SEO Case Study Example – SEO Coaching Student Mark Newsome

Organic Traffic Case Study

SEO Client – Mark Newsome

One of my SEO coaching students, Mark Newsome, found my services through a guest post

Mark Newsome

Coaching Student- Mark Newsome

that I wrote for another website and expressed his interest in working with me.

We have been working together for the past 4 months at the time of writing this.

I could tell from our first email exchange that Mark had what it took to take his website and traffic to the next level (as I don’t accept everyone into my SEO coaching program).

Mark already had a good head start on his website but just needed more strategic guidance and fine tuning in terms of SEO.

Make sure to read all the way to the bottom to see Mark’s results thus far.

SEO Case Study Background

Here’s a brief background of Mark and his website:

  • Mark specializes in offline marketing but needed help creating more of an online presence.
  • His marketing services help small business owners, startups and service providers get more bankable results, using non-traditional marketing strategies and tactics.
  • He was interested in generating more organic traffic from the major search engines for various keyword phrases.
  • Mark had over 2,000 blog posts on his website before working with me, but was generating a very small amount of traffic considering all of the content he had published.
  • Although his content was well-written and compelling, his posts were under optimized and needed some attention from an SEO perspective.
  • Mark is an extremely coachable student and takes massive action on what he’s taught.

First Steps

First and foremost I needed to analyze where Mark’s website currently stood in regards to SEO.

I ran a website scrape using a tool called Screaming Frog, which pulls all of the meta data of a website including Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, Headers Tags, Image ALT Tags, 404 errors and much more.

It was apparent to me that Mark’s SEO tags really needed to be tweaked and strengthened.

We went over the basics together and I showed Mark how to write proper Title Tags and Meta descriptions to start.

Remember, Mark has over 2,000 blog posts on his website, so starting with just the Title Tags and Meta Descriptions is enough to keep him busy for a long time.

It’s also important to note that optimizing the Title Tags alone can produce significant results for the right website as they hold a lot of weight in the eyes of Google.

We also set Mark up on Google Search Console so he had more data at his fingertips. This is where we submitted his XML sitemap as well so Google knows which pages to crawl.

So basically over the past 3-4 months I gave Mark the assignment to really just focus on writing optimized Title Tags.

He’s been chipping away at these every single week and the results are really starting to become obvious when looking into his Google Analytics account.

Let’s take a look at some of the data.

SEO Results & Traffic

Organic Traffic Over Past 15 Months

The first chart below highlights organic traffic over the past 15 months or so to show you the trend and increases. The red arrow indicates when Mark started working with me and when he started chipping away at his Title Tags using the strategies I taught him.

You can see in the past 3 months (May, June & July), Mark has hit all-time highs in organic traffic!

This past month July being the highest at 88 organic search visits, which is a major increase as you’ll see below.

SEO Case Study

Organic Traffic Is Up 300% Year-Over-Year

This next chart below is an impressive one and highlights the year-over-year increases when comparing July 2018 to July 2017.

Organic traffic is up 300% when comparing July 2018 to July 2017 (88 vs. 22).

Yes you heard that right, up 300%!

The blue line in the chart below represents organic traffic for July 2018 and the orange line represents organic traffic for July 2017.

This really helps demonstrate the growth we’re seeing.

These are really impressive results for only 3-4 months worth of SEO coaching and much credit to Mark for his hard work.

SEO Coach



SEO Case Study Example


Work Going Forward

Again let me reiterate that this is only 3-4 months worth of work and the results speak for themselves.

The reason I say ‘only’ is because SEO is a longer term marketing strategy that doesn’t happen overnight.

This shows you what is possible with an experienced coach as well as a motivated and hungry student.

We are just getting started…

A few next steps for Mark will be to continue chipping away at his Title Tags (remember he has over 2,000 blog posts!), write/edit Meta Descriptions where necessary, optimize his Header Tags for each blog post and write keyword rich Image ALT Tags.

We will also want to get into optimizing the actual content on his website and add internal links where appropriate that point to other relevant posts/pages.

Additionally down the road, I will be introducing various link building strategies to Mark which is an SEO strategy that really has the potential to ramp things up.

We are really off to a great start here and I plan to do more updates on this campaign in the future.

If you have a website or business of your own and are struggling to generate enough traffic, leads or conversions, you should check out either my SEO coaching program (where I will hold you by the hand and teach you everything I know) or my SEO Services package (where I will do all the work for you).

The possibilities are endless when it comes to SEO, so take advantage.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Rather check out the YouTube version of this case study? See below.

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