Understanding E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness in SEO

Have you ever heard of E-A-T in the SEO world? It stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness – three crucial factors that can either make or break your online presence. Think of it as Google’s way of deciding which websites are the real deal.

So, what’s the buzz all about? Join me on this journey where we unpack E-A-T and why it matters in the ever-changing world of SEO. Imagine it as your secret map to getting noticed in the vast online landscape.

In this journey through E-A-T, we’ll break down each part and see how it can turn your website into a star in the digital arena. Forget the complicated jargon; we’re here to unravel the mystery of E-A-T and show you how it can boost your SEO game. Get ready for a ride where SEO meets the art of building a trustworthy and influential online presence!

Understanding E-A-T

E-A-T stands at the heart of Google’s quality guidelines. It’s a framework used by Google’s human quality raters to assess the quality of content and the website overall. Here’s a breakdown:

Expertise – Going Deep

Let’s focus on the ‘E’ in E-A-T – Expertise. It’s all about showcasing that you know your stuff. If your website or content demonstrates a deep understanding or skill in a specific field, Google takes notice. So, whether you’re advising on the best gardening practices or sharing insights into cutting-edge technology, Google wants to see that you’re an expert in your niche.

Authoritativeness – Building Credibility

Moving on to the ‘A’ – Authoritativeness. This is about building credibility and a solid reputation. Google wants to feature websites that others see as reliable sources. It’s like being the go-to person at a party when people want accurate and trustworthy information. If your website earns respect and is seen as an authority in your industry, Google sees that as a big plus.

Trustworthiness – The Foundation of E-A-T

Last but not least, let’s talk about the ‘T’ – Trustworthiness. This is the backbone of E-A-T. Think of it as the measure of how much users can rely on your content and your website. Google wants to serve up results that users can trust. So, if your website is transparent, secure, and honest in delivering information, it checks the trustworthiness box.

Why E-A-T Matters in SEO

E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is pivotal for Google’s content quality evaluation, especially on YMYL websites. High E-A-T scores correlate with better search rankings and increased organic traffic. Incorporating an SEO service enhances these factors, strategically optimizing content and improving visibility. Investing in SEO is a proactive step toward a competitive edge, ensuring your website meets Google’s stringent criteria for E-A-T and ranks prominently in search results.

Improving Your Website’s E-A-T

Here’s how you can boost your site’s E-A-T score:

1. Showcase Expertise

Create in-depth, well-researched content.

Highlight the qualifications and experiences of content creators.

Regularly update content to reflect current information and trends.

2. Build Authoritativeness

Garner quality backlinks from reputable websites.

Gain recognition through awards, mentions, or testimonials.

Engage actively and authoritatively on social media and industry forums.

3. Establish Trustworthiness

Ensure website security (HTTPS).

Be transparent about your business and author credentials.

Encourage user reviews and respond professionally to feedback.

Content Quality and User Trust

Quality content is the cornerstone of E-A-T. This means producing well-researched, accurate, and valuable content. User trust is equally crucial. Your audience should feel confident in the integrity and reliability of your information.

Empowering Your SEO Journey

Navigating the complexities of mastering E-A-T is no small feat, but with a strategic approach, unwavering effort, and a keen understanding of your audience and industry, it becomes an achievable endeavor. Having served as a trusted SEO professional, I’ve guided my clients through the intricacies of enhancing their E-A-T scores, resulting in tangible benefits such as improved search rankings and substantial business growth.

Content is King: Crafting High-Quality SEO Content in 2023

In the ever-evolving realm of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), one adage continues to hold true: Content is King. As we delve into 2023, the significance of crafting high-quality content has never been more pivotal. With search engines constantly refining their algorithms, and readers becoming increasingly discerning, the challenge lies in striking a balance between satisfying algorithmic criteria and engaging a human audience. This article aims to provide actionable tips for creating content that not only resonates with search engines but also captivates your readers.

Understanding the Landscape

The landscape of SEO is akin to a dynamic chess game, where the rules are perpetually in flux. Search engines like Google continuously update their algorithms, prioritizing user experience and relevancy. High-quality content, therefore, is not just about peppering articles with keywords but about creating value for the reader. It’s about crafting pieces that answer questions, offer solutions, and provide in-depth insights.

Actionable Tips for High-Quality SEO Content

1. Know Your Audience:

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of high-quality content. By identifying their needs, preferences, and pain points, you can create content that resonates and engages.

2. Keyword Research:

While keywords are not the sole focus, they remain crucial. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords and naturally incorporate them into your content without overstuffing.

3. Create Comprehensive Content:

Your content should be informative and cover topics thoroughly. This means going beyond surface-level information and providing in-depth analysis and insights.

