Produce Content, Stick To A Plan & Get Found by Google

Content Is King

If you’ve been in the Internet Marketing game for anytime now, you may have heard the phrase “Content Is King“.

Overall, this statement is very true as long as you have some basic SEO skills to back you up…and more specifically in the link building and tag writing area.Creating Content For Your Blog

The foundation of a successful blog stems from producing high-quality, valuable and engaging content for the world to see.

And producing this content consistently by sticking to a schedule.

As a result, your blog has a very good chance of being found by Google.

Now let’s dig in just a bit deeper to break down these steps.

1.) Produce Quality Content

If you truly love what you’re blogging about, this step should never really feel like a chore.

I always recommend creating your blog around a subject that you will never run out of ideas for, something that gets you excited.

There’s a good chance that if you’re reading this blog that you’re interested in Internet Marketing, Making Money Online or the Home Based Business niche…that’s great!

Many bloggers nowadays write about their hobbies, lifestyle, personal goals, interests etc.

Some common topics include:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Personal Finance
  • Cooking
  • Traveling
  • Personal Development
  • Music
  • Gaming
  • Entrepreneurship

There are about 1,000 other topics as well…find what makes you tick and produce content that you know people would want to absorb.

It’s important that you do not strive for perfection, as this will only prolong the process.

Start generating blog content no matter how it comes out at first and watch yourself improve overtime.

2.) Stick To A Schedule

Now that you’re beginning to create some content, it’s critical that you stick to a consistent schedule.

Google favors the blogs that are updated regularly with unique content.

I generally recommend publishing at least 1 blog article per week (500+ words or so).

This will ensure that there is enough content for Google to crawl and will provide your readers with more diversity when navigating your website.

If you can write more that 1 blog post per week, well that’s fantastic (the more the better).

However, the reason I recommend 1 blog post per week is to avoid writer’s burnout.

This mainly happens when you try to produce too much content at once, killing your motivation and creative flow.

Schedule a time every week to sit down and write a compelling blog post for your website.

Mark it in your calendar and make it happen!

3.) Get Found By Google

Eventually if you do this for long enough with SEO best practices in mind, your blog and blog articles will be picked up by Google.

And do you know what this means?

Natural organic search traffic!

There’s nothing quite like it.

But I do want to make clear that blogging should be a long-term strategy.

Don’t expect floods of traffic to start pouring into your site overnight.

However, once Google discovers your content and if it’s relevant enough to rank for a given keyword, the sky is the limit.

This is why it’s important to focus on both producing content and sticking to plan.

The combination of the two can be powerful when done correctly.

Hopefully this makes sense if you’re looking to get started with creating a blog or maybe are just stuck with your current blog.

Content really is king, but you must have a clear strategy if you want any shot of being found by the search engines.

Have you been consistent with your blogging?

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