Celebrate Small Wins When It Comes To Blogging

Celebrate Small Wins With Blogging

For many of us bloggers, sometimes it can feel like we aren’t making any noticeable progress.

I recently wrote a post on how blogging is not an overnight process and that it can take a long time before any measurable results are seen.

This can make it difficult to stay motivated and stick with it.

However, when I adopted a slight shift in my mindset, it really helped spark new inspiration and kept me moving in the right direction.

I started celebrating small wins in all areas of my blog and this gave me a new appreciation and enthusiasm in the work I was doing.

When I say celebrate small wins, I truly mean small.

This is especially helpful for bloggers who are brand new to the game and feel like they’re not making any headway.

In this post, we will go over a few areas that should not be overlooked and instead celebrated as you grow your blog and your business.

Celebrate Small Wins – Keep Track of Simple Victories

Comments on Your Blog

Having people engaged and commenting on your blog is definitely something worth celebrating about. If you’re just getting started with your website, even receiving that first comment is a huge accomplishment. Since I’m still in the growth stage of my blog, not all of my posts receive comments and that’s okay. I’ve learned to celebrate the new comments that do come in, which frees me from a “scarcity” type mindset. The most successful bloggers we see today started with no following and very little reader engagement. Did that stop them from pushing forward? Of course not. We need to celebrate the positive comments/interaction that we do currently receive which will help spur future growth.

Increases In Traffic

I keep track of my organic traffic stats (and publicly here) on a monthly basis. Not every month do I see my traffic explode through the roof but I do notice the growth when looking at trends over the long-term. To me, this is something to celebrate, no matter how big or small my traffic increases are. The fact that my website is growing in both new and returning visitors deserves to be acknowledged. Traffic metrics for new bloggers can be incredibly minimal when first starting out so it’s important that any increases they see, they give themselves some credit. This positive reinforcement can mean all the difference for someone who is on the fence of continuing or quitting.

New Email Subscribers

Every blogger should be building their email list to stay connected with their readers, promote additional products and point people back to their website. Any new subscriber you add to your email list is a big reason to celebrate as these people are giving you permission to send them updates, tips, tricks etc. This means that they want to hear from you and are interested in the content you are providing. So often, people get caught up in the overall size of their email list instead of celebrating the small incremental growth they see on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Each and every new subscriber you generate is something to be proud of. 

Note: If you’re looking for an email autoresponder, I highly recommend ConvertKit for bloggers and webmasters.

Any Income Generated

Of course, any income made from your blog is worth the celebration. But if you don’t take victory in some of the other areas we discussed above, you likely won’t get to this stage. Producing money from your blog can be an exhilarating feeling and means that people trust you and your website (whether they are customers or advertisers). I think for first time bloggers, the biggest celebration obviously is making that first dollar from their website. Maybe for more advanced bloggers, it’s making their first $1,000, $5,000 or even $10,000 per month. Whatever level you are at currently, celebrate any revenue that your blog generates.

Now it’s important to note that my message with this post is NOT about accepting where you are as a blogger and becoming stagnant.

I’m constantly implementing various strategies to grow my readership, traffic and overall income.

But I DO want you to acknowledge the progress you are making, no matter how small it may seem.

This will indeed keep you moving forward and on a path to even bigger results.

Give yourself a pat on the back every once and while…

This is the perfect time to take a step back and reflect on how far you’ve come.

Celebrate the small wins and enjoy the journey!

Below is the video version of this post:



  • Thank you Evan, it is indeed important to celebrate for success, even for small ones.
    I’ve just started my blog last month on career development / financial advices, still yet to have my first comment but I also celebrate myself for writing consistently, heading to my 5th blog post now. I think this is something worth celebrating too.

    • Hi Keith,

      Thanks for stopping by and it’s absolutely something worth celebrating.

      Blogging is a long-term game, so stick with it and track the small wins.

      Congrats on starting your website, it looks great!


  • Hello Evan,

    This is worth reading. I just started my blog on October 2020. I don’t like vlogging even if it’s more profitable nowadays. I’m fed up of working in media production. Indeed, vlogging is also a tedious task. I only have two blogs as of the moment and hoping that I can make more. Literally, I have few readers but it makes me smile every time I received view notifications from other countries.

    • Hey Rochelle!

      Congrats on starting your blog!

      It is definitely a long-term process but can be extremely rewarding in time.

      If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to reach out.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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