4. Readability is Key:

Ensure your content is easy to read and engaging. Break down complex ideas into digestible pieces, use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to enhance readability.

5. Incorporate Multimedia:

Enhance your content with relevant images, videos, and infographics. This not only breaks the monotony of text but also caters to visual learners.

6. Regular Updates:

SEO is not a set-and-forget strategy. Regularly update your content to keep it relevant and in line with the latest industry trends and data.

Measuring Success

The effectiveness of your content is measurable. Metrics like page views, time spent on page, and bounce rates are indicators of how well your content is performing. Tools like Google Analytics can provide these insights, helping you tweak and refine your strategy.

Learning from the Best

Looking at successful examples is a great way to understand what works. On Evan Hoeflich Marketing, articles like ‘Internal Linking for SEO‘ serve as excellent case studies of how well-crafted content can yield significant SEO benefits.

See What Clients Say About Our SEO Services

Curious about the impact of our SEO services? Dive into real stories on our Testimonials page. Our clients share their success stories, giving you a peek into how our tailored SEO strategies make a difference.


As we navigate through 2023, remember that high-quality content is not just a necessity for SEO success; it’s the backbone of it. The key is to create content that is not only optimized for search engines but is also valuable, informative, and engaging for your readers. Keep evolving with the trends, listen to your audience, and never compromise on the quality of your content. In the world of SEO, content isn’t just king; it’s the kingdom.

Local SEO: Unlocking the Power of Geographical Targeting

In today’s digital world, local businesses are discovering the importance of local SEO to stand out on search engines. Local SEO is like a local map—it helps businesses show up when people nearby search for products or services.

In simpler terms, when someone in your neighborhood searches for a product or service, local SEO ensures that your business is not lost in the digital crowd but shines brightly, beckoning them to discover what you have to offer. It’s like having a storefront window that catches the eye of passersby, inviting them to step in and explore what’s inside. Today, let’s explore the steps you can take to enhance your business’s visibility among local customers.

Understanding Local SEO

Picture local SEO as your business’s digital tour guide. In the vast realm of the internet, it’s like a GPS that directs potential customers straight to your doorstep. Unlike traditional SEO, which aims for global visibility, local SEO fine-tunes your online presence to make you a neighborhood favorite.

Here is an example: when someone nearby searches for a product or service, search engines like Google want to show them the best local options. Local SEO is the magic that ensures your business is preserved in the vast online landscape but prominently displayed when these local searches happen.

The Benefits of Local SEO

Local SEO, is a strategy of online marketing and brings additive benefits for businesses looking to be easily found by local customers. SEO services designed for local searches help businesses show up prominently in local search results, making it more likely for nearby people to find them. This increased visibility builds trust, as people often trust businesses that show up in local searches. It also improves the overall user experience by giving people the information they’re looking for in their area, leading to more people choosing to buy from or contact the business. In short, local SEO not only boosts a business’s online presence but also helps it connect better with its local community, leading to steady growth.

Improved Visibility in Local Searches

By implementing Local SEO strategies, businesses can ensure that their products or services are visible to potential customers in their immediate vicinity. This heightened visibility in local searches on platforms like Google can be a game-changer for attracting local clients.

Increased Foot Traffic for Brick-and-Mortar Businesses

For local businesses with physical stores, Local SEO is instrumental in driving foot traffic. When potential customers search for relevant products or services nearby, a well-optimized local online presence increases the likelihood of them choosing your business over competitors.

Enhanced Online Presence within the Community

Local SEO not only improves search engine rankings but also establishes a stronger online presence within the local community. This fosters a sense of trust and familiarity among local customers, making them more likely to choose your business when in need of relevant products or services.

Key Strategies for Effective Local SEO

Optimizing Google My Business

Making sure your Google My Business (GMB) profile is complete and accurate is key for successful Local SEO. It’s crucial to stress the importance of giving thorough details on GMB—like business hours, address, phone number, and other relevant info. This boosts your chances of showing up in local search results and on Google Maps.

Local Keyword Research

Identifying and incorporating local keywords into your website content is essential for effective Local SEO. Whether it’s specific neighborhood names, city-related terms, or location-based modifiers, utilizing relevant local keywords enhances your visibility in local searches.

Online Reviews and Reputation Management

Think of online reviews as the new word-of-mouth for businesses. In local SEO, positive reviews attract potential customers and tell search engines that your business is trustworthy. Use these reviews not just to get noticed online but also to build strong relationships with your local customers.

Local Link Building

Building local citations and backlinks from reputable local sources enhances your business’s authority in the eyes of search engines. Partnering with local businesses and organizations can be a valuable strategy to establish a network of relevant and authoritative links.

