someone who is just starting their blog, they often ask…

“How long will it be until I start seeing results?”

And to be honest, that’s a very hard question to answer as there are so many variables when it comes to blogging.

What I CAN say with confidence is that everyone who starts a blog should have a long-term mindset.

Some of the most successful blogs have taken months and even years (yes years) to take off and generate consistent traffic.

Similar to investing in the stock market, blogging is a long-term investment and not an overnight success.

What’s The Problem With Most Beginner Bloggers?

This is a simple question to answer…

~> They GIVE UP too soon!

Some bloggers are 3 feet away from success and throw in the towel just a little bit too soon.

You need to stick with this business model for at the very least 1 year before making any conclusions.

Even that is far too premature to say something isn’t working.Build A Blog

Domain age and consistency with your blogging is crucially important when it comes to search rankings and organic traffic.

And to establish this, you need time to work on your blog and flesh it out with valuable content.

Think of it like a fine wine, it only gets better the more it ages.

Does sticking to a long-term approach scare you?

Are you afraid you will waste loads of time without any return on investment?

Well, maybe you’re not in this for the right reasons.

I’d advise you to read my post on creating value through your blog rather than looking to make money.

Stick To It and Stay Committed!

Now that you realize you need time and patience to build a successful blog, it’s time to stick to your plan for the long-term.

Come up with a schedule that works for you and make sure to post at least 1 blog article per week.

There’s no excuse that you cannot write a 300-500 (or more) word article every week.

If this is serious enough for you, you will find a way to do it.

Like anything in life, the rewards are worth the sacrifice if you do things correctly.

Blogging can be a really fun way to make an extra income or just get your ideas out for people to see.

So hopefully this has somehwat shifted your mindset, and especially if you’re just starting out….Think long-term.

I look forward to seeing your blog up and running for years and years to come!


How To Increase Your Productivity With One Simple Tip

Personal Development Online

In business and in life, productivity can mean the difference between being successful or not.

The strategy I am going to share with you below is one that I have been following for quite some time now.

I can say from first hand experience that this one simple tip kicked my productivity up around 12 notches.

And with the combination of other positive habits, the results can be impressive.

So here it goes!

To Increase Your Productivity…

~> Complete your biggest and most challenging tasks first in your day.

The most important tasks are normally the ones we procrastinate the worst.

They come off as scary, daunting and like a chore rather than a project.

I advise you to try and bang out these tasks first in the day to get them out of the way.How To Increase Productivity

The more we let a big project hang over our heads, actually the less productive we truly are.

The satisfaction that comes from crossing off a giant or important piece of work from your “to do” list is contagious and powerful.

Adopt this consistently as a routine habit and you will see a noticeable difference in your daily, monthly and yearly productivity levels.

Short and sweet today.

Let me know if this helps you 🙂

Internet Marketing Creates Options- Retire Early?

Internet Marketing

The wonderful world of Internet Marketing!

I remember when I first got hooked with the idea of making money online.

Around 8 or 9 years ago today I bought a $47 information product off of Warrior Forum and since then have been addicted to Internet Marketing ever since.

It was a product on how to make money with ClickBank using affiliate niche websites and video marketing.

I created my first website around an aircraft simulation game, grabbed my affiliate link from ClickBank and created a video to go along with the website (as you may already know, this method is way less effective today which is why I always reccomend starting a blog).

Around 3 weeks into my first niche website, I logged into my ClickBank account and saw a sale for $21.14!

Making your first sale online is unlike anything else…for the simple fact that it proves this type of lifestyle is possible with the right concentrated effort.

That lit the fire for me and eventually I started making 1 sale per week and then 1 sale per day and so on…

This encouraged me to get my feet wet in other online business models and expand my skill set and knowledge base…I wanted the lifestyle that the successful Internet marketers had.

Internet Marketing Can Feel Like Early Retirement- How So?

Let me be clear, I still work a full-time day job for the simple fact that I really enjoy what I do as an SEO strategist, but if you’re making enough money from Internet Marketing, you can essentially quit your job and have complete freedom.

I think that is everyone’s dream who gets into this business.

However, if you’re at this stage or close to it, it’s important that you read this before you quit your job.How To Retire Early

When you’ve created enough passive income to the point where you do not need to work a 9-5, traffic fighting, soul crushing job…it’s truly like you have retired early.

But even better, since you’re still making income from your online business.

I think that should be everyone’s end goal (besides creating as much value in people’s lives as possible).

But the goal of having complete freedom to do what you want, where you want and when you want to.

1.) With no shackles!

2.) No rules!

3.) No punching in a clock!