Ensuring Accurate NAP Data

Consistency is key in Local SEO, especially concerning Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) data. Accurate and consistent NAP data across all online platforms is crucial. Any discrepancies can confuse customers and search engines, potentially affecting local search rankings.

Ensure the following for accurate NAP data

Consistent Information: Ensure that your business’s name, address, and phone number are consistent across all online platforms, including your website, social media profiles, and local directories.

Monitoring Changes: Regularly monitor and update your NAP data to reflect any changes in your business details, such as a move or a change in phone number.

Local Directory Listings: Verify and update your business information on local directory listings to maintain accuracy and consistency.


In conclusion, unlocking the power of geographical targeting through Local SEO is a strategic move for businesses looking to thrive in their local markets. Implementing key strategies and ensuring accurate NAP data positions businesses as local industry leaders. As you embark on your Local SEO journey, consider adopting these practices for a robust local online presence.

Stay ahead in the dynamic world of digital marketing by harnessing the power of local SEO. For more insights and expert advice on elevating your digital marketing strategies,

visit Evan Hoeflich Marketing. LLC.

Ready to boost your online presence? Take a look at our testimonials for a better understanding of how we work or contact us today!

Top SEO Agency In February 2023, According To DesignRush

We are excited to announce that Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC has been recognized as one of the  top SEO agencies for February 2023 by DesignRush, a B2B marketplace connecting brands with agencies. This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as our commitment to delivering high-quality SEO services to our clients.

DesignRush evaluates thousands of agencies based on their expertise, portfolio, and client feedback, among other factors. The platform’s recognition of our agency as one of the top SEO agencies for February 2023 is a great honor and a testament to our expertise in the field.

At Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC, we believe in providing tailored tailored SEO solutions that fit the unique needs of our clients. Our team works closely with each client to develop and execute a customized SEO strategy that helps them achieve their business goals.

Thank you to  DesignRush for this recognition, and to our clients for their continued trust and support. We look forward to continuing to provide top-notch SEO services to businesses of all sizes. If you’re looking for a reliable SEO agency, look no further than Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC. Give us a call today! 203-804-9592


Rated One of the Best SEO Agencies Near Danbury, CT – Two Years Straight!

Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC has been recognized as one of the top SEO agencies near Danbury, Connecticut by Expertise.com for both 2022 and 2023! With years of experience helping businesses improve their online visibility through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC offers customized solutions to help clients reach their goals. Their team of experts stays up-to-date with the latest SEO trends to ensure their clients receive the best results. They work closely with each client to understand their unique needs and develop a strategy that fits their specific goals. If you’re looking for a reliable and effective SEO agency, look no further than Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC. Give us a call today: 203-804-9592


Accredited Agency According to DesignRush

Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC is proud to announce its recognition as an accredited agency by DesignRush. DesignRush is a prestigious platform that showcases the top-rated agencies from all over the world. This recognition is a testament to the high-quality SEO services and commitment to excellence that Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC provides to its clients. With years of experience in digital marketing, the team at Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC is dedicated to helping businesses grow and succeed online. Whether it’s through SEO, content marketing, website design or other digital strategies, they have the expertise and drive to achieve success for their clients. If you’re looking for a reliable and innovative SEO agency, look no further than Evan Hoeflich Marketing LLC. Give us a call today! 203-804-9592



Google’s BERT Update: What’s Changing for My Content?

Google's BERT Update

This is a guest post written by Raunak Pandey.

Since the end of October 2019, the term “BERT” designates a new update from Google. On its blog, the undisputed leader of search engines, Google, described this update as “one of the greatest advances in the history of search”. Currently, one in 10 requests made in English in the United States is affected by this change in algorithm.

Since the BERT update, many crazy stories circulate on the net about its effects. But what is the real effect of BERT on search engine rankings? And what should website managers and operators do to optimize their content?

Here we have collected the most important information on the subject.

What does the BERT update mean?

BERT, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, is the method used by Google for natural language processing. Simply put, BERT is an application of artificial intelligence. It is about teaching computers to understand and properly process information from natural language.

Long live the context

With this technology, Google can now better understand queries. BERT, in particular, allows the search engine to better understand the meaning of certain words by relating them to contextual terms and keywords. This applies, for example, to prepositions in requests. Thanks to BERT, Google now recognizes even better the exact context, even for the most complex queries, instead of just looking at individual words. The results obtained are therefore more targeted.

With this change in algorithm, Google is arming itself, among other things, to deal with the growing number of voice search requests. No question that they are growing. Market research company ComScore predicted that in 2020, at least half of all queries would be voice searches. Voice search differs from text search. Voice searches are often done in natural language, for example in the form of ‘Q’ questions or whole sentences. In addition, voice searches are generally much longer than conventional text searches.

The algorithm change was implemented during the week of October 21, 2019. A timetable for international deployment is still pending. According to Google, the BERT algorithm is already partially used in certain European countries, such as Germany or France.

Which search queries are affected by the BERT update?

BERT concerns above all the long-tail queries, the most complex, that is to say, queries consisting of several keywords. Concretely, it is above all a question of better evaluating the prepositions. Some SEO expert, explains: “Google, how much does a flight from Berlin to Rome cost? The search engine will be able to answer these questions better in the future, because understanding the words “from” and “to” will clearly show that it is precisely the direction of the flight that is at stake. In the past, such an understanding request was not possible.”

What are the consequences of the BERT update on SEO?

Many people wonder what are the consequences of BERT on SEO and how they can take into account the update to improve their website. The impact of the update had already been discussed in advance in various articles.

There has been particularly frequent discussion about how website operators should optimize their pages for long-tail queries, following the introduction of BERT.

Downgrades due to BERT? Unlikely!

Uncertainty about the update became even greater when an editor of the famous New York Times reported ranking losses on Twitter soon after the launch of BERT in the United States.

But according to John Mueller, an analyst at Google and webmaster of Google Trends, it is extremely unlikely that BERT is involved. Instead, Google said it made some basic updates soon after, which could be the reason for the new ranking. The expert recommends focusing on high-quality content rather than the technical aspects – and ignoring BERT in the optimization strategy.

Raunak Pandey, the co-founder of Maiden Stride, says, “BERT has no influence on the best possible strategies that have been recommended for years regarding Google. The update should have a rather weak impact on the visibility indices, but a positive impact on the qualified traffic.”

Some SEO experts said: “This update has nothing to do with indexing and understanding content – it should advance the interpretation of search queries. This is why you cannot immediately implement optimization measures.”

One thing is certain: with BERT, Google can better understand user queries and obtain more relevant results. With the update, the machine connects the user’s intention better than before with the content that is already available on the websites.

According to the unanimous opinion of experts, it is not really possible to optimize for BERT. Instead, the usual optimization methods continue to pay off. They focus on high-quality content. It is particularly important that this content is adapted to the expectations of the user.

Let’s clear up some of the myths circulating about BERT.

How to design good content with BERT in mind?

Danny Sullivan, an American Google employee, wrote on Twitter: “There is nothing to optimize with BERT and nothing to rethink for anyone. Our desire to reward qualitative content remains unchanged. This point is confirmed by other experts: “The emphasis should continue to be on high-quality texts. ”

To prepare for BERT, it suffices to remember the main characteristics of high-quality texts – and to pay attention to them. For example:

  • interesting and unique content
  • comprehensive treatment of the subject
  • the use of simple and unambiguous formulations
  • good structure
  • good formatting
  • of a correct language

Easily understandable information should also be an advantage with regard to BERT. In this context, you should not hesitate to consult the Google FAQ.

Website operators and SEO specialists, therefore, need not fear negative effects from BERT. At least, if they continue to focus on good content that takes into account the expectations of the user. Before planning your content, you should pay attention to the ‘Q’ questions and answer them as best as you can – whether on the website, in the blog or in the FAQ.

Natural language remains complex

The complexity of human language remains a challenge, even for search engines. But with BERT, Google has taken a big step in the right direction, with smart assistants like Alexa or the Apple Home Pod. The user can now rely on research formulated in natural language.

What are your thoughts on BERT?


Raunak Pandey

Author Bio:

Raunak is a Mechanical Engineer by qualification & Marketer by passion. He is the co-founder of Maiden Stride, a leading digital marketing company that provides world-class search engine marketing services and website & application development.



The Effect Artificial Intelligence Has Had On Search

AI and Search Engine Optimization

This is a guest post written by Sydney Tierney.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a trending topic over the last few years. With those waiting anxiously to see how the future is planned out, and others riding the wave of excitement, trying to get their hands on the developing process.

However, there has been a huge amount of speculation on the development of AI and deep learning; and how it is going to affect the behavior of search engines in the future. In the past, the way in which search performed was rather unsophisticated. Yet now, the algorithms have evolved to aid those who use search and work alongside it within a business.

Although, many may not know how much AI in search has changed the way it works, and how it can benefit businesses all over, aiding in their productivity rates.

So, in order to ensure everyone is entirely up to date on this development effort, we will be discussing just how artificial intelligence has affected search…And why the change has created so many benefits for those who use it.

What Is AI and Machine Learning?

To start, artificial intelligence, alongside machine learning, are the aspects that will change the way in which search works.