4.) No office politics!

5.) No long hours!

6.) No restrictions!

Through Internet marketing you create your path, you destiny and your future.

Will this take hard work at first…HECK YES!

But you need to look at this as a longer-term approach rather than a sprint.

If this sounds like something you want to pursue, I would dedicate enough time to learn about the ins and outs of online marketing first.

There are so many many different tactics, strategies and business models so it’s important to get a little bit of knowledge first.

I reccomend hanging out over at the Warrior Forum to start.

Realize that there are always opportunities for you to compete in the online world, for the simple fact that it’s so damn big!

Let me know your thoughts on this topic…

Do you have dreams of retiring early through Internet Marketing?

Do you want the freedom to live the life you deserve?


Personal Money Management Tips – Create More Freedom In Life!

Personal Finance Tips

Personal Money Management TipsIf you don’t already know, I am a big personal finance geek.

I’ve read dozens of books on the subject for the simple fact that I enjoy the idea of creating more freedom in my life through spending less and saving/investing more.

In fact, I think that personal money management is an extremely important topic that should become a central focus of everyone’s life.

If you’re unhappy with your current job or financial position and feel completely trapped in your situation, here are a few tips you can start implementing that will get you on the right path to creating more “space” in your life.

1.) Avoid & Pay Off Debt

It’s vital that you avoid debt at all costs (some may disagree), but the peace of mind that comes with being debt free is priceless.

If you are currently in debt, do NOT keep digging a deeper hole.  Come up with a plan and be aggressive with paying it off.

Once I paid off the last of my student loans a few years ago, I couldn’t believe how much extra money was freed up for me to save, invest or put towards my Internet businesses.

I challenge you to set a realistic goal of when you can pay off your debt…

Do out the math, create a spreadsheet and stay hyper focused as it will be one off the wisest decisions you ever make.

2.) Limit Your Spending

You wouldn’t believe how much money we spend on unnecessary and irrelevant things in our lives.

Sometimes a few simple tweaks to our monthly habits can mean hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more, in the long run.

Cut out any unnecessary spending that doesn’t enhance or add value to your life.

This could be eating out at unhealthy restaurants, avoiding happy hour and expensive bar tabs, buying loads of junk on Amazon, purchasing a coffee out every day, excessive driving, buying lunch out everyday at work….etc.

Pinpoint where the bulk of your extra income goes, and see how much better life becomes when you hang on to a certain portion of that hard earned cash.

3.) Indulge In Free Activities

Financial Independence

Nice walk by my house along the ocean

The great thing about being more conscious of your spending, is that is forces you to realize that happiness doesn’t come from the things you buy…

But more from the experiences that don’t revolve around money.

For example, one of my favorite things to do (that doesn’t cost me anything besides a little bit in gas) is taking walks at different trails, hikes or really anything that has to do with the outdoors.

I love this type of activity for a few reasons…

1.) You are connected with nature which creates a natural euphoric feeling.

2.) You spend virtually ZERO money.

3.) It’s great to share the outdoor experience with people you care about.

4.) It’s a healthy way to spend time both physically and mentally.

Now we can reverse this for example to an activity like going out late-night drinking at a bar…

1.) You spend most likely anywhere from $20-100 on food/alcohol (maybe more).

2.) You feel groggy and unmotivated the next day.

3.) A consistent habit of this will make you broke and fat.

4.) You’re more likely to participate in other unhealthy habits, like late-night eating, smoking, buying a round of drinks for everyone etc..

Now I realize everyone’s situation is different but this is just for example purposes to make you think a bit.

I know I’m not normal 🙂 But this is partially why I am never stressed about my financial situation.

4.) Save & Invest The Rest

Now that hopefully you are out of debt or are working aggressively to pay it off, you will want to start saving and investing!

This is when things get exciting and where much momentum starts to kick in (especially when you factor in compound interest).

Now I’m not going to get into detail about the specific investment vehicles you should park your money in, however it’s important that you do your research and find an approach and strategy that’s comfortable for you.

You should aim at the very least to save 20% of your income.

I invest over 40-50% of my money each and every month which is a bit extreme but not when you get used to living a simple lifestyle.

I think the problem here is that people shoot too low and only invest 5-10% of their income…which is better than nothing but not enough if you want to gain financial independence sooner rather than later.

Think of every time you put money away, you are that much closer to freedom in your life.

Look at this as a lifestyle more than anything…you are truly creating the limitless space and opportunity that you so badly deserve.

I want to recommend a few good blogs on personal finance that I suggest you take a look at.

These have also helped me along with some of the books I have read in the past.

Please feel free to check them out and let me know what you think:

(In no particular order)

1.) Mr. Money Mustache

2.) Frugal Woods


4.) My Money Wizard

If you enjoy articles on personal finance, money management, building wealth and would like me to post more on the subject…please let me know in the comments section below.

How To Build A Thriving Blog…While Working Full-Time?

How To Build A Blog

So I still work a full-time job because of simple fact that I enjoy what I do.

However, I also run a solo ad business and this blog here all while working full-time.

All of this can be done if you set yourself up properly for success.

In this post, I will share with you how I am able to run and grow my blog , while working over 40 hours per week!

Let’s get to it…

1.) Stick To A Schedule

It’s vital that you stick to a fairly strict schedule especially when you are just starting out.  Make sure at the very least that you are writing one post per week (if you can do more, even better).Starting A Blog

For example, I normally write a blog post every Friday night when I am done with my work week.  If I happen to miss Friday, I will try and do it that Saturday.  The important thing here is that you’re consistent with your posts.

Stick to a schedule over a long period of time, and the results can really start compounding.

2.) Remain Patient

Was Rome built in a day? I know, that phrase is totally overused…However, it correlates directly when talking about blogging.

You must realize that some of the biggest blogs today took months and months and months to start generating significant traffic.

Let’s put some “long term” glasses on those eyes and be clear that this is a marathon and not a sprint.

3.) Track Your Wins

Following up on my point above, it’s important that you track your wins.  This could mean marking down your first day of over 10 organic visits….making a commission from an affiliate banner…getting 1,000 subscribers on your email list…nailing a kick ass guest post opportunity etc.

Noting these wins are what psychologically keeps the momentum going.  Step by step and win by win, you can really start to feel all of your hard work paying off.

Track ALL Wins!

4.) Stay Inspired

The great thing about blogging is that you can literally write anything that’s on your mind.  You are not restricted to the type of content you can produce…Just make sure it’s valuable for the reader.  Since it’s your blog, you’re in control.

Keep posts fresh and don’t be afraid to mix up your topics, language and try new things.  Stay inspired by realizing that you have a voice and your blog is the platform to share your message.

I hope this post helped some of you full-time employees out there who are interested in starting a blog or maybe already have a blog but don’t know how to keep it going.

There is nothing wrong with blogging part-time and in fact, it’s how many of the top bloggers started.

Keep at it and never give up!

4 YouTube Search Engine Optimization Techniques- YouTube SEO

YouTube Traffic

YouTube marketing is quite possibly one of the most underrated ways to generate high quality traffic…plain and simple.

If you are not familiar with YouTube Search Engine Optimization…no problem!

In this post, I will sum up a few of the most important YouTube SEO techniques that you can start implementing as soon as today.

Let’s dive right into it…shall we?

1.) Video Title

As obvious as this sounds, many video marketers mess this step up.

You need to have a keyword rich video Title for the search engines to pick up.

Try to incorporate your 2 most relevant keyword phrases in the title but make sure it still reads naturally for visitors.

See screenshot below:

YouTube Search Engine Optimization Techniques

“Get More YouTube Marketing Subscribers” is my first keyword.

And “YouTube Marketing Technique” is my second keyword.

Yet, I still make it flow with the visitor in mind.

2.) Video Description

The next step is to make sure you have a keyword rich video description.

Generally I like to put my main keyword FIRST in my description…See screenshot below:

YouTube SEO

Follow that by a blog post or link to your website, any social media profile links, email address etc.

It’s also important you have enough content in your video description…

I recommend 2 paragraphs, maybe around 100 words each with about 3-4 of your most important keyword phrases in place.

Do not just stuff keywords in here.

Make it natural and valuable for your viewers to read.

3.) Off-Site Monetization

Now that your on-site SEO is complete, it’s important that you share your video on different platforms.

If you have a blog or website, that should be the first place you share your video.

Also, expose it on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc…

The more engagement you get on your YouTube videos, the better it is for SEO.

It doesn’t hurt to reach out to other websites/blogs in your niche and see if you can strike a deal where they’d share your video on their website.

4.) Consistency

It’s important that you consistently upload videos to your YouTube channel to show YouTube and Google that you are relevant and are producing unique content.

This also gives you a better chance to rank for various videos, rather than just one or two.

Try to get on a schedule of posting 1 video per day, per week or per month…whatever your schedule allows.

The more video “assets” you have for the world to see, the quicker you will learn what works and what doesn’t.

YouTube videos are much easier to rank than individual blog posts or web pages.

Google generally places the 2-3 most relevant videos on the first page for any given search.