Machine learning is a process in which humans will give the computer a string of data to analyze giving the result it needs to reach after it. This way, the machine will take time to work out the best possible process to take, to have the most successful outcome to offer the human. And through this, the machine can either work alongside a real-life source (a person) or by itself.

These are the two components that have worked together in order to offer the development of search and has affected it greatly.

What Is AI Search?

So, now is the best time to discuss just how these components have developed AI in search and the extensive future that it may reach. With technology moving so fast, it is only the knowledge of the companies themselves holding the intelligence back from working to its fullest potential.

What Is AI Search?

We all use search tools, almost every day. Google experiences 40,000 searches every second.

From a search, we expect to find results in web pages that offer us the information we need, ready to consume. Yet in some cases, we may find ourselves extending the search to page two or three of the Google platform, which realistically is inefficient. From here, one may decide to change their search or click onto a website that was no help at all, and bounceback to somewhere different.

These kinds of actions are what causes the search issues. While the evidence possessed that suggests the algorithm needs to be changed, in order to make the task easier for those who use it.

So, how has it reached features within the search?

The Traditional Google Search

One of the biggest changes in search is the way in which it has improved when giving its’ results to the users. To focus on Google in particular; the engineers have been working constantly to develop a particular algorithm for search, to offer users the best results it possibly can.

The main issue faced with this process was the scale in which the engineers had to work. For example, there is a suggested 60 trillion web pages that make up the layers of Google search results. These had to be worked into a format that would allow each to be suggested when called for with efficiency and relevance.

Because of the clear extensiveness of this task, machine learning quickly came into play in order to aid the engineers in completing this. The intelligence works to analyze Google search trends to test whether the customer has received a resourceful result. If they hadn’t, then machine learning works to better the search results produced from the keywords placed into the search. And, if the results were positive, they would stay the same.

The continuous testing and adapting to the results provided has allowed machine learning to offer real and relevant resources to the users. Therefore making the Google search process much more satisfactory.

Image Search

Image SearchIn the past, those who use images within their Google webpages would have to build them in a specific way. Then, Google can see them. This process was called optimizing the images. Those who work within SEO would add keyword filtered names and alt text labels, in order to make them visible.

However, with the development of machine learning, Google can now see the images without all of the professional set-ups. With the development of AI in search algorithms, computers are quickly learning how they can analyze a page with images to the point where they are made visible. The features taken into consideration are the shapes, color scheme and even gradient of the image.

Although, within the development of AI in search, this has been one of the hardest tasks for engineers to overcome. It began with a set of training data being given to the machine learning systems. These were asked to analyze and identify where the ‘cats’ in the image were shown. It began by producing wrong answers, with nothing being correct for a long time.

So instead, the machine decided to focus on reduction. Anything that was wrong was stored in memory, abling the machine to know where to go next. This led to the point of it producing the right answer, and confidently being able to show where a cat is in a picture.

By developing this, it has made image search possible again. With Google having a far better understanding of the photos that make up a webpage, allowing them to be searched for with success.

Google Translate

One stereotype labelled against Google translate was its inability to provide the user with correct answers. Those who used it to cheat on homework or tests were quickly found out. This is because the results given were grammatically incorrect, had confusing context, or really just translated something entirely irrelevant.

Because of this, it was imperative that the engineers developed the machine learning to be more refined and produce completely correct answers. This was with the hopes that people would begin using it consistently again.

By utilizing the machine learning; Google translate now has the ability to analyze what is being asked, and can translate it with complete coherence. This way, the context that would be used within that native language; rather than just translating a sentence word for word when it likely won’t make sense.

The natural translation has allowed Google search to be used widely again, with those knowing they will receive correct terminology and appropriate grammar.

Google Paid Search

The next amazing innovation that has been created after the development of machine learning is working with Google Adwords.Google Paid Search

It is being used to analyze a wide amount of data taken from those who use Google search. This is done in order to offer them adverts that match the sort of keywords they are searching. This will then will benefit both the user and the company advertising.

By doing this, there is a clear increase in those who are purchasing items, due to the adverts being tailored to the products they are looking for. This aids in the productivity of a company and helping them grow in popularity.

The power of machine learning in search helps to better analyze the user’s purchase intent. By focusing on the final point a user will hit just before they buy something; the machine can develop the release of adverts at this point. This will work to persuade the user further into buying said product, or those that will be interesting to them. This allows a company to receive many benefits from a simple Google ad, especially now with the further intellect of Google aiding in its popularity.

Voice Search

Voice search has been an element developed that has exploded within machine learning and artificial intelligence within search. From starting on phones offering the ‘Siri’ assistants to any iPhone user. To now developing devices such as; ‘Alexa’ or ‘Google Home’ that aid those within the comfort of their living room; to complete tasks from booking a taxi to finding out a chicken stock recipe.