Imagine if you captured some of this traffic?

Please feel free to leave a comment below.

Quick Video Demonstrating the Main Points of This Article

Do Not Quit Your Job- Stay Put For Now!

Don't Quit Your Job


Some of you may not like to hear this, but if you are an aspiring entrepreneur and still do not have a consistent income coming in from your business…Do Not Quit Your Job!

Yes that’s right, stay put at your current job as it is providing you with the necessary income you need to invest in your business.Entrepreneur Tips

Even though I make a full-time income with my online businesses, I still choose to work a day job…Why?

1.) I really enjoy my current line of work as an SEO specialist.

2.) It gives me extra money to invest in my business ventures.

3.) It allows me to invest more towards my retirement.

4.) It provides me with great benefits.

5.) It gives me options and flexibility, allowing me to take more educated risks.

Even though freedom is a major goal for many entrepreneurs, it’s important that you do not quit your job too prematurely.

Jobs Can Open Up Many Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Similar to some of the points I noted above, the right job can provide you with the skills you need to start up a business, or supplement your current business you are working on.

For example, the SEO (search engine optimization) skills I have learned at my current place of work will be a great resource I can utilize in my entrepreneurial endeavors going forward.

Believe it or not (even if you hate your job), every position teaches you valuable skills and lessons that you can use to improve your business.

Whether that’s sales skills, people skills, technical skills, management skills…you name it, you can use it to better your business.

Which gives you a much better chance of succeeding as an entrepreneur.

Use Your Job As Leverage For The Time Being

It’s important that you shift your mindset and not look at a job as something that is holding you back.

Think of this as a temporary phase in your life and use your job as leverage for your business.

This will allow you to sock away more money for emergencies, invest more in your business and invest more in your retirements accounts etc.

When you adopt this mindset for the time being, it can be really powerful.

Now I want to make clear that of course when you are making enough consistent money from you side projects/businesses/investments you have the option to quit your job and break free.

All I’m saying is, do not rush this process as you want to make sure you are as prepared as possible before you make the self-employment leap.

Looking back, you will be happy you saved more money and can now focus more of your attention on your business.

This may be more of a conservative approach for some, but I think it is a smart strategy rather than having nothing to fall back on and especially if your business is struggling.

Be methodical and make the decision that makes sense for you.

3 Tips To Stay Focused When You Work From Home

Working From Home

So for all you entrepreneurs or work from home employees or freelancers or anyone else who does the majority of work under their own roof, this post is for you.

I wanted to put together a quick list of tips that have helped me increase my focus, my work output and most importantly, my bottom line.

Work From Home

It’s way too easy to get distracted when working from home and you’d be surprised how a little bit of discipline can create substantial results.

Take a look at my top methods for getting the absolute most out of your day!

(Yes some of these are obvious…but just try them)

1.) Close Out of Unnecessary Tabs In Browser

This means Facebook, Twitter, YouTube (unless you’re using it for background music- see tip #3) etc…

You wouldn’t believe how much actual time is wasted surfing the web or scrolling through Facebook looking at unnecessary posts from irrelevant people.

It’s time to gain some of the power back.

Seriously though, close out of all unnecessary tabs and watch your productivity soar by at least 50%.

This simple step alone has put thousands of dollars in my pocket over time, no joke.

The only Internet tabs that should be open are the ones you need to get your work done.

It’s as easy as that.

2.) Flip Your Phone Upside Down or Put In Another Room

The average person checks their smartphone way too often throughout the day which leads to less productivity and more distraction.

I have increased my focus by at least 10 times since implementing this tip, plain and simple.

If you still find yourself checking your phone even when it’s flipped over, you might benefit more from putting it in another room entirely.

If you absolutely must check your phone throughout the day, try doing it once every hour at most.

You’d be surprised how much more work you get done day to day when you’re not glued to your “distraction device”!

3.) Listen To Stimulating Music On Headphones

I find that some of my best work comes from the inspiration of music.

As long as it is music that enhances your focus and creativity, I’m all for it.

Some examples of music that have helped me stay focused while working from home are: Classical, Ambient, Study Music, Instrumental or anything else that’s smooth and cool in the background.

I also find it’s more effective when you have a nice pair of headphones to listen to this music on rather than “ear buds” or straight out of your computer.

A quality set of headphones that covers your ears are really the way to go (but of course that’s just my opinion).

Experiment with different kinds of music and see which genres get you moving and groovin in the right direction if you know what I mean.

I realize this post was short and may seem like common sense but give some of these a shot and let me know what you think.

If you have any additional tips, please share them in the comments section below 🙂

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