Voice SearchDespite this, it didn’t all begin with this simplicity. The voice automated search began with a rather disappointing makeup. It didn’t respond to questions with relevant answers, but simple confusion, giving the user only the feeling of frustration.

The issue stemmed from the voice search not being able to configure various accents. This showed the engineers that a change needs to be made. Then it can get to a wider audience using these life-changing devices.

From here, the voice search algorithm had to be constantly updated and trained. This was until the best set up was found in order for it to work most satisfactory for the users, and to better understand voice searches. This was all completed by those at Google speech team. They were able to adjust the machine learning to produce the brilliantly intellectual devices we use every day; to make calls, set appointments and buy products.


The process of artificial intelligence in search is being quickly developed every day. With engineers working countless hours to increase the development of machine learning; there is a sure future to search being benefitted even further; alongside other elements on the online community.

With the AI search results, translate, images and adverts already changing with the development of machine learning; there is no way to now much further this intelligence can go. Focusing changes within Google search was one of the best ideas, due to it being a platform used every day by a variety of people, all looking for something different.

Not only does this make the work for the engineers harder, but it also makes it far more worth it. This is because it is benefitting a large number of people to receive relevant and satisfactory search results. Then, increasing those who use the extension platforms more and more, such as translate, imagery and adverts.

Author Bio:

Sydney Tierney


Sydney Tierney just recently finished her studies and is working her way into the world of content writing as a digital marketing assistant. 



What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence and search?

B2B SEO: How to Generate Quality Leads via Search Engine Optimization

B2B SEO Strategies

This is a guest post written by Raul Harman

B2B marketers often say that the SEO landscape is overly competitive and, as such, not profitable enough for them.

However, this only means that they’re not approaching their SEO strategy properly. Statistics say that 70% of B2B searchers start their buying process with a generic search.

As the number of B2B businesses investing in SEO is growing, some tactics that worked 10 years ago don’t make sense now. For example, if you’re still relying on building spammy links or keyword stuffing, it’s not surprising at all that you’re not satisfied with the results of your campaigns. For any successful B2B, their audiences are central figures. Therefore, you should find an effective way to learn more about your customers, attract them to their site, and turn them into profitable leads.

Here are a few simple steps to take.

Focus on User-Oriented Keyword Research

No matter if you’ve just launched a B2B website or you’re revamping an existing one, keyword research is the pillar of your SEO strategy. When targeting keywords, it’s important to know how the approach to keywords has changed. In the past, you would use Google’s Keyword Planner to find the phrases with the highest search volume and create multiple pieces of content that target similar keywords. Google now understands how keywords are connected. This means that it’s enough to create one thorough piece of content to target similar keywords, like:

  • Email marketing tools
  • Tools for email marketing
  • Email marketing automation

Listen to your Customers

Before you invest in a keyword research tool, start with a brainstorming process. Take some time to sit down and write the phrases that describe your business, products, and services. You could even talk to your customers and collect their feedback. Social media listening, niche forums, and Q&A sites like Reddit and Quora are also invaluable sources of potential keywords.

Use the Basic Google Search

The Big G has numerous fascinating features that will give you insights into your customers’ browsing habits and provide multiple keyword ideas.

You could take advantage of the Autocomplete feature. Type your seed keyword into the search box and Google will offer relevant suggestions. For example, if you enter “email marketing tools,” you will get keywords like “best email marketing tools,” “free email marketing tools,” “email automation software,” etc.

The People Also ask snippet is a treasure trove of user-oriented keywords. It shows real-life questions your customers ask. This is a key to understanding search intent and tailoring your keyword research to your customers’ needs.

Finally, use Searches Related To that is placed at the bottom of the SERPs. For example, if you google “email marketing,” you will get recommendations like “how to do email marketing,” “email marketing software,” “email marketing strategy,” etc.

Analyze Search Intent on Answer The Public

Answer The Public tells you what questions your customers ask. Enter your keyword and click “Get Questions.” In addition to the visual representation of keywords, there is also the “Data” section, where your keywords are classified into three categories – question-based questions, related topics, and long-tail phrases.

Use Keyword Research Tools

Finally, there are many specialized keyword research tools you could use, including Moz, Ahrefs, Majestic, Serpstat, or SEMrush. They will provide you with a deeper insight into your keywords and let you make data-centered keyword decisions.

Focus on Search Intent

If you want to rank higher and generate more qualified leads, you also need to understand the intent behind their searches. For starters, google your seed keyword and try to understand what kind of content relates to it. If you see that there are lots of “how-to guides,” it’s logical that users google this keyword when wanting to learn something and not to make a purchase. On the other hand, if you notice that your keyword is used by a plentitude of product pages, this means that its intent is commercial.

You should use this kind of research to develop a map of your content and decide what kind of keywords may work for your posts. For example, you could use informational keywords when optimizing blog articles, case studies, infographics and commercial keywords with product pages. This is how you will guide the right leads to the right pages, increasing user engagement and conversion rates.

Produce Valuable and Engaging Content

In the B2B industry, high-quality content is immensely important. It gives you a unique opportunity to set yourself apart from your competitors and position yourself as a respected and authoritative online resource.

For starters, create relevant content on your blog. According to the recent guide to content marketing by Four Dots, there are three pillars of successful content – authority, trustworthiness, and expertise. Here is how to achieve them:

  • Optimize for highly competitive keyword phrases. When combined with awesome content, on-page optimization, and internal links, popular keywords will send strong signals to search engines and help you rank higher.
  • Use fresh and relevant data. Support your content with valuable research and statistics to increase its credibility.
  • Interview industry leaders to boost your blog’s value. You could also reach out to them and ask them to promote the interview once it’s live. That’s a great way to boost your reach, gain users’ trust and, above all, generate a bunch of leads.

Finally, you should promote your content widely. There are numerous ways to do so. For starters, you could start by building a strong social media presence. Use social media management tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to curate and share your content automatically. You could also build your online community on social networks. Listen to your customers, track their questions, and share links to your website content as a valuable source of information (of course, if it really makes sense).

Links are also an effective way to give your content greater visibility. Identify credible blogs in your niche, reach out to them, and write quality and fresh content for their site. This is an amazing way to link back to your blog guide or article as an additional information source.

Create Targeted Lead Magnets

Once you start publishing quality content and analyzing it, you will notice that certain topics drive enormous traffic to your site, but don’t result in purchases. This is the type of content that lets you generate more leads. The goal of creating informative content is to encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter list, as well as to build relationships with them and turn them into loyal followers.

For starters, you need to experiment with the types of content. Articles are the traditional content form, but they’re usually not enough to keep users engaged in the long-term. For example, you could start by creating exclusive, downloadable content pieces, such as whitepapers, ebooks, templates, case studies, or checklists. The idea is to entice a reader to share their email addresses with you to download a content piece. Interactive content such as quizzes, calculators or assessments usually perform better in gaining and keeping readers’ attention. In just a few questions you can assess and provide the lead with only highly relevant content and you simultaneously qualify the lead. Free webinars are also a strong lead magnet. Apart from letting you generate more leads, this kind of content will also increase your link earning efforts. Namely, valuable content that stands out earns numerous natural shares, mentions, and backlinks from credible industry players.

ABM, or account-based marketing, is also gaining momentum in the B2B industry. This is a highly personalized form of marketing that flips the traditional customer funnel. Namely, when using ABM, you start with a lengthy list of potential B2B buyers, identify the most relevant prospects, and go after them. This way, you can start nurturing relevant leads by providing them with highly targeted content and gradually leading them towards converting.

Sure, keep in mind that email campaigns are not the only way to generate leads and engage audiences. Some companies have even decided to eliminate all lead forms and make all of their content available. Instead of lead forms, they focus on more user-friendly lead generation options, such as chatbots.

Over to You

Although SEO has become extremely challenging and competitive over the past few years, it is still a powerful way to increase user experiences, boost your B2B site’s exposure, attract traffic, and generate high-quality leads. And, this is where these tips may help.

First, you should learn about your audiences and align your keyword optimization tactics with their search intent.

Then, produce killer content that educates a reader, informs them, and helps them solve specific problems.

Finally, create lead magnets – high-quality, downloadable content that asks customers for email addresses.

The benefits of this approach to B2B SEO is simple – it is highly user-centric and focuses on making your customers happy. The goal is to get to know your audiences and then adapt your SEO efforts to their needs and expectations.

Author Bio:

Raul- Technivorz

My name is Raul and I am editor in chief at Technivorz blog. I have a lot to say about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing. Please take a minute to connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.



How do you generate quality B2B leads?

Improve Your SEO with an Internal Linking Strategy (Best Practices)

Internal Linking Best Practices

Today’s post will go over a simple tactic that you can use to improve the overall SEO and architecture of your website.

Internal linking!Internal Linking Best Practices

Internal linking is something you can get started with as soon as today and should be a main area of focus with each blog post you write moving forward.

Creating a natural internal linking strategy can really help strengthen your website’s SEO and provide a better overall user experience for your visitors.

Although you may not see results right away with this, overtime this can help noticeably improve your search engine rankings and lead to faster indexing of pages by Google.

Let’s discuss internal linking in a bit more detail below.

What Is Internal Linking?

  • Internal links are hyperlinks on a page of a website that point to a different page on the same website/domain.

An example of this would be a link within a particular blog post that points to another helpful/relevant blog post from the same website.

The best way to do this is by using relevant anchor text to encourage users to click-through to another page of your website. See example screenshot below:

Internal Linking for SEO (Best Practices)

Internal Linking Benefits

There are various benefits to adding internal links throughout your content and website.

Some of these include:

  • Improved Bounce Rates – Naturally if done correctly, internal links will help improve your bounce rates as visitors will be navigating to various pages of your website, rather than just bouncing off from the first visit. The key is to not overdue it here but instead to strategically place internal links that will encourage user click-through and will help the reader find more helpful content on your website.
  • Increased Time Spent on Website – Internal linking helps increase the overall time that people spend on your website. If someone clicks on one of your internal links within an article, they are most likely interested in the page/content they’re being directed to, hence they will be spending more time on your website. This is helpful from an SEO perspective as it shows Google that people enjoy your content and are spending a sufficient amount of time on your website.
  • Helps Visitors Navigate Website More Effectively – If you don’t have any internal linking structure, you are doing a disservice to your website visitors. People want to be guided or told where they can find more valuable content. With internal linking, you are helping your visitors navigate your website more easily and efficiently.
  • Can Improve Search Engine Rankings/Page Authority by Spreading Link Juice – Internally linking to other pages on your website can help improve your overall search engine rankings overtime. This strategy is especially beneficial if you consistently go back to older blog posts and identify opportunities where you can add a few internal links. Sometimes these older articles have a higher page authority (due to age and potential links being built to them) and can pass powerful link equity/juice to other blog posts.
  • Helps Google Better Crawl and Index Your Website – Lastly, proper internal linking can allow Google to better crawl your website. This can result in pages being found and indexed faster by the Google crawl bot.

Creating an Internal Linking Strategy for SEO

Now that we’ve discussed exactly what internal linking is and the benefits it provides, let’s dive into how to actually incorporate this into your own website.

1.) Make Internal Links Natural

Most importantly you want to make sure that you only add internal links where they make sense in your content. Internal linking of course is beneficial from an SEO perspective but not if you abuse it. The Google algorithm will easily pick up if you’re overdoing it with your internal linking strategy. Put yourself in the reader’s shoes and try to strategically place internal links where you think they would most benefit them. There is no magic number of internal links, just make sure they are relevantly and naturally placed. Overtime you will get better at identifying areas where you can internally link to other pages/posts on your website. As a result, this should help improve your search engine rankings in the long run.

2.) Use Keyword Rich/Relevant Anchor Text

Using keyword rich and relevant anchor text for your internal links will help both with your SEO and encouraging users to click-through to another page on your website. I would recommend mixing up your anchor text from post to post. Don’t use the same exact anchor text in every single blog post to point to a specific page. Again, make this natural and weave internal links into your content using a diversity of keywords/phrases.
Internal Linking Strategy

3.) Incorporate Internal Linking into any New Blog Content

Make sure with each new blog post you write that you are adding a handful of internal links to other articles you’ve written in the past and that are relevant. Get into the habit of implementing these internal links for all of your content generation efforts moving forward. This will begin creating a strong internal linking architecture for your website and can help Google better crawl and index your content as well. Use appropriate keyword rich anchor text as discussed above with the intent of helping your website visitors navigate to older articles of yours.

4.) Update Old Blog Posts

Older blog posts can have more page authority since they’ve been published longer and potentially have backlinks pointing to them. You should revisit your old articles to see if there is any opportunity to add additional internal links. This can be an excellent way to give a particular page a nice SEO boost and especially if the page you’re linking from has a solid page authority. This is a tactic that I’ve personally seen really good results with. There are ways to check a page’s authority by using tools such as MOZ but it’s not entirely necessary when just starting out. Just make sure you’re finding natural and appropriate spots to internally link from and let some of these older posts work their magic!

5.) Give It Time

Lastly, you need to give your internal linking strategy some time to see the full benefits. This isn’t a tactic that you will see results overnight with, but if you do this consistently and commit for the long-term, it can really have a positive impact on your overall SEO. Again, each post you write moving forward should contain some type of internal linking structure directing visitors to other helpful and informative articles of yours. Overtime, your internal links will be spreading necessary link juice and traffic across your website.


As simple as this strategy is, internal linking can really help strengthen your website organically, while also provide your readers a better experience navigating through your pages/posts. This can ultimately allow you to build a more engaged following overtime and give you a nice boost in the search engines as well!

Do you currently have an internal linking strategy in place?

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